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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> What's yet biggest beef about yer camera?
Showing posts 76 - 100 of 221, (reverse)
03/31/2004 10:49:20 AM · #76
Originally posted by dadas115:

The only real complaint I have about my Digital Rebel is that I can̢۪t manually select Ai-Servo mode in Av mode. If I could do that one thing it would fix 99% of my dissatisfaction with the camera (I am actually very satisfied with the camera even with that limitation).


I thought there was some weird button-combo you could do to enable that ?
Hold AF, stand on one foot, sacrifice a squirrel and half twist the lens or something, should do it.
03/31/2004 11:04:28 AM · #77
Metering on the rebel is not the greatest other than that I really like it. Tons of good for the little $$$ it cost compared to others Digital SLR's.
03/31/2004 11:46:22 AM · #78
Slow with serie-photos and the largest SM card I can use for it is 128MB. I photograph it full in ten minutes. :-)))

Message edited by author 2004-03-31 11:47:06.
03/31/2004 12:01:15 PM · #79
My biggest gripe was the sensor dust that would show up on shots taken at F16ish and smaller. I've since found an easy way to fix this (pecpads and methanol) but it's still annoying when you first start to notice the build up and aren't where you can quick swipe the sensor.
03/31/2004 12:03:09 PM · #80
My biggest beef with my 10D is that I don't have a 600mm F4.0 attached to it. :(
03/31/2004 12:05:05 PM · #81
A high quality, light, compact, 18mm-1000mm F1.8 would be fine by me, I'd much rather that than interchangable lenses :)
03/31/2004 12:24:59 PM · #82
the diameter of that thing would eclipse your whole head ;}

Originally posted by Konador:

A high quality, light, compact, 18mm-1000mm F1.8 would be fine by me, I'd much rather that than interchangable lenses :)

03/31/2004 01:13:30 PM · #83
I LOVE my camera! the battery is frickin awesome, I spent about GB£40 on two sets of AA batteries and a good charger. I can spend all day taking photos taking pics without having to worry AND because its AA, even if I do get caught short, I can buy cheap batteries EVERYWHERE!!!!

I'm intrigued about the battery warning, I read on various reviews that the warnng tended to come up just seconds before shutting off but mine seems to give me a few minutes......
03/31/2004 02:15:31 PM · #84
My biggest beef with mine is the user :-)

My second beef with it is the slow shot................... to............ shot time. I also really hate having to switch between burst mode and single shot mode. I would much prefer being able to just hold the shutter down longer for a burst if I decide at the moment of shooting that that is what I want.

the swivel design is great for horizontal shots but no good at all for vertical shots.

03/31/2004 02:40:58 PM · #85
Originally posted by timj351:

My biggest beef with mine is the user :-)

Well, my biggest beef is that often if I show someone a good picture, I must have a great camera, but when I show a bad picture, it is me who sucks as a photographer.

Why can't the camera get the blame for the bad pictures and I'll get the credit for the good ones ? :)
03/31/2004 02:44:52 PM · #86
Originally posted by Konador:

A high quality, light, compact, 18mm-1000mm F1.8 would be fine by me, I'd much rather that than interchangable lenses :)

Heck I would settle for 18-400!
03/31/2004 04:31:29 PM · #87
Originally posted by Gordon:

Originally posted by timj351:

My biggest beef with mine is the user :-)

Well, my biggest beef is that often if I show someone a good picture, I must have a great camera, but when I show a bad picture, it is me who sucks as a photographer.

Why can't the camera get the blame for the bad pictures and I'll get the credit for the good ones ? :)

I know what you mean - I forget where I heard this one, but it made me laugh -

A photographer is showing some photographs to his host at dinner. The host remarks how good the photos are, and says "You must have a terrific camera".

The photographer just nods and smiles, but as he is leaving he thanks the host for a wonderful meal, and adds, "you must have great pots and pans."

Gave me a chuckle anyway.
03/31/2004 04:33:47 PM · #88
not having interchangeable lenses.
03/31/2004 05:03:13 PM · #89
.. that it makes me get on DPC and listen to people who gripes about their cameras :)
03/31/2004 05:08:27 PM · #90
Not being able to screw filters directly on to the lens.
03/31/2004 05:13:06 PM · #91
that i have the camera, an account, but never anything good to fit the challenges

Edit: forget to mention my own budget, inexperience... list goes on a bit but im lazy too

Message edited by author 2004-03-31 17:14:23.
03/31/2004 05:26:48 PM · #92
Since I only have mine for less than a week, I haven't found many I'm amazed with it's power comparing it to my old sony p72, still I'm a bit bothered by the unhonest EVF/LCD, pictures that seem to look ok on vf/lcd, turn out to be sometimes way overexposed (brightness is set to normal on both). I will probably get used to it soon. Noise would be also something I seem to get alot even at ISO 100, and I tested the red eye thing today, got more red eye than when I didn't have that on. Other than that it's a great camera I hope all these will be gone after I get used to it more. Pictures I took in complete auto mode are superbe so it's probably all my fault.
03/31/2004 05:39:52 PM · #93
Originally posted by frumoaznicul:

...still I'm a bit bothered by the unhonest EVF/LCD, pictures that seem to look ok on vf/lcd, turn out to be sometimes way overexposed (brightness is set to normal on both)....

Try putting it on the brightest settings, that way your picture will look kinda overexposed on the LCD/EVF and look just fine on the PC. Besides, some overexposed pictures can always be fixed with Photoshop :D

Message edited by author 2004-03-31 17:41:52.
03/31/2004 06:53:29 PM · #94
Originally posted by josevillacorte:

Originally posted by frumoaznicul:

...still I'm a bit bothered by the unhonest EVF/LCD, pictures that seem to look ok on vf/lcd, turn out to be sometimes way overexposed (brightness is set to normal on both)....

Try putting it on the brightest settings, that way your picture will look kinda overexposed on the LCD/EVF and look just fine on the PC. Besides, some overexposed pictures can always be fixed with Photoshop :D

It's actually the other way around. When bright areas in an image are overexposed the detail can be lost for good but if an image is slightly underexposed then you can have much more success bringing out detail fom shadow areas. In bright situations I will often underexpose by 1/3 stop or more.

It's interesting because I have kept my EVF on it's normal setting and have been very pleased with it. Maybe it varies from model to model.

08/25/2004 12:39:55 PM · #95
Just bought a DiMAGE A1 and my only beef up to now is noise in blue skies...
I don't know if it's something I'm doing wrong or if the camera simply has problems with blue skies...

Any ideas?
08/25/2004 12:45:35 PM · #96
center weighted average exposure only
08/25/2004 12:53:59 PM · #97
H0oo boy.. where do I begin..

Actually, for a Point and Shoot, I don't have *Too* many complaints about the dx4530.. the ones that stand out like a sore thumb are:

1) auto-white balance. No way to shut it off.. which can be a pain.

2) jpeg compression: Kodak's infamous lack of decent compression

3) lack of in-camera color modes.. this is something I should have thought about before buying the camera, but I thought I could live without it and just do sepia tones in PSP.. but now that I *don't* have the option to BW/Sepia in-camera.. I really miss it.

Other than that.. I'm pretty happy with it for being a simple point & shoot. I'd actually recommend it to people that want a camera for everyday snapshots that like to have just that little bit extra.
08/25/2004 12:54:42 PM · #98
It's an A40, need I say more?

But for a p & s, it's actually really good...my biggest beef is the aperture settings aren't actually adjustable (skips back and forth between f2 and f8 for example, instead of being able to actually set it).

I just really really really want a digital rebel...time to go sulk.

Message edited by author 2004-08-25 12:56:12.
08/25/2004 12:55:02 PM · #99
I'm pretty upset that my camera didn't come with the upgrade to a 20D free coupon.
08/25/2004 12:55:16 PM · #100
lack of some manual features, including but not limited to focus and/or bracketing...and it doesn't handle low-light situations very well IMHO. Of course, user error might have something to do with it, but I'll never admit to that. ;o)
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