Author | Thread |
02/12/2004 04:32:01 PM · #1 |
I decided not to reply in the post I am talking about..
(The one about the driving tragedy..) because just to write that there are disturbing images on it is not enough to save the public from it.
It is not enough because apart from the horrorific evidence in the photos, there is a more subtle (possible more horrorific subject) lying just behind it..
Why to post something like that?
Why to shoot it in that order?
What's the relevance of comparing the state before (pretty girl) to the state after?
Would have changed something if it was an ugly girl? Could/Shoul ugly girls burn just because they are ugly?
I think that to post something like that is very shameful and I suppose that it was posted just to localize who thinks that is very shameful.
Well.. you did find me. Now what? Wanna dance in the hell? |
02/12/2004 04:40:48 PM · #2 |
Ummm... maybe you should have stuck with the original post... I can't imagine I'm the only one who read your note and can't for the life of me figure out what on earth you're talking about...! |
02/12/2004 04:42:31 PM · #3 |
too bad that you cannot Alan.
just too bad. |
02/12/2004 04:45:05 PM · #4 |
glimpses: The purpose for posting it is absolutely obvious. Everyone who replied in that thread completely understood why it was posted. Stories like that are real, and to ignore them is to ignore the underlying problem of drunk driving. Never was any inference made regarding the "pretty girl" at all. She is a human being. What happened to her was devastating, and it could happen to any of us or any of our loved ones. Look at bamaster's post for what it is, and look at his message as he intended it. Don't make it into something it isn't.
Thank you bamaster for your reminder.
02/12/2004 04:48:49 PM · #5 |
Now that I have located the other thread... I gotta agree that this is one POWERFUL message. I'll be hugging my daughter as soon as I get home... |
02/12/2004 04:48:50 PM · #6 |
I have no problem with posts like that. Good food for thought. Sorry you don't see it that way. You don't like it, you don't pay attention to it. I do the same with some posters.
02/12/2004 05:02:06 PM · #7 |
I want to try to explain my reaction.
Yes, that post is powerful.
It is in fact a powerful insult to the human condition.
We, as humans, can use the human condition for possibly any scope.
Is just that, out there, there still is somebody who knows what the human condition is and, even knowing it, still respects it.
That post is pure evil and it is certainly worrying that, apparently, not many could see it.
02/12/2004 05:12:37 PM · #8 |
Originally posted by glimpses:
It is in fact a powerful insult to the human condition.
We, as humans, can use the human condition for possibly any scope.
Is just that, out there, there still is somebody who knows what the human condition is and, even knowing it, still respects it.
Umm...nachos? |
02/12/2004 05:14:06 PM · #9 |
Originally posted by glimpses: I want to try to explain my reaction.
Yes, that post is powerful.
It is in fact a powerful insult to the human condition.
We, as humans, can use the human condition for possibly any scope.
Is just that, out there, there still is somebody who knows what the human condition is and, even knowing it, still respects it.
That post is pure evil and it is certainly worrying that, apparently, not many could see it. |
I disagree!
She freely lent her story to a DWI campaign. This is not a case of someone exploiting her condition. This is something that she has chosen to do and wants to raise awairness against DWI.
This is a very powerful campaign and I am sure it prevents many of those who see it to drive while under influence.
Here is a quote from a website dedicated to her.
"Severely disfigured in a drunken driving crash four years ago, Jacqui is courageously lending her story and her face to a statewide anti-DWI campaign in Texas in hopes that her experience will deter people from drinking and driving. She is featured in television public service announcements, an educational video and print materials produced by the Texas Department of Transportation and the Austin Police Department."
Read more about it here:
02/12/2004 05:17:40 PM · #10 |
I'm so busted. I was sure no one would catch on that what I was reeeealy saying is that ugly people should burn.
02/12/2004 05:18:02 PM · #11 |
Something is definitely wrong, glimpses, when you decry the publication of the result of an evil act, but say nothing of the real human condition - we all fall short of perfection, and this poor woman will never get to live a life such as we know, due to the social evil of irresponsible action of driving while impaired.
The victim and the driver and their families will live lives of regret for failing to prevent the tragedy. That is true whether it's posted here or not.
You think that posting it is evil, I think it makes me uncomfortable. But it will provoke many dialogues in families around the globe, and it may prevent another idiotic accident like this from occurring - just one prevented anywhere around the world - isn't that worth our discomfort??
02/12/2004 05:18:44 PM · #12 |
Originally posted by mk: Originally posted by glimpses:
It is in fact a powerful insult to the human condition.
We, as humans, can use the human condition for possibly any scope.
Is just that, out there, there still is somebody who knows what the human condition is and, even knowing it, still respects it.
Umm...nachos? |
That comment shows the point quite clearly.
I hope, for you, that you do not make a choice to do not recognize what I am talking about because you cannot run away from your conscience.
Can you?
02/12/2004 05:20:58 PM · #13 |
The only reason I make the choice to not recognize what you are talking about is because I have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe a clearer explanation? |
02/12/2004 05:23:14 PM · #14 |
Originally posted by glimpses:
That comment shows the point quite clearly.
I hope, for you, that you do not make a choice to do not recognize what I am talking about because you cannot run away from your conscience.
Can you? |
The problem here is that we do not have a clue what you are talking about. Explain it in a way we can understand, and sure use 2-4 letter words if it helps, but so far the only thing that has come out of your post is that trying to save lives is evil and ugly girls should burn.
02/12/2004 05:24:35 PM · #15 |
I'm sorry but I find this thread more disturbing than the original. But as it is a very emotional issue, I guess everyone has the right to express how they feel about it in any way they choose.
To those that aren't aware of what he speaks about, see the drunk driving thread.
Message edited by author 2004-02-12 17:25:20. |
02/12/2004 05:27:38 PM · #16 |
Originally posted by wkmen: Something is definitely wrong, glimpses, when you decry the publication of the result of an evil act, but say nothing of the real human condition - we all fall short of perfection, and this poor woman will never get to live a life such as we know, due to the social evil of irresponsible action of driving while impaired.
The victim and the driver and their families will live lives of regret for failing to prevent the tragedy. That is true whether it's posted here or not.
You think that posting it is evil, I think it makes me uncomfortable. But it will provoke many dialogues in families around the globe, and it may prevent another idiotic accident like this from occurring - just one prevented anywhere around the world - isn't that worth our discomfort?? |
Let's talk about human condition then.
Is it more important to prevent those accidents happening or is it more important to let people know the truth?
"She survived". (I use quotes because I do not believe in a single point of this story but, maybe, the accident).
Her survival is shown as a curse and that is against life and also, paradoxically, against the good use of her life that she would be doing following your theory.
How do you want to avoid these accidents happening.. by scaring people?
The truth cannot be told but only discovered by each individual and any campaign which displays her own version of the truth is evil as much as it is powerful. |
02/12/2004 05:29:58 PM · #17 |
What I think glimpses is saying is that we are to be outraged about drunk driving, but more than that, we are to be outraged that we would see the surface appearance of this young lady publicized like that. Would we have reacted the same if it had been a very heavy, ugly girl that that happened to? At least, I think that is what he means.
Having said that, I wish more drunk drivers and potential drunk drivers could see this. I have often said that if a family member of mine is ever killed by a drunk, I want the courts to require him/her to attend the funeral, and sit on the front row.
There are fates worse than death, ya know.
Sorry, glimpses, you posted while I was composing.
One question -- You say you do not believe the story. Why?
Message edited by author 2004-02-12 17:32:52. |
02/12/2004 05:30:38 PM · #18 |
It is a true story. The accident happened about 5 miles from where I'm sitting. The fact that you've choosen to assume its some evil manufactured plot doesn't change the truth that this happened to that woman, because of someone who was driving drunk.
She is now trying to help avoid such accidents in the future by trying to educate people on what the effects of drinking and driving can be. How is that so evil in your mind ?
02/12/2004 05:31:30 PM · #19 |
What about the thread is evil? Please be specific bc your point isnt getting acroos, AT ALL.
What did you see in that thread the everyone has appreciated except for you (thus far, maybe). I think everyone here is really understanding & willing to at least hear all points of view. But you are dissing everyone on what their reaction to your esotoric post & that's not right.
I would like to understand what you have to say & why you disliked the other thread so much. Please explain!
02/12/2004 05:35:26 PM · #20 |
Originally posted by glimpses: How do you want to avoid these accidents happening.. by scaring people? |
Unfortunately, sometimes, that's what it takes... Sad to say, but for most folks they don't "See" things like this happening to them or by them. I'd say it's just not human nature to look at life this way, with such harsh realities although they exsist. Sometimes it takes something like this to snap them to attention and to see and feel.... I say this based on my own experiences and know that that is what it took for me. |
02/12/2004 05:39:02 PM · #21 |
Originally posted by Rooster: I would like to understand what you have to say & why you disliked the other thread so much. Please explain! |
Who really cares of her, as human being, at the end of the day?
I just felt that to use an individual who suffered so horribly to start up a campaign based on fear ("you could become a monster") is more likely to be the result of some nasty marketing mind instead of being the natural disposition of the victim to expose their pain.
I may well be wrong and, if I am, there is plenty of space and will for excuse.
But, if I am right, how evil this campaign would be? |
02/12/2004 05:41:12 PM · #22 |
I think I'm confused, but I am not sure.
Her survival is shown as a result of someone else's avoidable actions. If you are saying thay her life has the same value as it did before, then I think you are unqualified to say that unless it happened to you. The story is more about cause and effect and the impact your choices can have on others.
Your failure to see the benefit opportunities in this story says more about your human condition than that of the general populace. It's a sad day for humanity when one sees evil in another's misfortunes.
Or is this just a way to draw attention to yourself, in which case I think is eveil.
02/12/2004 05:44:40 PM · #23 |
Originally posted by glimpses: Originally posted by Rooster: I would like to understand what you have to say & why you disliked the other thread so much. Please explain! |
Who really cares of her, as human being, at the end of the day?
I just felt that to use an individual who suffered so horribly to start up a campaign based on fear ("you could become a monster") is more likely to be the result of some nasty marketing mind instead of being the natural disposition of the victim to expose their pain.
I may well be wrong and, if I am, there is plenty of space and will for excuse.
But, if I am right, how evil this campaign would be? |
Okay. That's a little clearer but totally wrong. How did you assume this? No one is trying to sell anything or market something. It's about drinking & driving the consequences of it. The HUMAN consequences. The girl, Jacqui, gave her permission bc she WANTS to tell her story. It's a POWERFUL one & NEEDS to be told. It may not be pretty or nice but it is something that EVERYONE should see.
I get what you are trying to say I just don;t get how you came up with that. At least in N. America, lots of peoples lives are impacted by drunk driving and too many people doe bc of it. I don't think anyone is trying to exploit or use Jacqui for anything other than to get a very strong message across- drunk driving should not be tolerated bc it affects people lives DRAMATICALLY.
02/12/2004 05:46:45 PM · #24 |
Originally posted by glimpses: Originally posted by Rooster: I would like to understand what you have to say & why you disliked the other thread so much. Please explain! |
Who really cares of her, as human being, at the end of the day?
I just felt that to use an individual who suffered so horribly to start up a campaign based on fear ("you could become a monster") is more likely to be the result of some nasty marketing mind instead of being the natural disposition of the victim to expose their pain.
I may well be wrong and, if I am, there is plenty of space and will for excuse.
But, if I am right, how evil this campaign would be? |
Again... I do not belive that she is being "used". She wants to do this campaign herself.
I´m afraid that you are missing the point of this campaign... it is not about "you could be a monster.." This is pointed at those who drink while driving... it is about what you can do to another human being if you are stupid enough to DWI. The aim is to deter people from DWI by showing them them an example of what can happen.
Finally, your comment on who really cares for her at the end of the day, well, I care, her parents care, her family cares, many of those who see this campaign care.
P.s. I saw on her page // that you can make a donation to help with her medical bills. I was very moved by this story so I donated a little bit and I encourage others to do so.
Message edited by author 2004-02-12 17:52:15. |
02/12/2004 05:47:34 PM · #25 |
Originally posted by glimpses: I just felt that to use an individual who suffered so horribly to start up a campaign based on fear ("you could become a monster") is more likely to be the result of some nasty marketing mind instead of being the natural disposition of the victim to expose their pain. |
I'd say the campaign is less about "I may become a monster" and more about how you (someone) could cause this much pain and tragedy on another person, needlessly. To make people think twice about getting in a car after drinking, thinking they're just fine and life is dandy, and have them be the cause of such a terrible terrible situation. In this case, I think it's effective and admire her for her spirit. She doesn't have to do this. She doesn't have to have her face appear in hundreds of thousands of peoples email each day. She could easily hide away for the rest of her life and no one would know the difference, but she didn't and it was her choice from what I can tell anyways. Just my opinion though. |
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