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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> Another Big Month
Showing posts 176 - 200 of 235, (reverse)
04/24/2013 12:41:22 PM · #176

redpoll or sparrow?
04/24/2013 12:54:19 PM · #177

60. Ring-billed Gull, Larus delawarensis

61. Pied-billed Grebe, Podilymbus podiceps
04/24/2013 02:42:31 PM · #178
......Canada Goose
......Golden-crowned Kinglet
......American Robin
04/24/2013 04:24:43 PM · #179

11. Carrion crow
04/24/2013 06:03:08 PM · #180
I posted a photo of a Caspian Tern, so this does not count for my April total

04/24/2013 09:23:45 PM · #181

62. Green-winged Teal, Anas crecca

63. Hooded Merganser, Lophodytes cucullatus

64. Short-billed Dowitcher, Limnodromus griseus

Distant shots. Extreme crop. Sorry. It was windy, today. The birds were not sitting.
04/25/2013 02:54:38 PM · #182
Sorry I haven't been submitting lately - life has been happening. Part of that was to entertain out-of-town guests and they wanted to go to the zoo. So the Aviary was calling me and these are some of the shots I got.

I hope to get caught up on my comments by the end of the weekend.

Bateleur Eagle - Africa

Blue Crowned Hanging Parrott - Asia

Blue-naped Mousebird - Africa

Sharna Thrush - Asia

Scarlet Ibis - South America -- Taking a Bath

Red Capped Cardinal - South America

Turquoise Tanager- South America

Wompoo Pigeon - Australia
04/25/2013 07:51:09 PM · #183
Largely, due to this SC, I've gotten some good publicity.

04/25/2013 08:10:27 PM · #184
That's a lovely collection of birds Richard. You certainly set the bar high for the rest of us!
04/25/2013 08:14:10 PM · #185
Originally posted by hahn23:

Largely, due to this SC, I've gotten some good publicity.


very nice, ...I had to look at some Real Estate in the papers...Holy Smoking Prices....They want how much? someone would pay all that money and have to look at that scenery ....you guys need Bulldozers to level things a little ....lol
04/25/2013 08:31:00 PM · #186
Excellent work Richard. You not only have a very nice collection of birds this month but some of them are absolutely stunning! Congratulations!
04/25/2013 08:43:27 PM · #187
Not sure about this one

Common Grackle

American Crow This was one of 3 that were harassing a Red Tail Hawk. The crow is below the Hawk which is why the size might not look right.

Greater Yellowlegs

These geese look so different depending on what they are doing. I included these samples so you can see what I mean.

American Black Ducks

Northern Harrier , Male This is the second image of this hawk that I have posted. This guy was miles away but I was very excited to see him and get some modest images.

04/25/2013 09:01:21 PM · #188
Congratulations Richard - how marvelous for you!
04/25/2013 09:57:41 PM · #189

The kids are growing up, we know there are at least 2 Owlets but some have claimed to see 3, personally I still believe there are only 2. One of these days I hope to get all three standing together.

Congratulations Richard, very nice collection of shots featured.
04/26/2013 11:18:54 AM · #190
Muscovy Ducks

Rose Breasted Grosbeak

Summer Tanager

04/26/2013 02:16:01 PM · #191
..........Boreal Chickadee
04/26/2013 05:40:59 PM · #192
Went to the North Carolina coast for a couple of days this week - these are about half of the birds I found there:

Purple Martin

Boat Tailed Grackle - question on the ID
(Male) - (Female)


04/26/2013 05:43:31 PM · #193
Turkey Vulture

Caspian Tern



Red Breasted Merganser, female A new bird for me!

Peregrine Falcon

Fish Crow

Belted Kingfisher


Rock Dove (pigeon)
04/26/2013 05:45:00 PM · #194
Didn't get all of them in my last post - posted too fast!

Eastern Wood Pewee
(Male) (Female)

Orchard Oriole

Turkey Vulture

Double Crested Cormorant

04/27/2013 08:04:16 AM · #195

Message edited by author 2013-04-27 08:35:52.
04/27/2013 09:31:10 AM · #196

Blue Wing Teal, male

Mallard, male

Common Yellowthroat

Palm Warbler

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher

Yellow Rumped Warbler

House Wren

Red Bellied Woodpecker, male

Tree Swallow

Wood Duck, female
04/27/2013 12:46:32 PM · #197

65. California Gull, Larus californicus

66. Spotted Sandpiper, Actitis macularius

67. Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Stelgidopteryx serripennis
04/28/2013 12:42:43 PM · #198
Well - these should be the last of them from the beach:

Common Loon

Sandpiper - if anyone can do a better job with the ID please let me know

Snowy Egret

Ring-billed Gull

Franklin's Gull

Red Knots


Brown Pelican
(Adult) (Immature)

Osprey - this one doesn't count but I spent so much time watching this nest I just wanted to share
04/28/2013 04:14:49 PM · #199

Not counting, but I just gave it a try.
04/28/2013 06:32:42 PM · #200

68. Golden Eagle, Aquila chrysaetos

I'm pretty excited to have found the Golden Eagle nest. All distant shots, extreme crop. Eventually, I'll get a better/closer adult shot.
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