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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> FINE ARTS Challenge also to be juried...
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03/01/2010 12:33:21 AM · #1
After much anticipation, the "Fine Arts" challenge has become a reality. It's the member's challenge for this week, and as discussed in the earlier thread, we'll be running a jury on the side.

The DPC ribbons, of course, will go (as always) to the favorites of the voters, but with pawdrix's encouragement we have put together a jury to judge these images, similarly to what we did with the best of 2009 challenge.

The big difference here is that the jurors will be doing their work during the week of voting, so it's an anonymous result; not after the voting, like we did on the best-of challenge. One reason we can do that is simply because this should be a much smaller challenge, so we can reasonably look at, and rate, ALL the entries; in the best-of challenge, we limited the judging to those who opted in.

Anyway, your art-oriented jury for this challenge is comprised of zeuszen, posthumous, Ursula, RKT, and Bear_Music. Speaking for myself, this is the last challenge I expect to be jurying for a while; I was in on the first one, I'm in on the second one, and that's about enough of me, I daresay, to last us all for a while :-)

Anyhow, think of it as a glorified Posthumous-type award, and start getting your entries in so you can be in the running for this prestigious honor... jejejeĆ¢„Ā¢


Original thread: //www.dpchallenge.com/forum.php?action=read&FORUM_THREAD_ID=968040&page=1

Message edited by author 2010-03-01 00:35:25.
03/01/2010 12:37:07 AM · #2
Way cool! Thanks, guys! That's a lot of work - very much appreciated that you're willing to put in the time and effort!
03/01/2010 12:47:42 AM · #3
Originally posted by Bear_Music:

zeuszen, posthumous, Ursula, RKT, and Bear_Music

I have some dirt to blackmail 3 of you with - so will the other two take cash?
03/01/2010 10:20:52 AM · #4
This looks like fun!
03/01/2010 10:25:38 AM · #5
wow, cool panel of judges there. i may have to see if i can come up with something on this. . . .
03/01/2010 11:16:27 AM · #6
wow, thanks guys! one thing makes me wonder though... does it mean that the members of the distinguished jury are NOT going to participate? That would be a big loss for all of us... or they are not going to judge their own work? that would be a better solution, but also not so great... I don't know if there is any perfect solution here except for an outside juror(s)...
03/01/2010 11:38:01 AM · #7
Originally posted by LevT:

wow, thanks guys! one thing makes me wonder though... does it mean that the members of the distinguished jury are NOT going to participate? That would be a big loss for all of us... or they are not going to judge their own work? that would be a better solution, but also not so great... I don't know if there is any perfect solution here except for an outside juror(s)...

We've discussed that amongst ourselves. The consensus is that we may enter the challenge and let the members rank us, as always, but we will self-identify to each other during the voting phase, and will not vote on each others' images nor nominate from amongst ourselves for the juried awards.

03/01/2010 11:53:15 AM · #8
I agree with Lev. I want to see entries from our judges, similar to the last juried challenge.

Should be a fun couple of weeks!
03/01/2010 01:07:08 PM · #9
I'm glad to hear our wonderful judges will be participating. I was wondering who was going to dominate if they didn't play! ;)

Seriously though, thanks for doing this.
03/01/2010 01:23:46 PM · #10
Okay! Now I'm really, really looking forward to this challenge.

great idea all around.
03/01/2010 01:46:24 PM · #11
Great idea. Sorry if I was more negative than intended the last go-round with the juried stuff.

So, is everyone who enters the challenge entered in the juried show automatically, or do you have to sign up? Oops, never mind, I see you already explained in the OP.
03/01/2010 02:40:14 PM · #12
Sweeeeeeeet! I'm looking forward to being on the other side of the jury for this one. Thanks to the jurors ... as bear knows, its a lot of work ... getting it done during voting is going to make it that much more difficult, but a great payoff for the entrants and the site.
03/02/2010 03:08:12 PM · #13
an amazing group of judges... a wonderful opportunity for members.

03/02/2010 05:14:32 PM · #14
What a great idea!

I'm SO VERY glad I'm not a judge. :D

Thanks for volunteering!
03/02/2010 08:23:23 PM · #15
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

Originally posted by Bear_Music:

zeuszen, posthumous, Ursula, RKT, and Bear_Music

I have some dirt to blackmail 3 of you with - so will the other two take cash?

I prefer chocolate... oh wait... damn...
03/02/2010 11:09:41 PM · #16
Bravo... an extremely well respected jury for this challenge.
03/02/2010 11:11:40 PM · #17
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

Originally posted by Bear_Music:

zeuszen, posthumous, Ursula, RKT, and Bear_Music

I have some dirt to blackmail 3 of you with - so will the other two take cash?

Doesn't really matter does it? 3 is a majority, as long as your blackmail is of sufficiently high PS/PP quality.. :)

Message edited by author 2010-03-02 23:11:55.
03/02/2010 11:36:01 PM · #18
I'm looking forward to this one.
03/03/2010 06:37:53 AM · #19
Will the judges only be rating each image, or will they picking ribbon winners? I know this is a lot of work but I'd like to see their ratings and whom they believe deserves ribbons and why. That is, at least comment on your ribbon choices. I think I can learn a lot from this challenge, even without entering.
03/03/2010 07:37:52 AM · #20
Originally posted by Olyuzi:

Will the judges only be rating each image, or will they picking ribbon winners? I know this is a lot of work but I'd like to see their ratings and whom they believe deserves ribbons and why. That is, at least comment on your ribbon choices. I think I can learn a lot from this challenge, even without entering.

We will post representative comments on at least our ribbon winners, and probably most if not all of the short-listed nominees. Still working that out, we have time constraints on this one that didn't exist for the FS jury.

03/03/2010 07:44:06 AM · #21
Originally posted by Bear_Music:

Anyway, your art-oriented jury for this challenge is comprised of zeuszen, posthumous, Ursula, RKT, and Bear_Music.

Three out of the five like my work, the other two meh... : ) I might have a chance.
03/05/2010 11:56:30 PM · #22
I am so ready to impress with my waterdrop/lady bug shot! resize, sat +50, border, BAM!
03/06/2010 12:15:15 AM · #23
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

I am so ready to impress with my waterdrop/lady bug shot! resize, sat +50, border, BAM!

Crap. Now I gotta go re-shoot or they'll think I'm you.
03/06/2010 12:23:17 AM · #24
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

I am so ready to impress with my waterdrop/lady bug shot! resize, sat +50, border, BAM!

There's stepping out of the comfort zone. How moody and introspective can you make a ladybug water drop shot?

Message edited by author 2010-03-06 00:23:45.
03/06/2010 02:59:17 AM · #25
Originally posted by Yo_Spiff:

Originally posted by DrAchoo:

I am so ready to impress with my waterdrop/lady bug shot! resize, sat +50, border, BAM!

There's stepping out of the comfort zone. How moody and introspective can you make a ladybug water drop shot?

Sounds like a challenge! :)
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