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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Am I Expecting too much from Out of Place??
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04/01/2004 04:26:03 PM · #1

Message edited by author 2004-04-06 18:14:43.
04/01/2004 04:28:38 PM · #2
You must not have gotten to mine yet....lol
04/01/2004 04:42:52 PM · #3
Glacierwolf, I have to agree. The majority of the submissions are just
plain boring and some very poorly done. 'Out of Place' seems an obvious
challenge to bring out some originality!
04/01/2004 05:04:27 PM · #4
Let's assume that a whole heap of unlucky chances all happened at the same time to cause these particular photographs to come out bad.

P.S. May I request that you retract the term "Blind Squirrel photography" and replace it with one of the worse animals, e.g. "Deaf Bat photography".
04/01/2004 05:52:56 PM · #5
This is why I stopped rating the Open Challenges. I just rate the member's challenges which have a much larger ratio of nicer pictures.
04/01/2004 05:58:05 PM · #6
Oh my God. You have a lot of nerve deeming an entire challenge's entry pool unworthy of your time and comments. Come back and complain when you've submitted more comments than you've received.

FWIW, I've not once ran out of space in making what I think are helpful comments on photos, but I think I could give this message a good test if I had the energy. I mean, how do you expect people to get better if you don't comment and give them a hint at your "superior" approach to photography? You know what, nevermind, keep it to yourself.
04/01/2004 06:09:46 PM · #7
Ok... I entered the "Out of Place" challenge and completely forgot to run it through Neat Image to clean somethings up. This I understand was my fault, and I am paying for it in comments and score. But.... the few comments I got that only said "This should never have been entered" are not helping!

I'm here to learn, photography is a hobby. Having someone give me a comment that does not tell me how to fix an image but instead encourages me to not enter into challenges is not very inspiring.

Just curious... I would like to PM them, but I'm not sure what to do to not give my picture away. Any ideas?
04/01/2004 06:13:34 PM · #8
honestly my picture for out of place is not that grand or spectacular. after reading my comments i notice that my crop was to tight and that my focus was shat. my idea may have not been the most original, however i take photos everyday now. I believe that with each one im understanding more and more. From what i understand thats what this site is for, to give you something each week to enhance and hone your skills that one day you might be able to get that perfect picture that comes so naturally for some. So if a majority of the pictures arent up to your standards, comment on them, encourage those who took them to keep trying, hell at leeast try.

"The original idea behind the site was for it to be a place where the two of us and a couple of our friends could teach ourselves to be better photographers by giving each other a 'challenge' for the week."
04/01/2004 06:28:26 PM · #9
Originally posted by Blinks:

Just curious... I would like to PM them, but I'm not sure what to do to not give my picture away. Any ideas?

Wait until the voting is over. Then the anonymity won't matter, and you will (probably) have a better perspective on the comments, as well as (hopefully) additional comments to add context to your response.
04/01/2004 06:36:27 PM · #10
Edit : Took out rant aimed at Glacierwolf


Message edited by author 2004-04-01 18:47:25.
04/01/2004 06:36:38 PM · #11
Ok, before I get flamed as a newbie that hasn't made may comments "I'm a newbie that hasn't made many comments" but am learning all the time. I would just like to agree that the 'out of place' challenge has (after 50% of voting) not shown any mind blowing pics, I say this after an hour of voting on the free challenge where my average vote must be 2 points higher. Are we stiffled when given a challenge and only show our true quality when given a free reign?
04/01/2004 06:46:51 PM · #12
Are we stiffled when given a challenge and only show our true quality when given a free reign? [/quote]

Well ya, in a given week it might be reasonable for your score to be two or four points higher if you can pick out your tastiest shot rather than one that is, as an example, orange, or features a strong motion blur in it. Is this a surprise? Free study ought to kick some butt over a more restrictive challenge. Imaging doubling the challenge to say orange motion blur. How many good shots will there be? Rather fewer I would guess.
04/01/2004 07:33:49 PM · #13
Glacierwolf may be right about poor quality/lack of interesting shots...etc. BUT this site allows people to develop their skills-you have to remmeber alot of the open challenges are amatuer photographers wanting/waiting for comments on how to take a better photo. Before you rain down on how aweful remember DPC is NOT all professionals and that is why it is fun- while we learn and develop, there may be some "bad" shots in the process.

edit:poor spelling

Message edited by author 2004-04-01 19:35:50.
04/01/2004 08:30:50 PM · #14
Thank you gpierson,

I think this is the major problem with voting... Open challenge is mostly people like myself who have no idea how to take a picture that will turn a head. I play around, im not even good enuff to hold the camera, but I still will always point and click.

Open challenges are most likely people trying to decied if they want to become members or not. People just trying to get some honest feedback.

Yet, from what I have saw, not just of my own comments but of several others as well, that I would never want to pay for a membership with the pathatic rude comments being made.

It is sicking really. Granted there are nice commenters out there, and some really do help. but there are more people ready to jump down someones neck about

"Poor quality, Bad tired Subject, Blah Blah Blah"

Well for you old timers out there, where did you start???
Had to start somewhere, and if the subject is Tired for you, well think of how many times you shot a similar subject. Than you wonder why its tiring to you... but remember.

Its the first for them.

Im sick of this being graded like I should be a Pro taking national geographic pictures straight out the box.

It has been speaking very poorly of this website.

May perhaps, there should be a block, where if you entered into the contest than you can vote.

Yeah Yeah, I know there are lots of people out there with out camera's who are voting.... So what are you doing on this site??????

Anyway this is my Buck Fifty, cause its more than two cents.
04/01/2004 11:24:23 PM · #15
Amen littlegett. Amen...

I've felt that way too at times.
04/02/2004 12:33:58 AM · #16

Message edited by author 2004-04-06 18:15:32.
04/02/2004 01:00:44 AM · #17
First of all, who are YOU to say what this site is really intended for?

Yea I could buy a book and shoot a lot of pictures, but who am I gonna show them too? who's gonan give me fresh ideas, new insights and helpful suggestions for improvement?

What sites are out there that does this same function I would be happy to know about.

As a person with 30+ years of experience, after seeing all these photos, you should DAMN well know it that this site is not composed of professionals such as yourself. Coming to this site is like an Olympian competiting in a high school regional final and proclaiming at the end of the race how slow the seniors run. I mean, since we are only allowed ONE submission per challenge, I'm sure most of us here have taken many pictures and have decided which photos were the best first, which ones they paid most attention to, which ones they genuinely put 100% effort in.

It is from people like you Mr. Professional (what was the point really by saying what rate you charge and that you were booked for 2 years if not to show off?), that scares away amateurs such as us.

For many of us here, unlike you, it's not our job to take pictures, we all have other 'real' jobs (or in college, in my case), each have an expertise in our own field which I'm sure you would lack. YOU decided to take photos as a living which naturally makes you an experienced photographer. But for most of us, it's only a hobby, sure we get tips here and there, but for me, I don't have time to plow books and books for guidance and examples, so I only take photos here and there which I think would look nice when I have spare time.

I'm new here but at the end of each week, I would expect to see my score and the user submitted comments and look for ways to improve. It's a slower process than going full-time but hey, I don't plan to become a professional photographer, I've got other things going on which I gotta work on...

Bottom Line: If you've come here looking for inspiration (you need more after 30 years?) and look for pictures up to your high standards, I'm sad to say that you've really come to the wrong palce. Instead, I'm sure many of us would feel very greatful if you could use your experience, instead of insulting the quality of most pictures, find a couple you find has potential and put down a couple of comments here and there. Hey, as the ppl up top already said, we all gotta start somewhere and most have chosen this site to...

Oh...and I'm 19 years old. ;)
04/02/2004 01:10:28 AM · #18
I'll re-iterate what onedoesntchoose posted for us from the About page:
"The original idea behind the site was for it to be a place where the two of us and a couple of our friends could teach ourselves to be better photographers by giving each other a 'challenge' for the week."

It was created for LEARNING.

I have definately learned huge amounts here and have greatly improved my eye for composition, about cameras, and styles of photography, and my scores reflect that. Get off your high horse, but if you can't why don't you leave if you don't want to 'muck around' with those of us who haven't been learning for years.

I'm 18.

Message edited by author 2004-04-02 01:12:08.
04/02/2004 01:17:04 AM · #19

Glad to hear an old timers perspective. although you contridict yourself. but I will get to that.

You said that you know there are differnt people here and differnt visions, styles and whatnot. Yet, you are not willing to give anyone the benifit of the dought.

Back in the day of film.. wasn't it great. I still use film, and I can get much much better pictures with film. although isn't that the case anyway?

Well unless we all had pro cameras and eq that we spent thousands of dollars on.. but guess what we don't.

We give what we know how to give, we give our best our own 100%, Like I said before, you had to start somewhere yourself. Or where you a natural?

You are a discouragement to this site... you with your '30years' needs to take your pics, publish them in some book, and leave the rest of us alone.

Granted this is a challenge site... yet what are the prizzes that means so much?? some little colored pixels next to your photo. Yahoooo. Let me go buy my dream home. HA.

This challenge site is for fun. Not for your personal vendictation that you need someone at your level to push you.

Or maybe, this site needs to be redesigned. so that people of your stature have their own little comps and you could leave the commoners alone.

A place where the differnt levels of photographers could compete and share ideas and learn from each other with out being discouraged because the Ultimate Pro, thought their work was crap..

You are the type of person that should not be here. You think everyone should be at your level and everyone else is worthless. It is very closed minded and very poor judgement on your part and says alot about who you are as a person.

It is really sad that you have such a low self view that you have to list your prices and openings to everyone here. Yeah sure you make take a good picture.. but thats all you can do.

You should take a step back, and think about what this site is about.

I am Damn Sure its not your personal Playground.
04/02/2004 01:20:31 AM · #20
The original idea behind the site was for it to be a place where the two of us and a couple of our friends could teach ourselves to be better photographers by giving each other a 'challenge' for the week.

Maybe you missed that huh? Also, you might have missed the section at the top of each page that says LEARN. Yup, that's right... LEARN. But you know... I don't exactly see a section that says PROFESSIONALS ONLY. If there is one on here, please let me know. Until then... I'm here to learn.

I give my 100% best in each challenge I submit. I'm a college student who is doing this as a hobby. I do it because I like it, I do it to take my mind off of things, I don't do it to be a perfectionist. I do however want to improve on it, even if that means slowly. I want to be in a positive environment, which is what I thought this was. If you are a professional who loves what you do, why would you want to discourage other people from doing it and finding a love for it. I know it has to be hard work, but we're not all in it for the long run.

I'm a singer but everytime I hear someone sing I don't expect them to be professional quality. I know they are giving me the best that they can at the time. I don't discourage people who would like to do an open mic night or take a lesson now and then even if they aren't wanting to persue this as a career. I don't harshly critique people when they are doing their best. Critiquing doesn't have to always be a negative thing, there are ways to help people improve. Which brings me back to... LEARNING.

I'm 22

Message edited by author 2004-04-02 01:22:44.
04/02/2004 01:20:44 AM · #21
I'm not trying to be negative, but the way you speak down on the rest of us just begs it to be said:

The images you have submitted to the challenges here, I do not find to be exceptional by any means. In your own words, "I expect to see the best people have to offer - and just like playing poker - they should know when to fold 'em"

That's not to say you're not a great photographer. Your northern light shots are great. I am certain that these challenge submissions aren't the best you have to offer.

Again, your words: "It's frustrating wasting time viewing so many lame offerings"

(and I am no way bragging about my submissions here either, as I've definately had some that I used some hazy judgement in submitting :)

Message edited by author 2004-04-02 01:26:18.
04/02/2004 01:43:50 AM · #22
Glacierwolf, granted you've done a good job to stir up some opinions, although that's probably not what you had in mind when you first posted this topic. But you've done a good job getting people to materalize thier opinions.
Like stated below, I am also here to learn. This site does contain professional photography but it also contains amatuer photography, that is why it is an "Open Challenge." Anyone with a computer, internet and digital camera can enter almost anything they like. Not necissarily a good thing but amatuers can learn from masters 'like you.' That is what I am here for. For improvement, not just trying to win colored pixels. I believe you are setting the bar way to high.

I'm 16
04/02/2004 01:53:44 AM · #23
I think you taking the whole thing too seriously
If you don't have a time don't vote
04/02/2004 02:05:58 AM · #24
I see Galcierwolf's point, and to a small degree agree with some of it. I participate in another challenge site, and the entries are 1/4 of those here (for open challenges) but the quality is 3 times better. i ask myself why...and get no concrete answer. The only limitation there is one must have a Fuji camera. The only difference is you get about 2 weeks to go from idea to submission. The conclusion I draw from that the longer timeframe makes all the difference in the world.

I have good shots and bad shots - I am not an expert in every type of photography, and even a great idea needs time, props, at times models, etc. So yeah, I think I see hurried entries. I think we learn from them - may only be that the type of pic entered is not going to do well so tay away from that type of pic (abstract or color shifted or whatever). My only complaint, a small one, is that the entries should more closely fit the challenge subject matter. Some is open to interpretation (cultural, age, etc differences do make a difference).

A 'pretty' pic will do tons better than an average pic. How to make a 'pretty' pic instead of an average one is information I am still seeking. If you have such info, spew forth now and you may see 400 beautiful entries next challenge! And you'll get my vote for King of Photography, too. If however, you do not possess or cannot convey such knowledge (your challenge entries speak for themselves)then quit yer bitchin'.

04/02/2004 02:21:51 AM · #25
Bestagents, I agree with you in some aspects, but I also have a bone to pick with you.

Recently...VERY recently I received a comment from you that said I should never have entered my pic in the challenge. Now, you are entitled to your own opinion, but to say I shouldn't have entered this pic without an explination was to be honest just very discouraging. If you agree this is a place to learn, especially in the open challenge, could you please give some constructive critisim?
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