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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> Should Marijuana Be Legalized?
Showing posts 26 - 50 of 114, (reverse)
02/19/2004 12:00:24 AM · #26
Hemp has many great uses and it's a wonder that a whole industry hasn't (ahem) sprouted up around it...probably one of the reasons why they want it illegal. The haves want to maintain their haves. Probably for the same reason that solar and other environmentally sound technologies are still struggling.
02/19/2004 12:09:31 AM · #27
Originally posted by karmat:

... "God made it, it's natural, why not smoke it?" My answer -- "Those same characteristics apply to poison ivy as well."

I always wondered about the properties of poison ivy. I can't count the times I've wandered merrily through patches of them - without any ill effects.

And if the high is as good as the rash ascribed to it, hell, I'm off to the woods.
02/19/2004 12:10:28 AM · #28
olyuzi, very true.
the use of help for fabric, paper, oil, plastic, and many other uses would create a whole new industry that would finacially damage other industries that allready have monopoly on those products. not to mention hemp is very easy to grow and can be harvested every year without having to let the soil sit to replenish. its a weed for god sakes...

but if you were to legalize it and then tax it could you imagine the money the goverment could make?

bush says he wants to create more jobs in america? just think of all the farms and farmers (not to mention other, next in line processers) would thrive from it? other poor countries in the world would also have a whole new cash crop to support them. if 10 million americans smoke it every day, that is quite a demand. and if it was legal many millions more would smoke it. countries like africa could make billions of dollars a year selling marijuana to the united states.

could you imagine how much less violent crime would happen if marijuana was made legal and alchohol illegal? how many less car crashes? how many less abused wives and kids? the list goes on and on...
02/19/2004 12:16:51 AM · #29
I don't think it should be legal. It's just one more destructive chemical that people would need to deal with. We already have booze and cigarettes, and that's enough destruction for people to deal with. So now lets give kids pot also. Great idea.

Pot is far more destructive to your lungs and brain then cigarettes are, although people probably would not smoke as much as they do cigs. Would it be illegal to drive and smoke pot? Is it legal for my doctor to perform surgery on me while high?

You'd kill the drug dealers profit but you'd make Phillip Morris richer selling pot to your kids, and sends the wrong message to kids by legalizing it.

Medical use is OK if there's a real reason for it.

02/19/2004 12:18:18 AM · #30
Hi all, new to the site, but I'm up late reading your posts, thought I'd make my little contribution....

As far as people not being prone to violence while under the influence, for the most part, from my experience your right, but the not always... last time I got high, was the night 3 guys, friends of mine left my house, within the hour I received a phone call...one had shot another in the head, when they asked him "why" his response was..."to see what it was like to kill someone"...irrational thought due to marijuana ended not only the guy he shot, but the rest of his spent caged behind bars.

to me, one is as bad as the other, pot and alcohol...neither one should be legal, in my opinion. But hey thats just me ; )
02/19/2004 12:27:03 AM · #31
I'm not sure about legalization either...it does have bad effects, although not sure that pot could be attributed to adrenalindream's friends murder. But I think that decriminalization might be a good thing.
02/19/2004 12:27:09 AM · #32
Originally posted by adrenalindream:

Hi all, new to the site, but I'm up late reading your posts, thought I'd make my little contribution....

As far as people not being prone to violence while under the influence, for the most part, from my experience your right, but the not always... last time I got high, was the night 3 guys, friends of mine left my house, within the hour I received a phone call...one had shot another in the head, when they asked him "why" his response was..."to see what it was like to kill someone"...irrational thought due to marijuana ended not only the guy he shot, but the rest of his spent caged behind bars.

to me, one is as bad as the other, pot and alcohol...neither one should be legal, in my opinion. But hey thats just me ; )

that is quite the extreme case example there, and obviously isnt the norm.
last time i got high i got the munchies and ate some icecream. last time i got drunk i cussed out a large group of people durring a parade and was almost arested.
02/19/2004 12:38:26 AM · #33
Extreme, yea I guess it is, but it happens. I don't know about where you live, but just a thought....Most of the drug related deaths here, someone was under the influence of some drug, if your gonna legalize pot, whats next, crack?. My only point is, one is as bad as the other....liquid and smokable courage, gotta love it...lol
02/19/2004 12:41:44 AM · #34
i can't count the number of times friends of mine have started smoking weed and within a few months they start smoking more and more and eventually become completely retarded...this is not a harmless drug. i've done it myself and quite enjoyed it but the long term mind numbing effects that i have witnessed many times was enough to say it shouldn't be legalized. of course people who want to smoke will but i don't want to see the effects that i've seen on a national scale
02/19/2004 12:43:49 AM · #35
Originally posted by Olyuzi:

I'm not sure about legalization either...it does have bad effects, although not sure that pot could be attributed to adrenalindream's friends murder. But I think that decriminalization might be a good thing.

Actually they had been friends their entire lives, someone was showing off a gun, he turned and pointed at his friends head, laffed, and pulled the trigger. Never had been in trouble in his life, was even a Govenors Scholar. Who knows...
02/19/2004 12:50:33 AM · #36
Originally posted by achiral:

...friends of mine have started smoking weed and within a few months they start smoking more and more and eventually become completely retarded...

Absolutely true... After high school, a couple friends of mine where so screwed up from smoking pot they actually WERE retarded from it. Their speech and mental ability was absolutely effected from it. So kids will always try pot in school, but most will realize that when they go on in life, pot is illegal and no longer fits in with their plans for the future, and will stop using it for the most part.

But if it were legal, a larger number of kids would not be so inclined to stop, and would continue using it just like they do with cigarettes and booze.

Message edited by author 2004-02-19 00:51:58.
02/19/2004 12:51:44 AM · #37
Originally posted by Olyuzi:

I'm not sure about legalization either...it does have bad effects, although not sure that pot could be attributed to adrenalindream's friends murder. But I think that decriminalization might be a good thing.

lets be realistic here shall we. marijuana being illegal does not stop people from smoking it. thats the whole point here. when i was much younger i had a friend who bought it from his boss. his boss even deducted it from his paycheck before taxes...
decriminlization is the main answer. going to jail for the stuff is simply rediculous and spending billions of dollars a year trying to stop people from using it, even more.

Message edited by author 2004-02-19 00:53:47.
02/19/2004 12:53:12 AM · #38
Truly a tragedy...how sad.

Maybe this thread should be discussing gun control and how guns are portrayed in the media instead.

Originally posted by adrenalindream:

Originally posted by Olyuzi:

I'm not sure about legalization either...it does have bad effects, although not sure that pot could be attributed to adrenalindream's friends murder. But I think that decriminalization might be a good thing.

Actually they had been friends their entire lives, someone was showing off a gun, he turned and pointed at his friends head, laffed, and pulled the trigger. Never had been in trouble in his life, was even a Govenors Scholar. Who knows...
02/19/2004 12:53:25 AM · #39
Originally posted by MadMordegon:

lets be realistic here shall we. marijuana being illegal does not stop people from smoking it. thats the whole point here. when i was much younger i had a friend who bought it from his boss. his boss even deducted it from his paycheck before taxes...
decriminlization is the main answer. going to jail for the stuff is simply rediculous and spending billions of dollars a year trying to stop people from using it, even more.

nah that's not true it's definitely the main reason more people don't. but to hell with laws, right?

Message edited by author 2004-02-19 00:54:18.
02/19/2004 12:55:54 AM · #40
Originally posted by MadMordegon:

lets be realistic here shall we. marijuana being illegal keeps nobody from smoking it.

Yeah that's pretty obvious. The fact is, with it being illegal, kids in school are MUCH LESS LIKELY to continue to use it later in life because it IS illegal and most people don't do illegal things when they "grow up". A few will but the majority won't.

So the fact that it is illegal cuts down on the use which is good for society.
02/19/2004 12:56:46 AM · #41
accually archihal, i think it being illegal is a large reason alot of kids try it. it was for me, a young punk.
02/19/2004 12:59:49 AM · #42
Originally posted by clairebear:

of course it has adverse affects, all drugs have at least some kind of adverse affects.

the question is, is it worse than other LEGAL drugs, especially alchohol? and is it worth filling our prisons w/ peacefull people who did nothing more than smoke a plant that grows naturally on this planet?

then there is the whole subject of how usefull the plant itself is, which is VERY. if hemp was legal we would NEVER have to cut down another tree for paper, just to name one great advantage.

yeah well hemp is NOT marijuanna. Hemp is legal to grow in canada, and they do make paper, clothes and all such things of it.. and yes it is a good substance,... but it is not marijuana. However the canadian hemp market is having a tough time now cause the states issued a law about a year ago saying NO hemp products were allowed in the country... because they DO contain ohh i forgoet 1/1,000,000th of the amount of THC as marij. but THC none the less.
02/19/2004 01:02:04 AM · #43
Legalization involves licensure and govt agencies and businesses becoming regulators and sellers and promoters...something that I would not be for.

Originally posted by MadMordegon:

Originally posted by Olyuzi:

I'm not sure about legalization either...it does have bad effects, although not sure that pot could be attributed to adrenalindream's friends murder. But I think that decriminalization might be a good thing.

lets be realistic here shall we. marijuana being illegal does not stop people from smoking it. thats the whole point here. when i was much younger i had a friend who bought it from his boss. his boss even deducted it from his paycheck before taxes...
decriminlization is the main answer. going to jail for the stuff is simply rediculous and spending billions of dollars a year trying to stop people from using it, even more.
02/19/2004 01:05:35 AM · #44
just to be clear what i said before about hemp / marij.

you cannot smoke hemp.
you can use hemp to make paper, lotion, shampoo, material..
marij. you can smoke.
02/19/2004 01:06:37 AM · #45
well you could, but it prolly wouldnt make ya feel good.. ;)
02/19/2004 01:09:52 AM · #46
allright, here i am again...
here is a quick site to say the little facts in difference.hemp / marij.

and to clear up what i said before.
the states imports finished products, but cannot import or grow the raw product of hemp. hemp has <1% THC Marij. has %10-20
that was a problem for canada (that the states quit importing raw product) because now we don't have as much of a raw product market for it.
02/19/2004 01:10:40 AM · #47
Originally posted by MadMordegon:

accually archihal, i think it being illegal is a large reason alot of kids try it. it was for me, a young punk.

that's true for a minority of people, i agree....most people avoid it simply because it's illegal, period
02/19/2004 01:14:40 AM · #48
ok this is the last thing i will write for a while. just another tidbit

Canadian parliament arbitrarily decided that a 0.03% THC level was the limit for industrial hemp. In contrast, cannabis flowers for smoking will have THC levels between 9-30%
In tested Alberta hemp crops, THC levels were as low as 0.00009% . It would take more than four football fields full of hemp to produce enough THC to get one person high!!

02/19/2004 01:17:39 AM · #49
ya hemp is the key. once hemp is legal that will be the 1st step twards decriminlizing marijuana.
02/19/2004 01:37:19 AM · #50
Well folks, it's past 1:30am here on the east coast of US and I have to get my beauty sleep, lest warts grow on my face and hair out of my nostrils and top of my ears. Thanks for the good conversation and I'll be on here tomorrow to see what more I missed...
Think I'll just check the score for my Elements entry just one more time and see if it went up.
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