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DPChallenge Forums >> Business of Photography >> Experience with DispatchPhoto.com ??
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04/06/2009 12:01:18 AM · #1
Anyone have experience with these guys?
04/06/2009 09:48:25 AM · #2
So you pay them to do work for them that they profit from?
04/06/2009 09:51:09 AM · #3
I joined the dispatchphoto group last April and have had three photo engagements through the dispatchphoto network.
They are definitely diversified, which I do enjoy. My first was a photoshoot for an Ear Specialist. It was done in his office with his staff.
My second job was completion photography for signage and awnings at a Chuck E Cheese. These pictures had to be done at night and were for a sign company in Texas.
My third job was at a Chinese Restaurant for the Asian Restaurant News publication out of California. They needed pictures of the restaurant, inside and out, the personnel, and several food photography pictures.
In addition to these three, I had three opportunities earlier this year but since I was away during that period, my backup in Rhode Island covered for me. I currently cover central and eastern Massachusetts.
I will also say the administrator, Tim Purpura, is a great guy to work with and very professional.
I guess the decision is yours to decide if your area would have the types of opportunities the network typically supports. Any questions, let me know.
04/06/2009 09:55:49 AM · #4
Actually that's not true. There is a $48 annual fee. All of my engagements were arranged through me directly by the client and I received full payment for my work from the client. I do not collect my fees from the administrator of dispatchphoto.
Originally posted by ajdelaware:

So you pay them to do work for them that they profit from?

Message edited by author 2009-04-06 09:56:35.
04/06/2009 10:29:05 AM · #5
Interesting concept, but the cost / price is low and you're giving up copyright.
From their site
Upon completion of the shoot, the digital photos are quickly made available to you by email or via a Website for viewing on your computer. Our hourly rates are economical, usually $50/hour or less with a two hour minimum and there are no copyright restrictions on the photos.

Been reading their site There are members who have made hundreds of dollars as a result of their membership in the Network. And then state 'it's not necessarily the result you'll get'. Hundreds of dollars? Thousands would interest me.

And then they dole out geographic areas- which I kind of thought was illegal. There's a photog about an hour from me but that's too close so apparently I can't join the network at all?

So no competition and the best you make is a couple of hundred dollars, huh? Craigslist sounds better IMO.

Message edited by author 2009-04-06 10:33:44.
04/06/2009 12:23:57 PM · #6
Dispatch Photo ?? I'll admit I was very hesitant at first when I heard about these guys, but, Im always one to just kind of leap at opportunities. I just kind of grew up in that atmosphere of nothing ventured, nothing gained. So, I joined them.. and yeah..there is a 48 dollar membership fee ( I guess I belong to starbucks too cause I pay them a LOT more per year and never get money back from starbucks... ) But... Ive had a few really nice and easy gigs thru dispatch... most recently... an incredibly easy assignment to shoot pictures of businesses, get their elevations, and email them to the company. Took a handful of hours and nearly paid rent... which living in LA, is saying a lot.

Im not sure what sort of opportunities you look for, but, I've gotten work thru dispatch that I know for a fact I wouldnt have got on my own because I get calls from people on the east coast looking for pictures of LA landmarks and properties. Sure beats taking headshots of picky actors. They are legit, it's inexpensive to join and one job more than pays for the membership.

just my opinion...

04/06/2009 12:37:24 PM · #7
its a interesting idea/website, but some what strange that the two people who give pros on the site seem to have no activity except posting on this topic, and one was made today... conspiracy!?!?!?! me thinks there double agents!
04/06/2009 01:30:01 PM · #8
I joined NADPN [aka: //www.DispatchPhoto.com ] shortly after it was started by Tim Purpura, in Dallas. I've found Tim to be very honest & ethical in his dealings with me and all the independent photographers in network. My 1st photo shoot from DispatchPhoto was for Google of the San Antonio Convention Center, all exterior images for the Google Earth project. It took most of a day to complete! Most of my NADPN customers are far from Central Texas, where I do my photo work, and they want simple use of the photo [files] requested. I view most results as "jointly owned"; where they have the right to use photos for their intended purposes and I do also. Most photos requested are practical shots intended to help their business function. [None of these yet has been for a photo dealer/reseller business!] I believe the NADPN network serves a very important business need for affordable, professional photography. This network is very convenient for large & small companies to get specific photos taken quickly, in a given city, without spending airfare, hotel, meals, and time, for 2 to 4 hr photo assignment! Each independent photographer in the DispatchPhoto network sets his own rates for this type of business. Yet, he/she may have very different rates for other photo work they do! Currently about 130 member/photographers are in the network thruout North America. For me, I find it a compliment to my People Photo business, at //www.AustinDispatchPhoto.com I would recommend the DispatchPhoto network to any photographer, that has an interest in joining and expanding their business opportunity! ...I hope my opinion helps you! ---Mitch512
04/06/2009 01:33:39 PM · #9
Originally posted by bradshaw:

conspiracy!?!?!?! me thinks there double agents!

Conspiracy theory coming from one whose camera is actually disguised as a lighter? LMAO!!!!

Edited to add: up to 3 new/first commenters now... ok, so you may have something there....

Message edited by author 2009-04-06 13:39:39.
04/06/2009 01:40:28 PM · #10
this thread is clearly being spammed very very hard. only a matter of time before it's locked.
04/06/2009 02:13:49 PM · #11
the concept may very well be legit, that's not my issue. Limiting membership to non-competing photogs in a largish metro area and then saying on the promo part of the site that it pas $35-50/hour and 'you can make a few hundred dollars' strikes me as odd.

First, $50/hour is way cheap for a pro photog, especially if travel is involved, yet some posters hear claim to have paid their rent off one job. Hmm.
Business must be slow for this (new concept perhaps, that's fine) so will you even get a gig for your $48?

Lots of business 'deals' out there to take money from people that never pay back much if anything ('medical billing at home!" "stuff envelopes for big money!"). Premise makes sense but the idea rarely makes money.

If this was a great idea i'd expect to have heard of it before and see more glowing recomendations and talk of 'thousands a year'- if one gig can pay hundreds then it only takes 2 or 3 to make 'thousands' - but then they're not overhyping it so perhaps that's a good thing.
04/06/2009 02:19:16 PM · #12
They list the photogs for each area, and the page I saw had phone numbers. why not just call one directly and ask about it?
04/06/2009 02:42:36 PM · #13
Well if the photography you call is like any I/T person as I know in my career field they will be rude and wouldnt give you the right information anyways. It seems like it would be an ok deal for starting photographers trying be known to the area of interest. Get the name out there kinda deal, but as it was said earlier might as well make contacts on your own instead of paying and waiting for thier schedule.
04/06/2009 02:44:22 PM · #14
Hey guys, I joined this forum today and as a matter of fact, I'm one of the Dispatch Photo members. If you want to call me up and ask anything at all I'm free. I just would like to throw my 2 cents in. There's no "conspiracy" here or spam, it's a matter of people responding to bad info in the post and assumptions about what the network is and does. My 48 bucks a year does not necessarily "get" me any jobs at all, that's my job. I post my own Craigslist ad as little or as often as I motivated to. I also use many other avenues to market my business. I'm autonomous. What it does is make me a part of a national network of photographers under the Dispatch Photo "brand" if you will. It's a simple concept. Tim is the administrator, he setup the idea and he collects 48 dollars for 1 year's dues. I get a specific area to cover without competing under the branding with someone else. I compete however with 1000's of other people in Chicago. What I charge is up to me. The network collects nothing, zero, nada, zip. BUT if I get just 1 referral in my area from the network then my dues have been more than paid for. I recently completed 2 gigs for a cellular carrier that got my name from the network. Tim also maintains the main website, does direct marketing for the network, keeps track of all the members, posts the links to their own websites on the member page, organizes and maintains a list of technical advisors, sends and replies to all email for the network, etc, etc. Sounds like he's the one working for cheap. He also runs his own photography and computer consulting business. It's actually about collaboration and mutual business models that people want to be a part of. The concept is rapid response photography. I could care less about the copyright for a condo I'm doing a virtual tour shoot for. Again, it's up to me alone how I run my business but Tim does reserve the right to terminate members for cause. Hope this helps everyone understand it better. Feel free to contact me. My direct # is on the Chicago Metro link.
04/06/2009 03:34:08 PM · #15
Wow this thread is attracting more first time posters than I've seen in a long time- at least since the death of the Ken Rockwell thread, or the last Photo Lauretes thread.
04/06/2009 03:38:06 PM · #16

pay me $48 and i'll put you on my list as available to find your own job...

once i come with a logo and have it cast in iron - it'll be 'branded' into your right ass cheek :)

Message edited by author 2009-04-06 15:38:41.
04/06/2009 04:13:03 PM · #17
Originally posted by soup:


pay me $48 and i'll put you on my list as available to find your own job...

once i come with a logo and have it cast in iron - it'll be 'branded' into your right ass cheek :)

Quick question.
So if I pay you 4 dollars a month would you be willing to design and host a website (at your expense)that gets 20-30 thousand unique visitors a year, promotes my business and contact details, links to my own website, provides national direct email marketing, solicits 100's of other photographers nationwide who can provide referrals to me in my city for local gigs and maybe 10 other various services? What? Not interested in providing that kind of service? I wouldn't think so. Like I said it's a SIMPLE concept.

Message edited by author 2009-04-06 16:24:13.
04/06/2009 04:19:25 PM · #18
Originally posted by chiphotoguy:

Originally posted by soup:


pay me $48 and i'll put you on my list as available to find your own job...

once i come with a logo and have it cast in iron - it'll be 'branded' into your right ass cheek :)

Quick question.
So if I pay you 4 dollars a month would you be willing to design and host a website (at your expense)that gets 20-30 thousand unique visitors a year, promotes my business and contact details, links to my own website, provides national direct email marketing, solicits 100's of other photographers who can provide referrals to me in my city for local gigs and maybe 10 other various services? What? Not interested in providing that kind of service? I wouldn't think so. Like I said it's a SIMPLE concept.

Don't be surprised at the skepticism exhibited. Someone started a thread wondering if anyone *they "knew"* on a website they are familiar with knew about a third party. Fairly common procedure.

Then, we get several, almost instantaneous, "testimonials" from people who have never posted here before.

(Just trying to give you a perspective on *why* some may react the way they do.)

That said, welcome to dpc and we invite you, and look forward to, future participation from your ranks.
04/06/2009 04:33:45 PM · #19
The thread started with the question of anyone have "experience" with these guys. Since I am one of those guys and have direct personal experience I posted. The other posts that have no experience at all are filled with misinformation so it's important to me to set the record straight. My name is out there on the Dispatch Photo homepage and I don't want to be painted as some sort of scammer. If I overheard someone calling a trusted friend a cheat and a liar and I knew otherwise I would come to his defense and I would expect he'd do the same for me. People are way too quick to express and opinion without facts. My dad once said: "A man with experience is not at the mercy of a man with an argument". Thanks for the reply and the welcome.
04/06/2009 05:10:54 PM · #20
Perhaps you do know the organization, but we don't know you. It may come as a surprise to you but there are lots of scammers and spammers on the internet these days, and we've seen many instances of folks signing up here just to sell their widget or widget polishing service.

I once posted here about a photography company and the owner immediately joined to 'defend' their name/position. I kind of understand why, but really, is this all you got to do is sit around responding to post anywhere on the internet about you? Sounds paranoid for one thing, is probably useless anyway, and your time could better be spent marketing yourself.
04/06/2009 05:30:20 PM · #21
told you guys it was a conspiracy (you should always listen to the guy with the lighter-camera when it comes to these things)
04/06/2009 05:30:38 PM · #22
Originally posted by Prof_Fate:

Perhaps you do know the organization, but we don't know you. It may come as a surprise to you but there are lots of scammers and spammers on the internet these days, and we've seen many instances of folks signing up here just to sell their widget or widget polishing service.

I once posted here about a photography company and the owner immediately joined to 'defend' their name/position. I kind of understand why, but really, is this all you got to do is sit around responding to post anywhere on the internet about you? Sounds paranoid for one thing, is probably useless anyway, and your time could better be spent marketing yourself.

I can spare a few minutes of my busy day to correct and inform you about my business. No problem, believe it or not I know how to multi-task while sitting at my computer.. I'm not too worried about it actually but I'm not going to ignore bad information that is easily corrected. It's a forum after all, open to discussion and again, the question was asked so I answered it. Seems to be an odd sentiment coming from someone like yourself that teaches other photographers about business. I've been around the world wide interweb (to quote Murray from Flight of the Conchords) since the commodore 64 days and 14K dialup access so it does not come as a surprise that, yes there people out there that just might not have your best interests at heart. And finally this forum has shown me that there may be people out there that misconstrue the whole Dispatch Photo concept and view it with suspicion. Thanks for pointing that out. Cheers

Message edited by author 2009-04-06 17:31:44.
04/06/2009 06:01:18 PM · #23
no, i would decline the offer of $4/month based on the amount of work you have outlined. so would anyone else who is in their right mind. hence the skepticism...

have you ever heard of the 'yellow pages' ?

Originally posted by chiphotoguy:

Quick question.
So if I pay you 4 dollars a month would you be willing to design and host a website (at your expense)that gets 20-30 thousand unique visitors a year, promotes my business and contact details, links to my own website, provides national direct email marketing, solicits 100's of other photographers nationwide who can provide referrals to me in my city for local gigs and maybe 10 other various services? What? Not interested in providing that kind of service? I wouldn't think so. Like I said it's a SIMPLE concept.

Message edited by author 2009-04-06 18:02:20.
04/06/2009 06:21:59 PM · #24
however - if you were to re-word the offer to something like this. i might take it....

how about we put a website together - we'll get photographers to pay $4/month and merely list their company names and contact information based on a searchablbe database. we'll advertise it as a means to brand themselves - while we merely create a brand out of nothing. to entice those potential customers we'll use spam mail directed toward companies that might be interested in a cheap source for rights managed stock photography.

we'll brand ourselves as an outlet and inlet at the same time. AND we'll pretend we are helping to brand the photographers. little do they know - they still have to brand themselves...

we'll make a ton of money and let the photographers and the stock photo searchers fend for themselves.
04/06/2009 06:47:49 PM · #25
I've spent less to get more - there are many free listings available for wedding photographers and even more sites that will charge $2/lead or so but there are no costs till a lead shows up.

So say I spend $48 for 24 leads. Back when I had time and the need to chase these down I'd get a wedding for every 10-15 leads. Each lead got 5 to 10 responses from photographers. Each booking was worth perhaps $1500.

So $48 = $3000 vs your dispatch that claims 'hundreds of dollars a year' - and that's with no competition whereas to get my $3000 I needed to compete.

Out of how many millions of photographers in the US there are what, 130 members? Why so few? The idea/concept seems great to be honest with you, so that makes me wonder even more why it's not bursting at the seams with photographers.
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