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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> Is obama dumb?
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 66, (reverse)
08/29/2011 08:13:37 PM · #1
Yes he is.
08/29/2011 08:17:36 PM · #2
if obama's dumb, that makes you relatively unable to judge his intelligence at all
08/29/2011 08:27:57 PM · #3
"Others" start judging our candidates, I have my own opinion too.
08/29/2011 08:41:03 PM · #4
Originally posted by FocusPoint:

"Others" start judging our candidates, I have my own opinion too.

Yes, but is your opinion based on something? For example, does Obama not understand what science is?
08/29/2011 08:42:59 PM · #5
Law review at Harvard is rarely a sign of dumb. I guess some folks see only the top 0.005% as not dumb.
08/29/2011 09:07:00 PM · #6
obama and his dogs will attack to GOP nominees and try to make them look bad instead of running on good things he did over two years... he has nothing to show for. Oh wait, he ordered to kill Osama! that will be the "only" thing he will put his ass against and try to beat us, Republicans. "Law reviews"? what the hell did he write, lunch menus? it seems like he didn't learn much!
08/29/2011 09:08:23 PM · #7
Originally posted by FocusPoint:

Yes he is.

...care to elaborate on that.

If indeed you consider him dumb, what endearing terms do you have for the likes of the Governor of Texas or your former President.

08/29/2011 09:13:12 PM · #8
anyone who can get elected to the presidency of the united states is not dumb.
08/29/2011 09:30:22 PM · #9
Originally posted by mike_311:

anyone who can get elected to the presidency of the united states is not dumb.

Agree on that statement. I don't agree with his policies and leadership, but I do believe is is smart. I wish I had half his talents, especially his people skills. George Bush is not a moron either, despite the liberals that feel better to think so.
08/29/2011 10:54:10 PM · #10
Originally posted by Yo_Spiff:

Originally posted by mike_311:

anyone who can get elected to the presidency of the united states is not dumb.

Agree on that statement. I don't agree with his policies and leadership, but I do believe is is smart. I wish I had half his talents, especially his people skills. George Bush is not a moron either, despite the liberals that feel better to think so.

-retraction, I'll save this opinion for fb or the watercooler.

Message edited by author 2011-08-29 23:13:56.
08/30/2011 12:23:13 AM · #11
Originally posted by mike_311:

anyone who can get elected to the presidency of the united states is not dumb.

The election race to the Presidency is truly a war of attrition and you know what they say about war ...

"War not determine who win; war determine who left."
-- Mr. Miagi - Karate Kid
08/30/2011 12:24:41 AM · #12
dumb? no

lacking good leadership skills? yes

08/30/2011 01:25:03 AM · #13
Originally posted by FocusPoint:

obama and his dogs will attack to GOP nominees and try to make them look bad instead of running on good things he did over two years... he has nothing to show for. Oh wait, he ordered to kill Osama! that will be the "only" thing he will put his ass against and try to beat us, Republicans. "Law reviews"? what the hell did he write, lunch menus? it seems like he didn't learn much!

Most folks who went to college know what a law review is, but ill assume you are being sincere in not knowing. A law review is a journal of scholarly interest written by law students. At Harvard the top twenty students are allowed to write for the review. You gotta be smart to get into Harvard Law (especially if you aren't a rich legacy) and you have to be real wicked smart to be law review.

If you are unsure what he has done as president in his first two years, you might learn something here
08/30/2011 06:34:07 AM · #14
Originally posted by BrennanOB:

...If you are unsure what he has done as president in his first two years, you might learn something here

you are kidding me, right. laughing my ass off actually those are called accomplishments! He has one thing on his mind "Transforming this country" to socialism. All his "accomplishments" are aimed for more vote, more money and killing majority in this county.

Obama = Joke (a very bad one too)
08/30/2011 06:39:48 AM · #15
Barack Obama - Genius or Fool?
08/30/2011 07:00:07 AM · #16
Originally posted by FocusPoint:

obama and his dogs will attack to GOP nominees and try to make them look bad instead of running on good things he did over two years... he has nothing to show for. Oh wait, he ordered to kill Osama! that will be the "only" thing he will put his ass against and try to beat us, Republicans. "Law reviews"? what the hell did he write, lunch menus? it seems like he didn't learn much!

Are YOU running for office?
08/30/2011 07:23:06 AM · #17
Originally posted by Kelli:

...Are YOU running for office?

Yes... yes I am running for the office... I am one of "we the people" who are also running for the office and save our country from the "big government". When I vote next year, my name won't be on the list but my candidate's name will and I make sure to vote for him (or her) to take our country back... and that's a promise.
08/30/2011 07:27:09 AM · #18

Message edited by author 2011-08-30 11:54:33.
08/30/2011 07:38:13 AM · #19
Originally posted by FocusPoint:

Originally posted by BrennanOB:

...If you are unsure what he has done as president in his first two years, you might learn something here

you are kidding me, right. laughing my ass off actually those are called accomplishments! He has one thing on his mind "Transforming this country" to socialism. All his "accomplishments" are aimed for more vote, more money and killing majority in this county.

Obama = Joke (a very bad one too)

i think you are off base here and really you sound like just like a pundit. first of all he's not dumb, nor is he a fool, but he also isn't a leader and i dont think he's trying to push an socialist agenda.

this country needs a strong leader to bring us together, so many are on hard times and they dont see any hope, really there isn't any, but at least show us some. He ran on the mantra of hope and change and neither happened nor do we foresee it happening.

Obama talks a big game but doesn't take a stand when he needs to, he likes to lecture and tell us what didnt work instead of pushing forward a plan, he has no idea how to lead, which is usually the case when you dont elect someone with governing experience.

08/30/2011 07:54:01 AM · #20
Originally posted by FocusPoint:

He has one thing on his mind "Transforming this country" to socialism.

lol. You sure you understand what socialism is?
08/30/2011 08:12:57 AM · #21
Originally posted by blindjustice:

Originally posted by BrennanOB:

Originally posted by FocusPoint:

obama and his dogs will attack to GOP nominees and try to make them look bad instead of running on good things he did over two years... he has nothing to show for. Oh wait, he ordered to kill Osama! that will be the "only" thing he will put his ass against and try to beat us, Republicans. "Law reviews"? what the hell did he write, lunch menus? it seems like he didn't learn much!

Most folks who went to college know what a law review is, but ill assume you are being sincere in not knowing. A law review is a journal of scholarly interest written by law students. At Harvard the top twenty students are allowed to write for the review. You gotta be smart to get into Harvard Law (especially if you aren't a rich legacy) and you have to be real wicked smart to be law review.

If you are unsure what he has done as president in his first two years, you might learn something here

well put- but you see, most foxs news tea party types don't like lawyers, they think that parasitic lawyers are the problem and that most problems can be solved by tort reform. so they won't respect the top of law review at the top law school in arguably the world, let alone a the smartest black liberal lawyer with a laughably muslim sounding name.

Dubya was making up words, speaking less eloquently than an ex-coke addict in a group session, and choking on pretzels, and tanking the country, easing up on security,bringing us into wars by mistake(benefit of the doubt for those who think it was for the benefit of big oil)- probably the worst president by far we have ever had.

And Obama is stupid? A bad leader? Get real. Where was the tea party from 2000-2008? There was the time to protest- now it just looks like a bunch of ignorant white racists- impeding a recovery for political purposes, or getting elected to prove government doesn't work.

08/30/2011 10:58:14 AM · #22
Originally posted by FocusPoint:

Yes... yes I am running for the office... I am one of "we the people" who are also running for the office and save our country from the "big government".

This makes me shudder... violently. Not because it's you per se, but because a "regular joe" is neither qualified nor able to "save us" from the government WE put in place. The inevitable result of such wide eyed idealism can only be a dramatically worse situation, as should have been apparent with the Tea Party's antics during the debt talks. I wish there were a "Sim Government" game based on independent expert knowledge of economics, constitutional law, history, sociology, foreign policy, etc. where people could try out their "solutions" and see what happens without real people having to endure it.

When Ron Paul boldly proclaims that FEMA has no business helping people, he's saying that the initial response to Hurricane Katrina wasn't an outrage, and in fact didn't go far enough– tens of thousands of people should have been left to die. When Mitt Romney tones back his previously vocal stance on manmade global warming (the virtually unanimous consensus of those who actually study it), just because only 21 percent of Republican voters in Iowa believe it, he might as well ditch the suit and put on an, "I'm with stupid" t-shirt. When any Tea Party candidate running on a platform of strict constitutional adherence proves to be as woefully ignorant of the constitution as Christine O'Donnell did last year, that person should be automatically disqualified and mocked without mercy. People who decry government waste, yet continue to advocate investigations into birther claims and 9/11 conspiracies should have "idiot" tatooed to their foreheads. Political lies and distortions must be called out for what they are, immediately and loudly, to snuff out lunacy and clear away deliberate obstacles to real solutions. We need less pandering to ignorance and more reality-based leadership.
08/30/2011 11:39:36 AM · #23
Originally posted by scalvert:

Originally posted by FocusPoint:

Yes... yes I am running for the office... I am one of "we the people" who are also running for the office and save our country from the "big government".

This makes me shudder... violently. Not because it's you per se, but because a "regular joe" is neither qualified nor able to "save us" from the government WE put in place. The inevitable result of such wide eyed idealism can only be a dramatically worse situation, as should have been apparent with the Tea Party's antics during the debt talks. I wish there were a "Sim Government" game based on independent expert knowledge of economics, constitutional law, history, sociology, foreign policy, etc. where people could try out their "solutions" and see what happens without real people having to endure it.

When Ron Paul boldly proclaims that FEMA has no business helping people, he's saying that the initial response to Hurricane Katrina wasn't an outrage, and in fact didn't go far enough– tens of thousands of people should have been left to die. When Mitt Romney tones back his previously vocal stance on manmade global warming (the virtually unanimous consensus of those who actually study it), just because only 21 percent of Republican voters in Iowa believe it, he might as well ditch the suit and put on an, "I'm with stupid" t-shirt. When any Tea Party candidate running on a platform of strict constitutional adherence proves to be as woefully ignorant of the constitution as Christine O'Donnell did last year, that person should be automatically disqualified and mocked without mercy. People who decry government waste, yet continue to advocate investigations into birther claims and 9/11 conspiracies should have "idiot" tatooed to their foreheads. Political lies and distortions must be called out for what they are, immediately and loudly, to snuff out lunacy and clear away deliberate obstacles to real solutions. We need less pandering to ignorance and more reality-based leadership.

Another +1! And lets not forget this lovely lady...link! Oh my!
08/30/2011 11:58:32 AM · #24
Originally posted by Kelli:

Originally posted by scalvert:

Originally posted by FocusPoint:

Yes... yes I am running for the office... I am one of "we the people" who are also running for the office and save our country from the "big government".

This makes me shudder... violently. Not because it's you per se, but because a "regular joe" is neither qualified nor able to "save us" from the government WE put in place. The inevitable result of such wide eyed idealism can only be a dramatically worse situation, as should have been apparent with the Tea Party's antics during the debt talks. I wish there were a "Sim Government" game based on independent expert knowledge of economics, constitutional law, history, sociology, foreign policy, etc. where people could try out their "solutions" and see what happens without real people having to endure it.

When Ron Paul boldly proclaims that FEMA has no business helping people, he's saying that the initial response to Hurricane Katrina wasn't an outrage, and in fact didn't go far enough– tens of thousands of people should have been left to die. When Mitt Romney tones back his previously vocal stance on manmade global warming (the virtually unanimous consensus of those who actually study it), just because only 21 percent of Republican voters in Iowa believe it, he might as well ditch the suit and put on an, "I'm with stupid" t-shirt. When any Tea Party candidate running on a platform of strict constitutional adherence proves to be as woefully ignorant of the constitution as Christine O'Donnell did last year, that person should be automatically disqualified and mocked without mercy. People who decry government waste, yet continue to advocate investigations into birther claims and 9/11 conspiracies should have "idiot" tatooed to their foreheads. Political lies and distortions must be called out for what they are, immediately and loudly, to snuff out lunacy and clear away deliberate obstacles to real solutions. We need less pandering to ignorance and more reality-based leadership.

I didn't see that- WOW.

Another +1! And lets not forget this lovely lady...link! Oh my!
08/30/2011 12:47:30 PM · #25
Originally posted by FocusPoint:

Originally posted by Kelli:

...Are YOU running for office?

Yes... yes I am running for the office... I am one of "we the people" who are also running for the office and save our country from the "big government". When I vote next year, my name won't be on the list but my candidate's name will and I make sure to vote for him (or her) to take our country back... and that's a promise.

If you call democrats or republicans 'your candidate' then please be aware that you're simply a tool of the process, and that you're really just giving the country away.
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