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09/29/2010 11:53:11 AM · #1 |
So I'm doing a wedding on Saturday. My first in 12 years and my second total.
I have a myriad of lists: the shots that I need to get, etc.
Here's my question: What am I forgetting that's not in the normal lists?
I'm talking about things like:
clean all glass the night before
turn off the focus beep!!
All of the checklists that I'm found are the typical things and only one of them mentioned turning off the camera beep. I love my focus beep -- I'm so used to it, I never would have thought to turn it off. But it would have been so obnoxious to have it beeping during the wedding. But now I'm paranoid about the little things of which I haven't thought.
So, what types of things have you forgotten or almost forgotten that caused problems? What wonderful insights can you give?
Thanks, all!
Message edited by author 2010-09-29 11:53:57.
09/29/2010 11:57:14 AM · #2 |
Stretch. We're not as young as we were twelve years ago. |
09/29/2010 12:01:32 PM · #3 |
Actually, this one will be more fun. I did the last one just a couple of weeks after giving birth to my son. It was my sister's wedding.
Message edited by author 2010-09-29 12:02:18.
09/29/2010 12:10:18 PM · #4 |
I'm not a pro, but I shot my friend's wedding and these were things I did the night before/day of:
-ensured my camera was working
-ensured my CF cards were cleared down and empty, plus working
-ensured my lenses were dust free and filters were clean
-removed the tripod ring from my 70-200
-charged all my batteries (camera + AA)
-set my camera to RAW (I normally have it off, and this was my backup in case I messed up the WB). Paid off big in this shot:
-checked the date/time on my camera
-set the camera to focus point to the centre + AF One-shot (I have this nasty habit of leaving the camera in AI Servo from when I'm shooting my dogs. Usually takes me 1-2 shots to realize my focus is messed up when I'm focusing and recomposing).
-packed my bag and double checked it in the morning that I had all my gear
-checked again the camera was working before leaving (I would probably check a backup, if I was renting one).
I think that's about all I did. I'm sure there is more to do :) |
09/29/2010 12:46:15 PM · #5 |
"Zeroing out" your camera is a big one and one I am terrible at. What I mean by this is to
- set your aperture f/8
- shutter speed to something to match your lens (i.e. 1 / focal length)
- ISO to it base level (or whatever your "walk around" ISO happens to be)
- Set white balance to auto
- Make sure you don't have auto bracketing on (I had that during one shoot and I couldn't figure out why every third shot was so over exposed).
- Set the shooting rate to the desired one (I generally work on single shot mode but again, I have had cases where I had it on low and an option set to fire 10 frames. Really lovely when its 10 shots when you only want ONE).
- autofocus set to AF-S (single shot) (maybe continuous....that one is debatable)
Basically set your camera to what your default, walking around settings are. |
09/29/2010 01:10:12 PM · #6 |
Don't forget to eat...and to pack liquids...and light snacks.
Take care of the most important part of the equation.... you. Your camera won't function if you can't.
Message edited by author 2010-09-29 13:12:03.
09/29/2010 01:46:23 PM · #7 |
Comfortable underwear. Wear comfy undies. |
09/29/2010 01:49:24 PM · #8 |
And maybe don't cut corners and combine the last two...I'm just sayin'.... :) |
09/29/2010 01:53:31 PM · #9 |
-- charge the batteries
-- empty the memory cards
... don't ask ... embarrassing stories there.
09/29/2010 01:55:01 PM · #10 |
Originally posted by karmat: Comfortable underwear. Wear comfy undies. |
Don't forget comfy shoes...
09/29/2010 01:57:58 PM · #11 |
You'll do great. Don't stress over it, because you are a good photographer, and your photos will be fine.
I found my monopod to be very useful at the last wedding that I shot as backup photog. It allows easy movement, shots at lower shutter speeds in low light, and it helped prevent shoulder/arm fatigue by holding up the weight of the camera and lens.
One other thing to mention; Try to not get distracted by birds outside, and begin shooing out the windows while the ceremony is in progress. : )
09/29/2010 03:45:31 PM · #12 |
Originally posted by karmat: Comfortable underwear. Wear comfy undies. |
good point!
09/29/2010 03:46:56 PM · #13 |
Originally posted by fotomann_forever: Originally posted by karmat: Comfortable underwear. Wear comfy undies. |
Don't forget comfy shoes... |
I goofed on that one. My dress shoes are dead. I have to buy new shoes tomorrow. Drat! 2 days to break in shoes. Blech.
I'm actually thinking of just getting a pair of ballet slippers, they might be comfy and I could step quietly.
09/29/2010 03:51:23 PM · #14 |
Originally posted by MelonMusketeer: You'll do great. Don't stress over it, because you are a good photographer, and your photos will be fine.
I found my monopod to be very useful at the last wedding that I shot as backup photog. It allows easy movement, shots at lower shutter speeds in low light, and it helped prevent shoulder/arm fatigue by holding up the weight of the camera and lens.
One other thing to mention; Try to not get distracted by birds outside, and begin shooing out the windows while the ceremony is in progress. : ) |
I'm trying not to stress, and it's getting exciting now that we are getting close. I just figure it's like packing for a trip. There are usually one or two things that I forget to pack -- like when you use your toothbrush in the morning and then forget to pack it after wards. That's why I figured I'd ask everyone their "this is what I forgot, and I can't believe I was that stupid" stories. Or their "It never would have occurred to me, but you really don't want to wear new shoes when shooting a wedding!" stories.
oh drat!! I didn't think of the bird aspect! It's outdoors at a state park.
This could be trouble...
09/29/2010 04:08:15 PM · #15 |
Don't miss the kiss! This sounds simple but, depending on the type of ceremony, this can come up quick and might catch a photographer off guard. I only know because I got caught off card during a very long Catholic ceremony that seemed to put things in a slightly different order than usual.
Don't let somebody else muscle you out of position. Everybody has digital camera these days and they will be popping up all over the place. If you try to be too nice to the guests you could be the one missing the important shot.
If you are shooting any kind of planned or posed shot, may everybody else put away their little cameras away. Nothing is worse than catching the perfect pose and light but then finding that the bride or groom were looking off camera at somebody else trying to get their attention. |
09/29/2010 04:42:21 PM · #16 |
Nice interview with Jasmine Star
Long video but worth a look anyways. |
09/29/2010 05:17:46 PM · #17 |
Originally posted by Nusbaum: Don't miss the kiss! This sounds simple but, depending on the type of ceremony, this can come up quick and might catch a photographer off guard. I only know because I got caught off card during a very long Catholic ceremony that seemed to put things in a slightly different order than usual.
Don't let somebody else muscle you out of position. Everybody has digital camera these days and they will be popping up all over the place. If you try to be too nice to the guests you could be the one missing the important shot.
If you are shooting any kind of planned or posed shot, may everybody else put away their little cameras away. Nothing is worse than catching the perfect pose and light but then finding that the bride or groom were looking off camera at somebody else trying to get their attention. |
oooh! All good pieces of information! Thanks!
10/30/2010 11:23:17 AM · #18 |
don't forget some comfortable shoes...
10/30/2010 11:27:54 AM · #19 |
Originally posted by karmat: Comfortable underwear. Wear comfy undies. |
Thats funny! Why would would you have any that weren't? Oh, I see, sorry karmat, didn't notice it was you. |
11/01/2010 05:15:08 PM · #20 |
I would bring my cameras instruction manual in case something starts acting weird and you are too stressed to understand what is happening. Also, bring your chargers and a good tripod.
Mom |
11/01/2010 05:18:02 PM · #21 |
11/01/2010 08:44:28 PM · #22 |
Originally posted by momsince1980: I would bring my cameras instruction manual in case something starts acting weird and you are too stressed to understand what is happening. Also, bring your chargers and a good tripod.
Mom |
A wedding is not the place to be referring to your camera manual. If you don't know how to operate our gear, you shouldn't take a gig as a wedding photographer.
11/01/2010 08:49:36 PM · #23 |
I was in tears an 1.5 hours before the ceremony. Lighting was my biggest fear, and when I got there, (outdoor wedding, remember?) the bride's half of the platform was in complete and total dark shade and the groom's side was in full sun. No matter what I figured, I could see how to light that. If I flash, the bride will be fine and the groom will be over exposed. And if I didn't flash... I was thinking I might have to bracket every single shot!
Luckily the sun moved enough to make it not great, but at least better!
Here's the photos, if anyone wants to give any feedback!
Thanks for all your input!!
11/01/2010 09:11:29 PM · #24 |
Messaged you with a response but I must say you did a pretty good job. Well done! :) |
11/03/2010 10:50:23 AM · #25 |
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