Author | Thread |
07/15/2011 12:07:46 PM · #1 |
Diners, joints and other greasy spoon joints challenge.
Just wondering what the reason could be that out of all the top 10 entries and even in the top 20 entries mine looks to be the one that is being ignored as far as post challenge remarks go. Only Tanguerra bothered to give me remark.
Just wondering,
that's all
you know |
07/15/2011 12:09:43 PM · #2 |
Two things,
1. Check your pm....time sensitive
2. Been slammed with other stuff but I'm thrilled you did well and haven't left that comment yet!! :)
Message edited by author 2011-07-15 12:10:08. |
07/15/2011 12:12:04 PM · #3 |
I think commenting in general has been down lately. Most likely people on summer vacations. But usually unless I get a ribbon, I don't get a whole lot of comments after a challenge, except from friends. |
07/15/2011 12:13:39 PM · #4 |
@ Jennifer....
We forgot to tell don't have any friends, those were real comments! :P JK!!!!!! |
07/15/2011 12:24:35 PM · #5 |
I rushed my entry - was not even going to enter, but at the last minute figured "Why not? let's see where this goes . . ."
I got the brown for it - that'll learn me!
07/15/2011 12:28:48 PM · #6 |
I'd be ecstatic if I got 18 comments. I'm lucky if I get more than 5. Shoot, my free study got a big whoppin' 0 during the challenge and still sitting there at 0. |
07/15/2011 12:29:19 PM · #7 |
You get a top 5 finish with 17 comments (so far), and complain? That sounds really petty and unappreciative to me. |
07/15/2011 12:55:20 PM · #8 |
I think the OP was commenting on the fact that his photo DID make top five and no one post challenge was congratulatory like other photos often get post voting. Sometimes the post vote comments are the best as those that didn't vote often comment.
Just Sayin' :P |
07/15/2011 01:51:37 PM · #9 |
I don't know why anything at DPC happens the way it happens, except I know none if it is personal. Everyone has at least one image in their port with 0 comments. |
07/15/2011 02:30:13 PM · #10 |
I'm not much of a commenter so maybe I shouldn't say anything but maybe if you were still going by the name of ThingFish or JustFred members would have commented? :-)
"Congrats on your HM!
Great shot BTW - love the reflections and the expressions on the ladies' faces."
Message edited by author 2011-07-15 15:39:41. |
07/15/2011 02:44:16 PM · #11 |
Originally posted by tanguera: I don't know why anything at DPC happens the way it happens, except I know none if it is personal. Everyone has at least one image in their port with 0 comments. |
Portfolio, yes but that's because of a lack of views. People have to search for a specific portfolio just to see those photos so you have to be popular or very active in side challenges to accumulate those comments. As for challenge entries, it's a lot harder to finish with zero comments even if your entry isn't good. Harder still is entering a lot of challenges and getting at least one favorite for each entry. I don't think anyone who has ever been active in the challenges has ever achievce that, but I do know that Heida is pretty darn close.
Message edited by author 2011-07-15 14:45:13.
07/15/2011 03:07:20 PM · #12 |
Salutations are a gift, not a right. |
07/15/2011 03:34:06 PM · #13 |
Originally posted by Fiora: Salutations are a gift, not a right. |
apparently the squeaky wheel gets a few comments though... |
07/15/2011 03:45:02 PM · #14 |
For the good order and those that are now suddenly turning into "moral knights"
I never suggested it was a right. I was just wondering. Read again my original opening post.
I just feel sad that my image is to be DQ'd soon because I lost the original RAW file through a very unfortunate mishap. It's pretty rare for any of my images to score so well that it ends up in the top5 and that makes it even more unfortunate that when I do have one I loose the RAW file and get a DQ. I was actually holding thumbs that it would not score so high and fall out of the top 5 so I would not have needed to verify.
The full story is my image will be DQ'd and I wrote a letter to site council about this a few days ago.
Sorry, but you will need the original if it needs validation. We don't make any exceptions to that.
Maybe you had time machine on and can recover the file? You may want to ask in the forums to see if someone with Mac expertise can help (without identifying your entry, of course).
----- Original Message (DPC:21888) -----
Dear site council,
I have lost the original ORF (RAW) file of my Diners and Dives challenge entry. I was updating my AppleMac which runs Mac OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.6 to the later version which is Mac OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.8 to ready it for the Mac OSX Lion update which is expected soon. When the update was finished I discovered that my Photo editor LightZone was not responding anymore. After some enquiries on the LightZone forum it became apparent that the Java update which I did at the same time as the Mac OSX update was causing this problem with LightZone. I decided to revert back to the first version of Mac OSX Leopard by doing a re-install with the Mac OSX Leopard install disc. This would also revert Java back to the install disc version and the problem with LightZone would be solved. After that I was going to re-update to Mac OSX Snow Leopard version 10.6.6 which was stable on my computer and with which my LightZone editor functioned without problems. However something went horribly wrong d
uring this re-install process. Instead of choosing for Archive and Install I chose for a clean install and discovered afterwards that all my RAW image files which had been stored on my desktop had disappeared. Gone. Including many documents which I had not backed up. Included in the lost photo's is the original ORF(RAW) file of my challenge entry "Bagels and Beans, St.Hertogenbosch, Brabant." in the "Diners and Dives" challenge. Looking at my current score I am now worried that it will finish in the top 5 thus requiring verification. All I do have left is the edited and converted TIFF file at full resolution which was backed up on a CD rom with all my other edited TIFF files. I normally also back up my selected RAW files on CD ROM but only do so once in a while normally and had not backed them up yet. As far as computers go I am far from an expert and should not have attempted this by myself I now realize. So what happens now? Must I hold thumbs that my entry falls out of th
e top 5 or if it does inadvertently end up in the top 5 will it suffice this time if I send the edited and converted Tiff file as proof? The exif data is all intact on the Tiff file still showing that it was shot with my Olympus E1 and edited in LightZone and including the date and time of the photo being taken.
I do hope we can reach such a compromise for this as it would really be quite devastating for me to see this image DQ'd because of the terribly gone wrong computer re-install fiasco.
Sincere regards
Since then I have been seeking Freeware to recover the image:
Bergiecat has been very helpful here:
I\'ve not used any of these (yet), but perhaps you can find your photo with one of these!
Best of luck!!!
Free file recovery software - Mac
Jul. 13th, 2011 3:29 PM
Quote | Reply In Private
Thanks Kat,
I did look at those downloads and even tried a few but all of them only show what results can be achieved but one has to buy the program before one can actually retrieve the lost data. I'm not prepared to spend the money for retrieving just one image and I'll be more careful from now on.
Fortunately my image score is dropping slowly so with a bit of luck I won't finish in the top 5 at all.
Jul. 13th, 2011 7:19 PM
Quote | Reply In Private
Darn it! Well, I just found this and it might be helpful. :~) Mac freeware
I hate that you are happy that your image is not doing well, lol.
As for FREE software...I'm all for it and will use as much of it as I can possibly find!!! Will keep looking for you and wish you luck!
Jul. 13th, 2011 11:50 PM
Quote | Reply In Private
Hi Kat,
Thanks that looks promising. Will give it a try this afternoon when I get back from work.
Jul. 14th, 2011 12:53 PM
Quote | Reply In Private
Hi again Kat,
'Fraid all those ads are a bit misleading. No freeware. You get a free preview but if you actually want to recover the file you have to buy the software. Nothing for free at all.
Jul. 14th, 2011 3:48 PM
Quote | Reply In Private
Damn it!!! Sorry!
I have Rescue Pro but it only works on you still have your card without new photos on it by chance?
Jul. 14th, 2011 4:04 PM
Quote | Reply In Private
Hi Kat,
Yes I do have my card but I have taken 2 sets of images with it since the shoot for the diners and dives challenge. I always automatically erase all images after uploading to my computer. Guess I'm out of luck as far as recovering the image is concerned.
Thanks for trying to solve it for me.
Jul. 14th, 2011 6:12 PM
Quote | Reply In Private
Hi Fred,
Erasing and reformatting a card are two different things. :) Hopefully you only erased the photos and haven't reformatted the card.
If you have not reformatted the card, you might still be able to pull the file! Let me mull this over a bit and I'll see what we can do!
Jul. 14th, 2011 6:15 PM
Quote | Reply In Private
This really is free
This came from this thread and there might be others...just grabbed this out of the archives...
Jul. 15th, 2011 12:22 AM
Quote | Reply In Private
Thanks. I will give it a try after work. I see my fears were realized. My entry came in 5th place. I have to provide the RAW file as proof.
Jul. 15th, 2011 12:28 AM
Quote | Reply In Private
Rescue Pro will definitely work on your card...might be worth downloading the trial and if needed, purchase the software. I got mine with my Sandisk card, but i realize it's for windows. Let me see if I have something in my email as I think I ran into this after purchasing my Mac laptop. (Disk is tiny and doesn't fit in the drive...)
Jul. 15th, 2011 11:47 AM
Quote | Reply In Private
Sending to your real email (NEED) a file that might work as I know time is of the essence!! :)
So really all it is is that I am sorely disappointed that my image will be DQ'd I have been sweating over this for since I lost my RAW file and have spent hours trying out so-called Freeware recovery programs only to find that after hours of deep scanning a message comes up saying that the files have been recovered and now you need to pay for the software if you want to restore them.. I felt really disappointed that I was getting no post challenge feedback and comments whilst the other entries were so I really started wondering why this was/is especially knowing that my image will soon be DQ'd and will disappear from the front page. it's a crap feeling let me tell you when you know you took the image with your camera and cannot prove it with the RAW file and the TIFF file which also contains all the proof is not acceptable.
Message edited to fix spelling mistakes.
Message edited by author 2011-07-15 15:58:04. |
07/16/2011 11:41:11 AM · #15 |
PM's that Rorschach sent me after I wrote "whehh" as a comment to be funny in reply to his whining about not getting many comments... after he left about 27 "whehh"'s on my diner photo. he Pm's me this...
Originally posted by sinistral_leo: Hey crybaby, you were the one whining about how "everyone is getting comments except me, boo hoo" I gave you what you wanted to shut your sniffling. Looks like it didn't. I just thought you'd be more original than to just copy what I wrote, then again by the looks of your pictures you don't seem very imaginative. I see why nobody wanted to leave a comment...
So anyway, thanks for the comment! It was very helpful. |
Originally posted by Rorschach: I never realized what a big turd you are. |
Originally posted by Rorschach: And by the way. Just looked at your portfolio. What a load of rubbish in there. And hardly any comments. Do yourself a favor and find another hobby. You have zero talent that's for sure. |
Originally posted by Rorschach: Dipshit |
True, I probably shouldn't have made fun of him with the "whehh" or left the PM after his retribution of 27 "whehh"'s on my photo but does he really need comments to feel good? Is there anyone near him who can give him a hug? poor little guy needs attention.
07/16/2011 11:53:13 AM · #16 |
forum Rules
Rule 12 - Do not bait or provoke other users. This does not promote civil discussion and will not be tolerated.
07/16/2011 04:39:34 PM · #17 |
Wow... I'm stumped. Look at what Rorschach said to me sob sob. I only wanted to tease Rorschach and he got all nasty with me...sob sob sob |
07/16/2011 04:47:27 PM · #18 |
I feel like I have been transported back to pre-school........GROW UP!! |
07/16/2011 04:48:39 PM · #19 |
That's funny the stuff he says in the PM's are totally different... I feel threatened by his repeated foul language...
Originally posted by Rorschach: How can you be such an ass, To go and post what's supposed to be a private exchange between us and one which you started by the way. That's really low and I can only compare your behaviour to that of a little spoiled schoolboy who runs to his teacher crying something like "look what he did" with pointing little grubby fingers. Shame on you. |
Yet he keeps it up... |
07/16/2011 04:58:20 PM · #20 |
07/16/2011 05:01:41 PM · #21 |
Originally posted by Art Roflmao: |
Wanna share? |
07/16/2011 05:02:52 PM · #22 |
07/16/2011 05:54:01 PM · #23 |
Hey Sinister Leo, Who's whining now hey?
Remember you started it off by sending me this PM.
"Hey crybaby, you were the one whining about how "everyone is getting comments except me, boo hoo" I gave you what you wanted to shut your sniffling. Looks like it didn't. I just thought you'd be more original than to just copy what I wrote, then again by the looks of your pictures you don't seem very imaginative. I see why nobody wanted to leave a comment...
So anyway, thanks for the comment! It was very helpful.
Whose the crybaby here?
07/16/2011 05:54:02 PM · #24 |
I was wondering why this thread was still kicking around, now I see why.
Time to settle in. |
07/16/2011 06:00:09 PM · #25 |
Originally posted by Covert_Oddity: I was wondering why this thread was still kicking around, now I see why.
Time to settle in. |
Well I'm off to bed so have fun
Oh, Sinister just sent me another PM
"HA! Hey "Rear-Scratch", No whining here, just proving a point and giving you attention you oh so yearn for. You done yet? All I did was give you a comment you begged for via a new thread. Who does that? "
Message edited by author 2011-07-16 18:08:05. |
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