Author | Thread |
01/27/2004 08:19:39 PM · #1 |
I know there are some young people here - who seem to be prodigies, I must say - but I have a 16 year old daughter with a hand me down digital camera (Sony F717) who wants to become a photographer and would not be comfortable here and frankly with the sort of comments I have seen here and there, I'd have my own concerns.
So, two questions:
(1) Does anyone know of a place she can go that is similar to DPC but geared to young people?
(2) Has the topic of having a young people's section/department on DPC ever come up before? There are some wonderful people here who seem to fall naturally into mentor mode - and I, myself, love to work with young people.
Curious -
01/27/2004 08:26:20 PM · #2 |
There are (Ihave noticed anyways) quite a handful of young people here on the site surpisingly, including myself, being at the ripe ol' age of 18. |
01/27/2004 08:35:20 PM · #3 |
I think 16 is old enough to be on this website for sure. The comments people put on here are all honest, we are all mature, and we say honestly what we think of the photos. I'm 17 and i love this place, visit it everyday..and i know for a fact that this website has taught me more, and i like let her on this |
01/27/2004 08:38:20 PM · #4 |
Im fourteen. I think that even 2 years ago, I would do fine here. I dont make any rude comments, nor have I recieved any.
01/27/2004 08:39:53 PM · #5 |
Konador is one of the site's best young photogs. I think this site is completly fine for someone like him or your daughter. Most users here are quite civil. Don't be put off by a few bad apples.
EDIT for typos
Message edited by author 2004-01-27 20:40:35.
01/27/2004 08:55:39 PM · #6 |
01/27/2004 09:03:31 PM · #7 |
Hey Catherine,
there are some sfae gurads you could use if you end up not finding anything. DPC, in preferences, you can turn off the comments, so you can check 'em out before hand.
I think a youth section would be great! Or even if there were more ceck boxes that were geared to make the site more youth friendly!
01/27/2004 09:05:31 PM · #8 |
01/27/2004 09:31:19 PM · #9 |
I'm 18, and I thought I was young, but I konw that we have a 9 year old here, and she's pretty good for her age.
Message edited by author 2004-01-27 21:31:40. |
01/27/2004 10:22:56 PM · #10 |
My step daughter 13, enjoys viewing the photos here too, and could use the extra hobby too! I cant believe there are so many youngens here and take far better pictures then me! Keep it up yall! A youth section or even separate forum would be neat. But I do beleive they are only learning from the best teachers here! I know I am!
01/27/2004 10:30:22 PM · #11 |
I don't think she is to young. Have her try it and see what she says. I think mom or dad might take the critisism a lot harder then her. I did! ;-)
01/27/2004 10:35:13 PM · #12 |
My daughter is 11 and she loves this site. Even the negative comments on her shots, she reads them and decides if they are fact or just mean. She does pretty well with that aspect. She knows that with the good comes the bad.
I would also like to see a youth section where but if you have to compete against anyone under 18 she will still have some very stiff competition!
01/27/2004 10:38:56 PM · #13 |
Originally posted by Neuferland: My daughter is 11 and she loves this site. Even the negative comments on her shots, she reads them and decides if they are fact or just mean. She does pretty well with that aspect. She knows that with the good comes the bad.
I would also like to see a youth section where but if you have to compete against anyone under 18 she will still have some very stiff competition!
Deannda |
Very true, there are some AMAZING younger photographers |
01/27/2004 10:44:42 PM · #14 |
Wasn't it just recently that a whole family swept the ribbons in the motivational challenge. I think this is a great way for a family to do something together that they all enjoy. I find the folks here great. I really feel comfortable posting here and have never had any negative reactions to forum of comments made...especially those I think unfit for the young ones. |
01/28/2004 12:22:15 AM · #15 |
Youth, maybe, how abut a sectio fo rank beginners?
01/28/2004 12:40:48 AM · #16 |
I myself started here when I was 16. As long as the comments are taken in stride, it all goes well. I do believe the courteous far out number the rude. Plus, I don't think there is a site quite like DPC. |
01/28/2004 12:44:56 AM · #17 |
Originally posted by Shelley: Wasn't it just recently that a whole family swept the ribbons in the motivational challenge. I think this is a great way for a family to do something together that they all enjoy. I find the folks here great. I really feel comfortable posting here and have never had any negative reactions to forum of comments made...especially those I think unfit for the young ones. |
Yes, the Pascal family with 12 yr old Jasper with the 2nd place ribbon.
01/28/2004 01:00:19 AM · #18 |
I think this website is a "family place". There's nothing he/she could see here that he/she hasn't heard in school by the age of 8 anyway. BBring em on board! |
01/28/2004 01:03:04 AM · #19 |
I don't think a youth section is necessary at all, as long as the individual is mature enough to handle the kind of stuff that happens in everyday life. I'm pretty sure your daughter has been exposed to worse at school! Not to mention I would have to assume that youth are considered in the DPC equation considering Konador is 16 and a member of site council. Even the content rules of the site ensure that everything is kept appropriate. To tell you the truth, if their were a youth section, I would ignore it, and continue competing on the regular DPC.
It's all about the photography anyways, isn't it?
Message edited by author 2004-01-28 01:05:09.
01/28/2004 02:47:04 AM · #20 |
I started participating on this website shortly after my 15th birthday, and I think it's been great. Of course you get the occasional comment which isn't very nice, but they're pretty uncommon really. Whenever I get one that's bad I just treat it as any other, trying to rephrase it in a way which is more helpful to me. If you do get a comment that is actually a personal attack, contact one of the site council and we'll remove it.
If you're still wary, I think I'm safe in saying that there is no other site like DPC. You could try // which do PoTD each day and the best go into the monthy judging for real prizes, but that's a pay-only site and you don't get anywhere near as many comments. Your photos arent even made public unless you win.
01/28/2004 06:09:50 AM · #21 |
I do not see the point of age. Are you afraid she could see nude photos? Violence? I am sure on TV she can see worse things: try counting the number of homicides in a single cinema movie. |
01/28/2004 07:59:54 AM · #22 |
I understand what Catherine was getting at....I am a teacher and I am starting a photography club after school. The youngest memeber will be in fifth grade. Some parents might be offended or upset if I told their kids about DPChallenge. I do wish there was a "safe" place for young children. I understand they probably see more objectional material on TV but teachers can not recommended or seem to sanction sites that are not 100% wholesome.
Message edited by author 2004-01-28 08:00:29. |
01/28/2004 08:14:24 AM · #23 |
Just to register my feelings - I'm a homeschooling mom of two little girls - and frankly feel that this site is just about as "kid safe" as any forums you're gonna find on the net. I do keep the "nude" filter turned on in my preferences - although it doesn't always work - but generally they're tastefully done here, and if my kiddos see them, we'll discuss it just as we do bikinis at the beach - I don't allow my girls to wear them, nor do I, but they're a part of life and not everyone has the same convictions we do. I can't shelter them forever, nor do I want to - that could lead to troubles down the road that I'd rather deal with now, beforehand, than wait and deal with the aftermath if they're not prepared.
01/28/2004 08:54:57 AM · #24 |
Thanks you for all of your thoughtful replies. It's not nudity at all - I have nudes all over my house, nor is it any other "real life" aspects she might encounter - she knows people swear, fart and call each other names. :)
It's more about self confidence, about the difference between constructive criticism and invective. I tried to teach my children to walk away from that, to not even be near it, to not condone it with acceptance and to not encourage it with reply. I do not believe that because everyone does a thing, or because a thing is "the way it is" that it needs to be perpetuated - that leads to indifference, I suppose I feel. Oh yeah, I am one of those odd people who believes _everything_ can be changed and the way we treat each other would top my list if someone made me Queen of the World. But since I am unlikely to be made Queen anytime soon (heh) I'll settle for teaching it to my children, or trying at any rate.
There's much to think about here - there are trolls everywhere, I know, and others who aren't very "nice" - and she's going to run into them, but if she's trying to do something artistic and creative, something what requires a rather steep learning curve, I want to make sure that she is not unnecessarily discouraged. For instance, would anyone send their sensitive child to a piano teacher that smacked her fingers with a ruler when she mis-keyed and say "some teachers are just like that, kid, that's the real world". I know I sound ridiculous, but I don't think the real solution to a kinder, gentler world (so to speak) is toughening the skin of the children.
Much food for thought is in these replies and I thank you all for making them. Such a balance between protection and over-protection. And it might well be like SHE said herself when I talked to her about it, "Mom, I know better than to pay attention to people like that" - but who here _wants_ their kid to feel the sting of someone saying to them "That is a piece crap" on something they've worked hard on and are possibly very insecure about? No one, I'd warrant. While you can't protect them from everything, you can certainly avoid throwing them INTO things.
Maybe Mama Bear is just overly protective. Yes, that's likely it.
I _really_ enjoyed reading the responses - thanks for taking the time.
01/28/2004 09:04:09 AM · #25 |
Maybe some people on this site would be willing to critque her photos anyway? I would not have a problem with that, and whilst I'm not good at photography (Yet - I hope) and sometimes leave less pleasent comments I could easily refrain... Its just if I see something I really don't like, but I try to never be nasty either :) |
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