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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> more than "wheels" seems "retirement" challange !!
Showing posts 1 - 19 of 19, (reverse)
04/08/2004 10:02:23 AM · #1
"retired", "old", "rusty", etc.
90% went for the blacksmith's old backyard or the railway museum.... boring.
04/08/2004 10:08:29 AM · #2
My guess is that your shot is so dynamic and engaging that it is a lock for the top spot then.
04/08/2004 11:06:56 AM · #3
No way Dan. I was much too busy for the past 7 days so I didn't upload any photo for this challange. But I'm sure I could do better than railway stuff, rolling chairs, old rusty wheels, byke front brake views, etc. They are all so predictable and boring.

Message edited by author 2004-04-08 11:07:51.
04/08/2004 11:12:38 AM · #4
My guess is that 90% of the people figured that 90% of the submissions would be shiny new wheels so they opted for old rusty wheels.

My suggestion, however, would be to vote for each photo in relation to itself and not in relation to the 90% other similar shots. Afterall, there is only so much one can do with 'wheels'.
04/08/2004 11:16:17 AM · #5
Old rusty implements, old rusty cars with grass growing around them, etc. It would have to be an extaordinary shot to stand out from the crowd. Its not that those things shouldn't be submitted, it's just that you have to understand that everyone's seen a LOT of those on this site or in their own collection so you're fighting a boredom factor. The same goes for pictures of guitars, chess pieces, or anything in stemware.
04/08/2004 12:06:17 PM · #6
I agree, but as soon as you venture off the beaten path, you get beaten to a pulp (score wise). No happy medium I suppose.

From what i have seen, a good idea done average does better than an average idea done well. If one can pull off a good idea done well, then you win.

Personally, I'd like 2 weeks from topic announcement to submission deadline. Even if we have 2 contests running 'simultaneously' so to speak. I think with more time we'd get much better shots overall.

04/08/2004 12:39:27 PM · #7
Originally posted by AlexHugel:

No way Dan. I was much too busy for the past 7 days so I didn't upload any photo for this challange. But I'm sure I could do better than railway stuff, rolling chairs, old rusty wheels, byke front brake views, etc. They are all so predictable and boring.

Give us your sample it must be Whoooooooooo
04/08/2004 01:03:25 PM · #8
Originally posted by AlexHugel:

No way Dan. I was much too busy for the past 7 days so I didn't upload any photo for this challange. But I'm sure I could do better than railway stuff, rolling chairs, old rusty wheels, byke front brake views, etc. They are all so predictable and boring.

I guess everyone needs an excuse as to why they are the armchair quarterback instead of playing in the game.
04/08/2004 01:14:11 PM · #9
I agree Dan. We have way too many armchair quarterbacks. A person should enter a few challenges before leaving such comments.
04/08/2004 01:55:43 PM · #10
This actualy does have a point :) I am the one who first submited a brand new shiny wheel than changed it to an old rusty one because I thought there will be to many new ones. Then when it all started I realised more old wheels than new ones and I said "damn, should of left the new one" :) Score is ok 5.7 but I stil am not sure if my other would of done better or not. here is my out take

Message edited by author 2004-04-08 13:56:42.
04/08/2004 02:03:11 PM · #11
I know I'm a NOOB, but I've been reviewing the "challenge history" and trying to learn from the scoring, so I'd like to maintain the illusion that I have a small clue. :)

I think this challenge -- with it's very ubiqutious subject -- is an interesting opportunity to see where "normal" falls on the Bell Curve. It's hard work to be wildly creative with such a common, ordinary, and maybe even a 'taken-for-granted' object.

I'd suggest that how we react to the middle-ground is also a good indicator of how much we value the creative thought process. Someone is going to think, "Hey, what a great collection of wagon wheel photos! How can I make the best possible wagon wheel shot?"
04/08/2004 03:13:28 PM · #12
Originally posted by alanbataar:

I know I'm a NOOB, but I've been reviewing the "challenge history" and trying to learn from the scoring, so I'd like to maintain the illusion that I have a small clue. :)

I think this challenge -- with it's very ubiqutious subject -- is an interesting opportunity to see where "normal" falls on the Bell Curve. It's hard work to be wildly creative with such a common, ordinary, and maybe even a 'taken-for-granted' object.

If you've been looking at the history, you'll see that the challenge with the most wildly creative, interesting images was the pencil challenge.
04/08/2004 03:28:46 PM · #13
Originally posted by alanbataar:

I think this challenge -- with it's very ubiqutious subject -- is an interesting opportunity to see where "normal" falls on the Bell Curve. It's hard work to be wildly creative with such a common, ordinary, and maybe even a 'taken-for-granted' object.

Being a Noob myself I may be way off base, but IMHO being creative puts you at risk of being seen as off challenge by those who submitted a straight-forward shot. I find the most "creative" work solidly in the middle of the pack, with out many fives, but with lots of nines and twos.
I thought I came up with a clever solution that would be unlike any other submissions; and while no one else shot this type of wheel, it is being crushed in the voting, and I would guess that many people don't get the secondary "wheel" reference, that is supposed to be the visual payoff. A photograph of a well shot and well framed though "boring" subject will more often win because it is accesible to everyone who votes. What is ment to be clever creative stuff somtimes soars, more often it results in a smoking crater. Right now I'm smoking:-(
04/08/2004 03:31:18 PM · #14
Unfortunately I changed my pic at the last minute, same subject but as my commenters suggest "over sharpened" and with a feeling of "compositional chaos". Similar comments from 4 peeps and of course they are right. I'm still hanging on to 5.5** and my best score by far. I've had 2 comments from people (one in the challenge t'other from another site) that make me realise I'm on the right tracks. One person said its the sort of picture they would hang in their home and another said it took them back to their childhood and rekindled old memories. I guess if I get comments from peeps with a technically lacking pic I'm halfway there - just got to learn how to use the cam properly. Its old, rusty, round and black and white. I'm definately going to reshoot this.
04/08/2004 04:01:16 PM · #15
Originally posted by Gordon:

[quote=alanbataar] It's hard work to be wildly creative with such a common, ordinary, and maybe even a 'taken-for-granted' object. If you've been looking at the history, you'll see that the challenge with the most wildly creative, interesting images was the pencil challenge.

My was the only shot of its kind in that challenge and its only doing 4.11. my question is why be creative if you can't win a challenge with uniqueness???
04/08/2004 04:07:55 PM · #16
I've noticed that no matter what the challenge and no matter what pictures are submitted, someone will post that there are either too many of one type of shot, or the pictures are boring, uncreative, or poor.
Personally I enjoyed this challenge and probably voted higher in this challenge then in any in recent memory. Yes there are a lot of old/rusty wheels but that is because a lot of people think they make good subjects (me being one of them).

Good job to all of those that took well taken and well composed pictures of old rusty stuff in this challenge. I enjoyed them.

PS I didn't submit to this challenge because I didn't get a chance to get out to my favorite place with a lot of old rusty wheels.
04/08/2004 05:35:03 PM · #17
Originally posted by notonline:

My was the only shot of its kind in that challenge and its only doing 4.11. my question is why be creative if you can't win a challenge with uniqueness???

Uniqueness is one thing but was the shot well composed, had good light etc, etc. Unique subject matter alone will not win a challenge.
04/09/2004 06:12:29 AM · #18
Originally posted by eikidigi:

Originally posted by AlexHugel:

No way Dan. I was much too busy for the past 7 days so I didn't upload any photo for this challange. But I'm sure I could do better than railway stuff, rolling chairs, old rusty wheels, byke front brake views, etc. They are all so predictable and boring.

Give us your sample it must be Whoooooooooo

Hold your horses man ;-) By the way I love your Stallion

My idea was very simple: a huge tyre (special industrial vehicle type) with a nude goldpainted girl inside of it stretching muscles in a wrestling pose. Rocky mountains background of course. Hehehe.... What a fun that would be...
04/09/2004 06:22:27 AM · #19
Originally posted by jimsapp:

I agree Dan. We have way too many armchair quarterbacks. A person should enter a few challenges before leaving such comments.

Ok, sir. Experience matters. But that's not the whole thing. After all these challenges should be fun, don't you think ? And expressing your own thoughts is part of it. Being critical it's a constructive thing in my opinion. This is no "politikal korect" battlefield... We are here to SHARE, COMPETE, LEARN and ENJOY our digital photowork...

Message edited by author 2004-04-14 05:16:18.
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