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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> DPC Circle on Google +
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 76, (reverse)
07/10/2011 04:05:31 PM · #1
Who says we make a special DPC circle for each other on google+?
anyone like it? dislike it?
I personally think it'd be awesome:)

OK heres the list:

Nicky Bronner (Me) nB -- nBgplusprofile
James Schindler-Ord james_so -- james_sogplusprofile
Jonathan Kolinski idealodds -- kolinskigplusprofile
Karin L. Beetle -- beetlegplusprofile
Rob S. robs -- robsgplusprofile
Ken Skidmore kenskid -- kenskidgplusprofile
Ken Art Roflmao -- artroflmaogplusprofile
David Nutter DCNUTTER -- DCNUTTERgplusprofile
Eric Gaston Stiger -- Stigergplusprofile
Mike Owens Sevlow -- Sevlowgplusprofile
Niall O'Tuama NiallOTuama -- NiallOTuamagplusprofile
Kelli States Kelli -- Kelligplusprofile
Diana Farrell dianapf1 -- dianapf1gplusprofile
Paul Daddario blindjustice -- blindjusticegplusprofile
Eugene Smiley _eug -- _euggplusprofile
Ben Hugeback bhuge -- bhugegplusprofile
Tommy Lyles signal2noise -- signal2noisegplusprofile
Neil Shapiro Neil -- Neilgplusprofile
Mark Wiley markwiley -- markwileygplusprofile


Message edited by author 2011-07-12 12:35:27.
07/10/2011 05:01:20 PM · #2
Haven't quite figured out what Google+ offers over Facebook.
07/10/2011 05:03:53 PM · #3
I kinda have one already from all the people I invited, need to get that together with all the folk other people invited!
07/10/2011 05:10:22 PM · #4
Sounds good! Would be a great way of sharing things.

How would we go about it? Can you recommend people to people?
07/10/2011 05:28:56 PM · #5
I've been adding people who I recognise by name (and guessing others based on who they have in common), seems to have been pretty successful so far though I'm sure I have missed a few people.

Message edited by author 2011-07-10 17:32:25.
07/10/2011 07:28:39 PM · #6
Originally posted by james_so:

I've been adding people who I recognise by name (and guessing others based on who they have in common), seems to have been pretty successful so far though I'm sure I have missed a few people.

Same here.
07/10/2011 07:29:11 PM · #7
Why dont you send me a PM if you have a google + and want to join our circles, and ill post a list here.
Sounds good?
07/10/2011 08:37:22 PM · #8
07/10/2011 11:03:11 PM · #9
07/10/2011 11:16:37 PM · #10
I'm lost how to see global circles... Or is there no suck thing and it's all local??

I cannot even figure out my own name :shrug:

Edit: This MIGHT be me :-)

Message edited by author 2011-07-10 23:33:36.
07/10/2011 11:21:55 PM · #11
Kenskid Google +

Message edited by author 2011-07-10 23:57:34.
07/10/2011 11:35:11 PM · #12
Originally posted by robs:

I'm lost how to see global circles... Or is there no suck thing and it's all local??

Rob, if I understand you (and Google +) correctly, then "Stream" is the global, the circles are a way to channel the info and keep out the noise you don't want at any given moment.

Originally posted by robs:

I cannot even figure out my own name :shrug:

Do you mean the link I posted? I learned that by looking at "idealodds" link. I just tried going to //www.gplus.to/ and sure enough, there is how to create/activate(?) a link like that.
07/10/2011 11:46:01 PM · #13
Yeah... I was hoping to see some PUBLIC circles... but looks like it's not going that way. Personal circles can be used to have different slices of the streams (unlike facebook where it's a single list). Makes sense but it would be better if we could all share the same circle rather then a bazzillion of person to person links.
07/10/2011 11:48:51 PM · #14
07/10/2011 11:52:53 PM · #15
Here is mine:


07/11/2011 12:06:10 AM · #16
I'm here: //gplus.to/Stiger
07/11/2011 12:37:27 AM · #17
Something to consider if you plan on posting photos on Google+.
07/11/2011 12:41:14 AM · #18
Yes...I saw that before. I'm holding off on putting anything that means anything to me on Google plus...however, I bet it won't be long before they change that "fine print". Facebook had the same issues and fixed it.

Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

Something to consider if you plan on posting photos on Google+.

07/11/2011 12:53:46 AM · #19
Originally posted by kenskid:

Yes...I saw that before. I'm holding off on putting anything that means anything to me on Google plus...however, I bet it won't be long before they change that "fine print". Facebook had the same issues and fixed it.

But not before they say about all the photos posted to that point: "ALL YOUR PHOTOS ARE BELONG TO US!" ;-)
07/11/2011 04:40:21 AM · #20
I'm in as well :-)

07/11/2011 05:22:49 AM · #21
Any invite for me there somewhere?
07/11/2011 05:25:15 AM · #22
Originally posted by docpjv:

Any invite for me there somewhere?

sure.... give me a moment

Sent..... not sure if it worked, I don't seem to get any confirmation notice that it did send... but I tried.

Message edited by author 2011-07-11 05:26:42.
07/11/2011 05:27:29 AM · #23
And myself.
(how did y'all get the shorter link?)
07/11/2011 05:59:33 AM · #24

Message edited by author 2011-07-11 06:01:20.
07/11/2011 06:22:25 AM · #25
Originally posted by NiallOTuama:

And myself.
(how did y'all get the shorter link?)

go to //gplus.to/ ;)

Here's me
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