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DPChallenge Forums >> Individual Photograph Discussion >> Orange - M&M Photo
Showing posts 1 - 16 of 16, (reverse)
03/31/2004 12:21:05 AM · #1
Lol, there are at least 2 people who 'copied' (maybe, I don't know if they did or not) my "Orange" entry for the "Out of Place" challenge. Not me, I didn't want to retake a picture, but forced myself to come up with something different, so I did. Now I'm free to ask you all about it.

"Standing Out in the Crowd"

I got an enormous range of votes (from 11 twos to 14 nines and 4 tens), so I'd really like to know everyone's viewpoints.

Paste over from my comments:
"I don't like the reflections or the fact that there is a shadow on the right side by the orange one, but without spot editing I can't do anything about it. After the Brightness & Contrast adjustment, I only sharpened a tiny bit in order to leave a soft "glow." "

I hadn't realized there was a shadow until I was way into the post-editing and couldn't retake it. I probably should have cropped the bottom up a bit to make the orange one be an even distance from the right side and the bottom.

My boyfriend recommended I put the M on the orange one up, but once again, it was too late. And no, no spot-editing done, they sell black and white M&Ms in the US. I'm not sure if they do anywhere else or not...

Thanks everyone!

(And, if you could copy over your comments and put them on the photo as well I'd really appreciate it.)

Message edited by author 2004-03-31 00:27:58.
03/31/2004 12:24:20 AM · #2
I did almost the exact same picture for this challenge before I saw yours. So once I saw yours it was back to the drawing board for me and I ended up entering something I took about 3 hrs before the deadline.

03/31/2004 12:24:42 AM · #3
there were a lot fo pictures in the orange challenge & it is possible that they didnt see your shot. Plus there was a day or two of overlap & you can;t say when their shot was taken.
Perhaps its a bit unfair to say they copied you?
Not that it directly effects 'cause I didn't enter but I think we should be fair as the voting just started.
03/31/2004 12:26:51 AM · #4
*nods* I know Rooster, but I just find it funny that there are 4 candy shots with one color different and two of them are M&M ones...

Really, no offense is meant to anyone, sorry!

Message edited by author 2004-03-31 00:27:04.
03/31/2004 12:28:47 AM · #5
I thought that your shot was the inspiration for the "Out of Place" challenge. Love the B&W versions of the M&M's.

I believed that they just put all the colors back into the M&M's. Did you get a DQ request, if not it's kind of unfair for people to judge.

I gave you an "8" on this one. By the way you are the 39th highest photographer with an average of 8.3333 out of 9 challenges. Actually tied with Konador.

Message edited by author 2004-03-31 00:31:26.
03/31/2004 12:31:57 AM · #6
Thanks faidoi!

Actually, I'm sure people requested it (see my first comment), but that's why I asked in this thread if the Site Council read the photographer's notes before they asked for proof. Since they probably read my notes first, I didn't get a DQ request.

But yeah, I'm afraid that it might have hurt my score because people thought I selectively edited.

Message edited by author 2004-03-31 00:42:31.
03/31/2004 12:42:21 AM · #7
Originally posted by faidoi:

I gave you an "8" on this one. By the way you are the 39th highest photographer with an average of 8.3333 out of 9 challenges. Actually tied with Konador.

WAAIIII!!! KEWL! ^^;; Please excuse me while i go celebrate! *runs off*

Hehe, thanks for that cool fact, faidoi! How'd you find it?

Message edited by author 2004-03-31 00:43:53.
03/31/2004 12:45:13 AM · #8
Try this or :

My Home>My Profile>User's favorites- View all>Manage your favorites> View your statistically favorite photographers

Message edited by author 2004-03-31 00:47:54.
03/31/2004 12:54:01 AM · #9
o.O I'm lost...I honestly can't find it...
03/31/2004 12:57:34 AM · #10
Originally posted by Ami Yuy:

o.O I'm lost...I honestly can't find it...

Most of the clickable links on on the left hand side. You have to scroll down to see the Manage your favorite link.

Shows your top 100 photographers based on scores that you have given out.

Message edited by author 2004-03-31 01:00:10.
03/31/2004 01:02:26 AM · #11
[quote=Ami Yuy] Lol, there are at least 2 people who 'copied' (maybe, I don't know if they did or not) my "Orange" entry for the "Out of Place" challenge. Not me, I didn't want to retake a picture, but forced myself to come up with something different, so I did. Now I'm free to ask you all about it.

"Standing Out in the Crowd"

There was also another one from the motivational challenge that copied you. :-)


but that was an earlier challenge, so perhaps you copied him? Just kidding.

I think it's more of a case of great minds thinking alike :-).
03/31/2004 01:03:17 AM · #12
Originally posted by faidoi:

Most of the clickable links on on the left hand side. You have to scroll down to see the Manage your favorite link.

Shows your top 100 photographers based on scores that you have given out.

Oh, this is on how we score other people's photos in challenges. That's why I'm not on my own list. ^^;; Also why everyone on my list only has 3 or 4 next to their names instead of 9, since I've only been able to vote in 4 challenges and some of them not on all of them.

Wow, I feel honored, thanks. ^_^

Message edited by author 2004-03-31 01:04:37.
03/31/2004 01:05:38 AM · #13
Originally posted by flip89:

There was also another one from the motivational challenge that copied you. :-)


but that was an earlier challenge, so perhaps you copied him? Just kidding.

I think it's more of a case of great minds thinking alike :-).

Lol, yeah. ^_^
03/31/2004 01:07:56 AM · #14
It's how I like to choose a favorite photographer. If I consistently give them a high score, then there's something good about their work.

Note: My all time favorite is not on my Top 100 list :(
03/31/2004 01:12:20 AM · #15
Originally posted by faidoi:

It's how I like to choose a favorite photographer. If I consistently give them a high score, then there's something good about their work.

Note: My all time favorite is not on my Top 100 list :(

Lol, yeah, pretty much the same here. ^^;;
03/31/2004 02:50:52 AM · #16
No copying here...my M&M photo was originally supposed to be for the orange challenge but I changed my mind and entered a different one rather than the M&M. I never look at the other photos til it's time to vote.

Originally posted by Ami Yuy:

Lol, there are at least 2 people who 'copied' (maybe, I don't know if they did or not) my "Orange" entry for the "Out of Place" challenge. Not me, I didn't want to retake a picture, but forced myself to come up with something different, so I did. Now I'm free to ask you all about it.

"Standing Out in the Crowd"

I got an enormous range of votes (from 11 twos to 14 nines and 4 tens), so I'd really like to know everyone's viewpoints.

Paste over from my comments:
"I don't like the reflections or the fact that there is a shadow on the right side by the orange one, but without spot editing I can't do anything about it. After the Brightness & Contrast adjustment, I only sharpened a tiny bit in order to leave a soft "glow." "

I hadn't realized there was a shadow until I was way into the post-editing and couldn't retake it. I probably should have cropped the bottom up a bit to make the orange one be an even distance from the right side and the bottom.

My boyfriend recommended I put the M on the orange one up, but once again, it was too late. And no, no spot-editing done, they sell black and white M&Ms in the US. I'm not sure if they do anywhere else or not...

Thanks everyone!

(And, if you could copy over your comments and put them on the photo as well I'd really appreciate it.)
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