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05/17/2011 03:05:04 PM · #326
Is anyone else having a weird month at Shutterstock? The first eight days I had zero downloads, then in the next eight days I had fourteen fifteen!

I'm pretty sure it was partly triggered by news reports of a Sumatran Corpse Flower blooming in two public places on opposite sides of the world, but that accounts for only a few of the downloads.

Message edited by author 2011-05-18 12:57:51.
05/17/2011 05:36:51 PM · #327
Originally posted by GeneralE:

Is anyone else having a weird month at Shutterstock? The first eight days I had zero downloads, then in the next eight days I had fourteen!

I am getting more downloads this month then the previous month and first "On Demand Download" for the year.
05/25/2011 05:13:53 PM · #328
Hi all...I'm new to the microstock scene and was hoping you all could answer a question for me. I recently submitted 25 photos to Fotolia and all were rejected. Aside from the few that were rejected because of "abundant category", they were rejected due to technical problems. I'm wondering if it was because of the resolution...There guidelines state that photos must not be less than 2400 x 1600 but I read somewhere on their site that they larger the better. So when I submitted, I didn't resize them at all and submitted the photos at 4000 x 3000.

Any thoughts? Do you all resize before submitting?

I'd also like to know if you all Photoshop your photos before submitting. Most of the photos on Fotolia appear to have had a lot of editing done.

I look forward to your comments...Thanks!

05/25/2011 05:47:53 PM · #329
If they are technically good, I wouldn't resize them. If sharpness is a problem, sizing down MIGHT improve them.

Some editing is usually necessary. It's difficult to tell what the problem is without seeing the photos though.

Edit to add: I find that Fotolia's technical rejections are rather difficult to understand. Maybe you should try a site like ShutterStock where at least you will know what the technical problem is.

Message edited by author 2011-05-25 17:56:50.
05/25/2011 08:42:42 PM · #330
Thank you Gina...

05/25/2011 09:04:27 PM · #331
Good luck. I hope it works out for you.
05/31/2011 08:58:13 PM · #332
FWIW! Micro-stock was great when it started. But just isn't the same with its new unrealistic requirements. Its all about dumping extremely high quantities of photos for meager returns. Only way I see it working, is if you do it 9am-5pm. Six days a week of non-stop uploading. If your doing it part time. You would be much better off devoting that time and effort to Alamy.
05/31/2011 09:05:03 PM · #333
Just my thoughts about stock photography
05/31/2011 09:55:33 PM · #334
Originally posted by FocusPoint:

Just my thoughts about stock photography

10/24/2012 06:33:08 PM · #335
Can i make $500 to $1000 a month?? is that realistc?
10/26/2012 06:46:32 PM · #336
There are many factors that influence your possible income per month. What type of image are you producing, what is the quality, how many, how many agencies, ... ?

But to answer your question, I would say yes you can. Just get started, and work on it for a few month. Soon you will see how long it will talk you to reach your goal.

Message edited by author 2012-10-26 18:48:50.
10/28/2012 11:38:45 AM · #337
The trouble is getting accepted by the ones that do pay, my 2nd batch was just rejected to Shutterstock. 7 out of 10 must pass, 5 were deemed ok the rest were fail-shots according to them. I shall try again!
10/29/2012 11:26:51 AM · #338
Keep trying! Eventually you will make it in. Good luck!
10/29/2012 07:45:00 PM · #339
Will do!
10/30/2012 12:56:27 PM · #340
My last $28 download just put me over $1,000 total at Shutterstock, or about $100/year ...

I only have about 200 images posted, and almost half of those are abstract patterns, but I have a few that get rather frequent downloads.
10/31/2012 01:31:38 PM · #341
ah thanks Oboy:) I guess the best is to post in many agency then the more the better?
Cool thanks
11/02/2012 01:18:12 PM · #342
Well, I least try to find the agencies that have at least some sales. :)
11/02/2012 01:20:35 PM · #343
Originally posted by steph21:

Can i make $500 to $1000 a month?? is that realistc?

It is very realistic if you have quality images.
05/03/2016 04:33:53 AM · #344
I am contributor of 7 stock agencies. At the moment I have more than 3000 image in me portfolio. Actually, stock photography is like hobby for me. I like photographing variety of themes so if after that I upload them and stocks sold them I am preatty happy. For me just few agencies works best:

Shutterstock: submit.shutterstock.com/?ref=1865198
Fotolia: fotolia.com/partner/204297204

Shutterstock gives very stable income more than 300USD every month, but they were sold few photos for more than 80USD few times (it depends on the license).
At the monent I am quite happy with these agencies especially that I can do assignments for clients and get paid and later upload few photos from that assignment to stock agencies where thay can be resold. As well as enjoying traveling and later upload photos that might be sell in future.
01/23/2017 06:20:35 AM · #345
Originally posted by melking:

I order of the ones that make me the most money:

1.Istockphoto Over $1500.00
2.Shutterstock over $500.00
3.DreamstimeOver $400.00
4.Bigstockphoto Under $50.00
5.Canstockphoto Under $10.00

This is not bad at all. And now it would be more I guess.
11/27/2017 07:00:18 PM · #346
My monthly income:
1. submit.shutterstock.com/?ref=215950 $800.00
2. bestartstock.com/users/ppart $700.00
3. istockphoto.com/portfolio/ppart?excludenudity=true&sort=best $300.00
4. fotolia.com/p/200676501 $200.00
5. 123rf.com/#ppart $150.00
6. dreamstime.com/Ppart_portfolio_pg1#res734827 $50.00
7. bigstockphoto.com/search/?contributor=ppart $50.00

You can check the number of my work in these agencies (5000 - 27000)
This amount generates revenue for me as above.

Message edited by author 2017-11-27 19:49:51.
11/27/2017 07:45:09 PM · #347
too bad that leaves no time to play with us here at dpc.
11/27/2017 08:09:00 PM · #348
This is not a play, it is just a comparison with "melking", she has on the Dreamstime 2500 works, and I over 5000. She earns 400 and I am 50.
"Melking" on istock - 1000, on istock I have 16000, she earns 1500, and I only 300.
I think such a comparison of the kind of photos between us will be helpful to anyone.
11/27/2017 08:45:04 PM · #349
I like a play, I like playing. It is all on the way to plumbing the meaning of the universe: works of art are the stepping stones; if there is no play in them you can break your toes.

I also like language.
11/28/2017 06:04:06 AM · #350
I am dipping my toes into this stock photography though I can see that a large portfolio is required to make this work

I have only 23 photos so far:)

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