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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Anyone familiar with picture.com
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04/26/2004 03:13:39 PM · #1
Is anyone familiar with picture.com? I submitted a picture to them that has been selected for publication in a book they make called Endless Journeys.

I don't know if it is a scam or not, but was wondering if anyone knew about them.

By the way, here is the picture if you would like to check it out.
04/26/2004 03:16:59 PM · #2
I dont think its an actual scam, but more or less a way to collect money from you for using your picture in a book they publish.

there are several places that do this type of book publishing, some get the book others dont. Just be very carefull.

Im sure some else has more info on this than I do, as it has been discussed MANY times before

04/26/2004 03:27:28 PM · #3
They want you to buy the book as Jab said.
Just use caution. :)
04/26/2004 03:29:28 PM · #4
04/26/2004 04:56:17 PM · #5
I should have searched the forums regarding this before I posted.
Thanks for the information and thank you shkelly587 for the kind words. I'm just starting out so I was pretty proud of it!
04/26/2004 05:00:02 PM · #6
you should check the threads bc there are a lot of poelpe that have experience with that website. I hate to tell you but the site is a SCAm & selects ALL the fotos that are submitted for publication. Some people have bought the book that their picture will be published & have yet to receive it three years later!

One of shots got chosen as well (not a good one at that) & they still email me crap telling massive lies to get me to buy something. Your picture never really makes it into any publications.

Use your own judgement & I would reiterate that you take some time to check prior threads about picture.com (u can use it as the search word). Good luck!
04/26/2004 05:05:15 PM · #7
I also submited this photo and was told it was going to be in the same book, and that I could buy one for like 50 bucks, I told them they could put it in there, but not going to buy one...I'll see if I can find it somewhere and just look at my pic in the book, that would be enough for me.

04/26/2004 05:08:45 PM · #8
Well from what Rooster said I guess I won't be seeing the book anywhere, at least I didn't buy it...good for me (pats himself on the back)
04/26/2004 05:21:50 PM · #9
I read here on the forum that its a scam. I also searched on other sites and found a lot of complaints about them. Beware!
04/26/2004 06:34:18 PM · #10
In one of the other forums I read where a person was invited to recieve an award. I put my name instead of hers and look! I win an award too!


LOL, Ok I'm a sucker. I didn't send them any money but I can see where grandma and grandpa would because of a picture they took of their grand kids!
04/26/2004 07:08:33 PM · #11
Hm, it sounds exactly like Poetry.com, even down to the convention and "award". You submit a poem for a competition, they say it's accepted for an anthology and ask you to buy a copy. The anthology is just about fitting as many poems onto a page as possible. (But at least you do receive it, at least in some cases.) And then they spam you for the rest of your life about attending conventions, having your poem "professionally read" in an audio collection, and the like.

As others have said, that's a lovely shot. I would save it for something more dignified.
04/26/2004 07:25:00 PM · #12
And they dont stop sending them emails and letters either when you ignore them ,,, they keep sending a new letter just rewording everything like "since you couldnt make it" and "We will hold a spot for ya" Just pay the $$00 and you are a member , youll get awards yadadyadayada......

Too much money if you ask me.....
They are going about it the wrong way.
04/26/2004 07:26:51 PM · #13
I had a similar experience. I got all excited that I was a "finalist" in one of their monthly contests. I went back to their site to see where I placed in the contest after all and I was 1/1000 or so photos (it seemed, anyway). Anyway, they sent me a flyer for their book and said my shot would be in the book. I didn't send money, but I'm definitely on their mail list since I get lots of mail from them and it's been more than a year.
04/27/2004 10:40:25 AM · #14
while it may be legal, i consider it a scam. i fell for it the first time... if i hadn't, maybe i wouldn't be into photography like i am today... i fell for it when i read the letter in the mail saying i was a runner-up in the photo contest. so after happily sending them a bunch of money to pre-order my book, i had to wait over a year before i got the book i had ordered. it's pretty much a scam if you ask me... if you look at the quality of photos in the book, you'll see that anyone who submitted a photo will "win". while there are many great photos, there's a ton of junk, snapshots, out of focus crap, crooked shots, and just general waste of space.... while it's cool to have your photo in a book, it sucks to look at your photo in the book and see a bunch of crappy pics surrounding it.
04/29/2004 11:32:12 AM · #15
Originally posted by JackCruise:

I also submited this photo and was told it was going to be in the same book, and that I could buy one for like 50 bucks, I told them they could put it in there, but not going to buy one...I'll see if I can find it somewhere and just look at my pic in the book, that would be enough for me.

yup me too, said they can put my photo in there, but did not buy a book!
05/01/2004 04:26:00 AM · #16
Yes Elwen they do the same exact thing for Poetry.com. It's just a way for them to make money. My feeling is that if you get something published you should be paid for it, royalties also. You should not have to purchase the book that your photo or poem is going to be in. I think they also run a site for short stories. Just be careful, if you do buy the book, more than likely you are not going to receive it.
05/04/2004 01:06:56 PM · #17
Hi my name is Brenda and i am new to this site. I am addicted to photogrophy I take tons of pictures (thankgod for digital cameras)I am looking into opening my own business as a photogropher. Back to the subject. I also submitted a picture to picture.com they sent me a letter in the mail saying I was chosen to have my picture published in their book endless journeys i was very excited, they then sent me a letter telling me if I sent them 100.00 or so dollars they would take my photo to washington DC and display it at the capitol, then at the hilton ballroom hotel, and that I also won an award. It sounds iffy to me but don't know.
the picture they are publishing is on my daughters website//home.comcast.net/~pigletsportfolio
05/04/2004 01:40:51 PM · #18
Brenda, Im sure you read most of this thread, this is a very common ploy to build your hopes up so you will send them money, if you read above you will see that some sent in their money and after years, they never received their book.

Heck if you give me $100 I will take your photo to Washington and Display it at the capitol and at the Hilton. I will even send you a portrait of Abraham Lincoln and a solar powered clothes dryer for only $15 more.

05/06/2004 11:24:43 AM · #19
Ya pretty much realized it was a scam so I never sent them any money it is neat that my photo will be published but they should pay me to publish my photo and give me the book for free. But I never would be this into photogrophy if I hadn't enterd my picture. I guess good things can come out of bad things.

My website
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