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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Nude alert?
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 120, (reverse)
01/25/2009 08:10:26 AM · #1
When voting on a challenge why don't we get a warning telling us that the next pic is a nude etc?
Not that Im a prude at anything its just that I look at this site while at work.
01/25/2009 08:42:05 AM · #2
I always look at the thumbnails first by clicking the challenge title. Anything inappropriate is still there but is lost in a field of brilliance :)
01/25/2009 08:45:33 AM · #3
Hi Liam, there is no nude alert during voting so if it is a problem for you at work you can a) review the thumbnails before voting to make sure nothing you could get in trouble for will pop up or b) refrain from voting during work and concentrate and forums and portfolio commenting instead.

Once the challenge voting is over, the site does respect user's nudity filter preferences. You can go to My Home/My Preferences to set this to your liking.
01/25/2009 09:20:25 AM · #4
Originally posted by LiamD2005:

When voting on a challenge why don't we get a warning telling us that the next pic is a nude etc?
Not that Im a prude at anything its just that I look at this site while at work.

You've seen one of the big flaws of this site... If we don't want to see nudes, we don't want to see nudes and the site and its owners should respect that. Instead they force it upon you even during voting.

They claim it's to prevent bias, but that's been disproven.

01/25/2009 09:22:08 AM · #5
Yup, it's all a big conspiracy to corrupt you, Hawkeye.
01/25/2009 09:24:49 AM · #6
Originally posted by BeeCee:

Yup, it's all a big conspiracy to corrupt you, Hawkeye.

Nope, it's just a lack of respect for all the site's members who choose to use this setting.

Not sure how you could jump to the irrational conclusion that I felt this was personal.
01/25/2009 09:31:07 AM · #7
History :)
01/25/2009 09:34:30 AM · #8
How would you like to see this done? During voting instead of the photo, would you like to see the grey image with the "hidden due to nudity" message? You could then click to see it or skip to the next one. Surely this shouldn't be difficult to implement and respectful to everyone's preferences.

Has this been requested before?
01/25/2009 09:36:12 AM · #9
Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

Instead they force it upon you even during voting.

I don't think the forum can force you to do anything. I think the idea that it could is absurd. I mean, if you see a glimpse of a breast in a thumbnail, and you don't like looking at breasts (and it is only breasts as far as i can see sadly. Not many penises or vaginas but i guess it is an all ages board so i can understand the rule even if i don't agree with it) you can quickly scrunch up your eyes and click on to the next photo. Your imagination may, i guess, fill in the gaps but i don't think you could, in any way, say that you are being forced to look at breasts.

Message edited by author 2009-01-25 09:38:41.
01/25/2009 09:40:51 AM · #10
Originally posted by gys:

How would you like to see this done? During voting instead of the photo, would you like to see the grey image with the "hidden due to nudity" message? You could then click to see it or skip to the next one. Surely this shouldn't be difficult to implement and respectful to everyone's preferences.

Has this been requested before?

01/25/2009 09:45:43 AM · #11
and who draws the the line ?
Amish view (ankle to throat)?
bit of shoulder is ok but no cleavage... butt but no crack ?
how prudish are you ? and should we accommodate all levels ??

not all nudes are erotic & not all eroticism is naked

01/25/2009 10:03:11 AM · #12
My personal take on this during challenges is that if you do not have the option of viewing the picture you can't vote on it. This in turn can screw up the accuracy of votes. Those nude photo's may receive lower scores because they aren't seen than if they were seen and voted on.
01/25/2009 10:04:13 AM · #13
As this would have to be manually done, and done at rollover (to allow for late submissions), would it not become difficult to manage?
01/25/2009 10:06:46 AM · #14
Originally posted by NathanW:

My personal take on this during challenges is that if you do not have the option of viewing the picture you can't vote on it. This in turn can screw up the accuracy of votes. Those nude photo's may receive lower scores because they aren't seen than if they were seen and voted on.

Or higher, because only those wanting nudes would look and vote. Whichever way, I doubt it would be a fair representation.
01/25/2009 10:08:15 AM · #15

There is always Facebook and their no nipple rule. ;D

Nathan, believe me, anything even remotely nudish will not receive lower votes... even if people had to go through several different clicks to get to them.

01/25/2009 10:24:03 AM · #16
I want an option to get all the nudes first when I vote. When I reach 20% and get no more nudes I will stop voting....
01/25/2009 10:30:36 AM · #17
Originally posted by LiamD2005:

When voting on a challenge why don't we get a warning telling us that the next pic is a nude etc?
Not that Im a prude at anything its just that I look at this site while at work.

Maybe you should just do your work when you are at work! ;-)
01/25/2009 10:36:30 AM · #18
Originally posted by Azrifel:

I want an option to get all the nudes first when I vote. When I reach 20% and get no more nudes I will stop voting....

bwahaha i totally second that! :D

seriously though, maybe it could be done by just marking those photos in a challenge, that have been selected for the nude gallery by the photographer. though that would require for all the folks to accordingly select their photographs for the appropriate gallery BEFORE voting starts...
01/25/2009 10:36:32 AM · #19
Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

Originally posted by LiamD2005:

When voting on a challenge why don't we get a warning telling us that the next pic is a nude etc?
Not that Im a prude at anything its just that I look at this site while at work.

You've seen one of the big flaws of this site... If we don't want to see nudes, we don't want to see nudes and the site and its owners should respect that. Instead they force it upon you even during voting.

They claim it's to prevent bias, but that's been disproven.

I'd be curious how that was disproven. More likely it was just explained away to your satisfaction - but not actually disproven.

I don't want to see woodies or duckies, but I have to see a lot of them on this site. I carry on.
01/25/2009 11:08:07 AM · #20
Originally posted by OmanOtter:

Originally posted by HawkeyeLonewolf:

Originally posted by LiamD2005:

When voting on a challenge why don't we get a warning telling us that the next pic is a nude etc?
Not that Im a prude at anything its just that I look at this site while at work.

You've seen one of the big flaws of this site... If we don't want to see nudes, we don't want to see nudes and the site and its owners should respect that. Instead they force it upon you even during voting.

They claim it's to prevent bias, but that's been disproven.

I'd be curious how that was disproven. More likely it was just explained away to your satisfaction - but not actually disproven.

I don't want to see woodies or duckies, but I have to see a lot of them on this site. I carry on.

What bias are you talking about exactly? The bias that comes to mind for me is people who 1-vote any nude for supposedly 'moral' reasons, openly say they do, and are allowed to continue voting in challenges at all. That is certainly a bias, and one that is working out quite well for a small number of prudes.
01/25/2009 11:44:12 AM · #21
Some people might want to be warned about toilet bowls, as potty humor may not be suitable for work either
by LiamD2005
01/25/2009 11:54:18 AM · #22
You are not force to do anything. If you are worried about nudes, don't vote. Nude photography is the same as any other. People take photos of the homeless not really giving 2 shits that they might not want their photo taken, so should we respect that and leave that as an option as well. I also have a problem with all [thumb]IreneM[/thumb]since her photos are easily spotted as the ones that will automatically ribbon.
01/25/2009 11:57:17 AM · #23
Originally posted by LiamD2005:

When voting on a challenge why don't we get a warning telling us that the next pic is a nude etc?
Not that Im a prude at anything its just that I look at this site while at work.

Liam, I am not going to wade hip deep into arguing this point this time as it always turns out poorly for most of us.

What I will say to you as you were the one asking the question (and, rightfully so) is that I see your point and your predicament in this aspect. I will also take time during breaks or lunch or slow times in my work day to do some voting and commenting as I don't always get time in the evenings to do it. It DOES present a problem to having nudes jump up on the screen!

(I'm not a prude either and often nude shots are art and beautiful. A number of nude shots in here have become really raunchy though and border on porn lately rather than artistic and tasteful. More shock value than anything else in an attempt to get votes??? Who knows and who cares?)

The bottom line here is that going the thumbnail route (as has been suggested in this thread) doesn't work because the moment that you click on that arrow to submit the score/comment, you're onto the next shot automatically. It's unfair to expect you to sit there and count how many thumbnails you can vote on before you get to a nude shot and keep track of that. And, to say that you simply shouldn't vote at work or look at shots while at work and suggesting that you stick to the forums, is absurd and insulting to say the least.

It's likely NOT going to change so, the only thing that I can say is that while voting/commenting at work, be prepared to click those arrows quickly to the next shot! :) I've long since learned in previous topics that most concerns will not be looked at or changed. Guess those of us who have a problem with this will simply have to continue mastering the art of "Fast Clicking". *smile*

Sorry that others have become condescending or rude by considering you a prude. That's totally unfair.

Best of wishes.

01/25/2009 12:08:29 PM · #24
Is anyone really paying attention to what it is that was originally asked? It's not a matter of Liam being a "prude" or not liking nudes or putting them down and saying that they shouldn't be put into a challenge! Heavyj's little rant there was uncalled for as it's not fitting the question at hand and is off on a tangent. Liam wasn't saying they shouldn't be included! He was simply asking if there was a way to prevent nude shots from just popping up.

Why does his simple question have to turn this into an entire debate that ends up calling him a "prude" or pounding on him for having asked the question? He was asking for help and a potential solution so that he could go on voting and commenting when he has time at work. Many of us don't have free evenings or weekends due to family obligations and work breaks and lunches may be our only time. I don't see why this simple question has to be turned into a lynching!
01/25/2009 12:10:25 PM · #25
Originally posted by L2:

if it is a problem for you at work you can

a) review the thumbnails before voting to make sure nothing you could get in trouble for will pop up or

b) refrain from voting during work and concentrate and forums and portfolio commenting instead.

C) Do some work instead.

(OK, I'm as guilty as anyone else of checking in on the site from work, but I felt the need to say it.)

I do understand the issue. I've ocassionally had to quicklu click the next button when a nude pops up. As if anyone on the site has never seen a naked body before, but it's still taboo.

On a related note, someone posted a link one day to a photography site called "cameraporn". The companies server dutifully blocked it because of the name.

Message edited by author 2009-01-25 12:13:44.
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