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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Trying to buy a Olympus 1.7x Teleconverter Lens
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04/26/2004 09:55:31 PM · #1
Hi everyone,

I am trying to purchase a teleconverter online for my camera, however ever site I seem to go to will not ship internationally (except one that wanted me to scan copies of the front and back of my credit card and also copies of my photo id, which really seems weird if you ask me) Do any of you know of some good sites to chose from?
04/26/2004 10:28:32 PM · #2
where do you stay?
04/26/2004 10:40:38 PM · #3
I am Australian.

Its ok I managed to find a site that could ship here so I am happy, plus the converter was cheaper there anyway (although shipping was still a bit pricey, but doable) :)
04/26/2004 11:18:56 PM · #4
Great,happy Shooting
04/27/2004 02:48:50 PM · #5
If you can, let me know how that conveter works. I have a C-5060 which is close to the same unit.
Chris M.
04/27/2004 02:56:21 PM · #6
Apparently, Olympus has a sort of "factory seconds" store on Ebay: Olympusamerica. I don't know if they ship international, but it seems to be a great source of low priced merchandise direct from Olympus. I think its mostly returned, refurbished, scratch-and-dent stuff, but they've got a 30 gaurantee. Haven't used it myself, but came highly recommended on another forum (a Canon forum, in fact).

:( Just noticed, they don't ship outside US/Canada. Sorry.

Message edited by author 2004-04-27 14:57:37.
04/27/2004 05:27:48 PM · #7
I bought from Olympusameria on Ebay. Very smooth transaction if you don't mind putting your credit card number on the internet. I ordered on monday afternoon and it got here in Wednesday's mail.

For the TCON 17 try pemaraal online
06/07/2004 08:32:13 PM · #8
In searching for an affordable lenses in ebay, I found this item Wideangle and Telephoto Pro Lens Kit

What can you say about this item? Is it comparable to olympus TCon and WCon? It sells for $59.99 with the Tube Adapter, as compared to $99 of TCon.

I also found an Olympus TCON-17 and WCON-07 in ebay for $140+ but like Olympusamerica, there's no international shipping.

I'm still happy with my oly-740, I just want to try putting some "cosmetics" into it.
06/07/2004 08:35:35 PM · #9
I bought $100 El cheapo 2x tele for my Oly 5050 and never used it because of distortions,focusing problems and the viewfinder was "off "the subject you are taking picture of !
06/07/2004 08:39:28 PM · #10
hehehe...okidoks pitsaman, I got your message....
06/07/2004 09:15:57 PM · #11
If anyone wants a 1.45 x Olympus converter plus setup ring let me know. I am selling that one and can do it through ebay for you.
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