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05/07/2004 09:15:05 AM · #26 |
Originally posted by Russell2566: Originally posted by orussell:
...dig a big pit around the whole frikken country, fill it with burning oil so no one can escape, and carpet bomb the whole country. Have it over with, once and for all. Would that make you happy Russell2566? Guess Halliburton et al wouldn't go for that though because it would make stealing the oil too uneconomical. Plus look at all the wasted oil. Shame. |
Wow your right up there with GerneralE, I'm gonna have to start writing foot notes for you too. I would like you to re-read my post again and do it this time with your head OUT of your ass... |
LOLOL. You're just too funny. I'm actually too short, fat, and inflexible, plus my head is way too inflated and my ass far too tight, to ever do that. But thanks for the concern in anycase.
So you think my suggestion is overkill (pun intended)? What degree of torture would you recommend to Bush if you were his chief of staff?
05/07/2004 09:42:43 AM · #27 |
Well I know this, and my thought is not politically correct, so some of you might want to shield your eyes.
I've done lots of thinking, and I've come to the decision that I think I came to an incorrect conclusion about the interrogation techniques used in Iraq originally (I was completely against them). Then I used common sense instead of feelings (I bash the left for NOT doing it all the time)
I no longer have any problems with what they did. I don't think it needs to be covered up or hidden. We do how-ever have to seriously consider changing our tactics a bit, BUT ONLY due to the over blown media response, BECAUSE THEY ARE ANTI-BUSH, but I don't feel it was wrong. Here is my reasoning.
The prisoners that were being humiliated (I refuse to say tortured, because it was EXTREMELY far from that) were TERRORISTS, say it again, TERRORISTS (yes it makes a difference)... Not only does the military NEED (not just want) information from these guys, but we as Americans and British and what ever else EXPECT them to get the information.
We want the murder of Coalition troops who are there to only do good to stop, we want larger weapons and weapon caches confiscated/destroyed, we want money trains shut down, we want foreign terrorists exported, stopped and or killed (mostly killed) and so on and so forth...
Well I'm sorry, the information we need to acomplish this is not obtained through cookies and milk or even sleep deprivation. While I believe the interrogations need a closer eye and more scrutiny, the fact that they can not even perform sleep depravation (which has poor results) without permission is PATHETIC and best.
I hate to say it, but this is a battle won by the bad guys, we are the big losers in this hand of cards.
This point of view might make me less civilized or humane, but I don't think we have the luxury right now to be overly politically correct. At some point we need to wake up. The left claims to support the troops, but they don't want to give them any ACTUAL support. Instead they attempt to tie their hands at every turn.
More troops will die because we no longer have good means of gathering information from terrorists who can withstand simple methods. It also means that higher prized targets that we ABSOLUTELY HAVE to get information from, will have to be exported to other US Friendly countries that DO NOT care how they get information from some one. I'm sure that has happening
I am not embarrassed about my opinion, just the fact that it took me 4 days to come to it. I actually support our troops and the MANY friends that have fighting over there. I am ashamed of both my original response (partially due to media coverage admittedly) and EXTREMELY ashamed of my countries reaction and even more so of her politicians.
How Dare anyone use this event for political gain only, this is distressing and pitiful.
Message edited by author 2004-05-07 11:52:09.
05/07/2004 10:09:01 AM · #28 |
We (the west) had no business going in there in the first place. Right now, by being there, we are only fanning the flames of hatred against the west higher and higher, throughout the entire world. If they were really concerned about the casualties and had no worry of losing face in the impending election, they probably would have already pulled out. Would you still support Bush if he pulled out now? Think about it.
You call something shoved up your rectum against your will an interogation technique?
05/07/2004 10:17:56 AM · #29 |
Originally posted by orussell: We (the west) had no business going in there in the first place. Right now, by being there, we are only fanning the flames of hatred against the west higher and higher |
The flames don't get higher, it can only get better. You can argue we had no business being there (I disagree) but no one else would have done it.
I bet you bitch and moan about North Korea, well Noth Korea was Clinton's Iraq (obviously not exactly), only he chose to sign a treaty along with Carter to obtain a false sense of security. Well now due to his complete disreguard post treaty and complete failure on the UN's part to enforce it, NK now has nuculear capabilities and we are worried about proliferation, and rightfully so.
I also can guarentee you that if Bush had not gone into Iraq, and 5 years from now he was tied to something serious, or even in the closer time period funding terrorism (i'm sure he was already anyway) you would have cried and whined along with all your liberal friends about how Bush II failed to protect us from Iraq when the future threat was so obvious.
Originally posted by orussell:
Would you still support Bush if he pulled out now? Think about it.
Ya, I mean how dare Bush stay in Iraq and do the right thing, how diplorable!!! I find it amusing that the left feels so offended by someone with morals, conviction and fortitude.
Originally posted by orussell:
You call something shoved up your rectum against your will an interogation technique? |
If it works? Also, its better than real interrigation techniques. Maybe you should do some research on the topic, I won't post pictures or links here due to the offensivness of them to some!
Message edited by author 2004-05-07 11:52:18.
05/07/2004 10:28:59 AM · #30 |
Originally posted by Russell2566: Ya, I mean how dare Bush stay in Iraq and do the right thing, how diplorable!!! I find it amusing that the left feels so offended by someone with morals, conviction and fortitude. |
Big daddy should have stayed there and finished the job during Desert Storm, when there was a reason to be there, ie. protecting a neighbouring country. The payoff just wasn't big enough was it?
05/07/2004 10:33:53 AM · #31 |
Originally posted by orussell:
Big daddy should have stayed there and finished the job during Desert Storm, when there was a reason to be there, ie. protecting a neighbouring country. The payoff just wasn't big enough was it? |
Your fearless United Nations wouldn't let him... The ONLY reason the UN support the Gulf War 1 was because the US SWORE not to overthrow Saddam and promise not to occupy or become a police force (basically stay for as short a time as possible).
Bush 1 had no choice!
Message edited by author 2004-05-07 11:51:41.
05/07/2004 10:36:37 AM · #32 |
Originally posted by Russell2566: Originally posted by orussell:
Big daddy should have stayed there and finished the job during Desert Storm, when there was a reason to be there, ie. protecting a neighbouring country. The payoff just wasn't big enough was it? |
Your fearless United Nations wouldn't let him... The ONLY reason the UN support the Gulf War 1 was because the US SWORE not to overthrow Saddam and promise not to occupy or become a police force (basically stay for as short a time as possible).
Bush 1 had no choice! |
Like the United Nations is going to tell a Bush what to do. Short memory or something?
05/07/2004 10:42:41 AM · #33 |
Originally posted by orussell: Originally posted by Russell2566: Originally posted by orussell:
Big daddy should have stayed there and finished the job during Desert Storm, when there was a reason to be there, ie. protecting a neighbouring country. The payoff just wasn't big enough was it? |
Your fearless United Nations wouldn't let him... The ONLY reason the UN support the Gulf War 1 was because the US SWORE not to overthrow Saddam and promise not to occupy or become a police force (basically stay for as short a time as possible).
Bush 1 had no choice! |
Like the United Nations is going to tell a Bush what to do. Short memory or something? |
Ah???? The UN did a fine job telling Bush Sr. what to do, the proof is in the pudding, we gave into their demands for Desert Storm...
I never said Bush Jr. was being pushed around by the UN, can you not read? It's about time we had a president that wasn't bent over all the time assuming the preverbial position for the UN to take advantage of!!!
Message edited by author 2004-05-07 11:51:27.
05/07/2004 02:05:43 PM · #34 |
Originally posted by GeneralE: Originally posted by orussell: And Bush probably wouldn't even be apologizing if it was not for an upcoming election ... |
Precisely my point ... and why I consider him unfit to fill the role of "leader of the free world." |
...because of your prejudice and presupposition? |
05/07/2004 02:19:40 PM · #35 |
Originally posted by Russell2566: Bush's NEVER should have apologized, it was a poor move I feel and does nothing but help feed the flames of Terrorists.
I disagree. He should have. And he did the right thing. We do hold the moral high ground. We are the "bigger" people. Bush has shown to the world that we live by higher standards and principles, and that we do, as a people, believe in and stand behind the things we say.
Is this just a few people? Absolutely. Was this severly less significant than the abuses, humiliation, and true torture practiced by those we're fighting against (which is not Arabs, Muslims or Iraqis)? Without a doubt. And in this forum, debating the relative severity of the two sides is valid. But our moral standards as a people is that prisoners are to be treated with some basic level of humanity, and Bush has displayed that he upholds those standards.
Sounded to me last night like the world was responding favorably to his statements. Too bad the opposition at home is too blinded by hatered to care. |
05/07/2004 02:20:27 PM · #36 |
Originally posted by orussell: Guess Halliburton et al wouldn't go for that though because it would make stealing the oil too uneconomical. |
Oh, here we go again with the whole Halliburton stealing oil thing. Let me try to debunk that stupid myth once and for all. First off, Iraq is a member of OPEC. Now, do you really think OPEC would allow the largest consumer of oil products in the world to "steal" oil from Iraq without making a huge stink? To date there have been no such outcry from OPEC or any other regulatory agency. Secondly, there are far easier targets in the world to "steal" oil from. Rather then invading a country with one of the largest standing armies in the world, wouldn't it have been easier to invade someplace like Nigeria or Algeria? Or how about Libya? We had a beef with them already you know. Not to mention they've publicly admitted to terrorist activities before. So, to recap, war for oil = stupid theory. Better theory = terrorist ass holes no longer tolerated. Oh, I know what your saying, Saddam a terrorist? Yes, anyone who sends cash rewards to the families of homicide bombers is definitely an international terrorist. And anyone that kills hundreds of thousands of his own people is a definitely a domestic terrorist. So, big terrorist ass hole + WMD = high value target in war on terror. And if you're still not convinced about the whole WMD thing, just ask the state department, they probably still have the receipts from the stuff we sold them. |
05/07/2004 02:27:27 PM · #37 |
Russell, you are what is wrong with this world.
05/07/2004 02:35:05 PM · #38 |
Originally posted by orussell: Originally posted by Russell2566: Ya, I mean how dare Bush stay in Iraq and do the right thing, how diplorable!!! I find it amusing that the left feels so offended by someone with morals, conviction and fortitude. |
Big daddy should have stayed there and finished the job during Desert Storm, when there was a reason to be there, ie. protecting a neighbouring country. The payoff just wasn't big enough was it? |
That's quite a bit of revisionist history. GHW Bush's mistake (which I accepted and understood) was in "playing by the rules" in so far as seeking broad international support. The mandate for the first gulf war was to drive Iraq from Kuwait. That goal was achieved, and right or wrong (wrong in hindsight) Bush chose to live by the original mandate and not use the initial basis for the war as an excuse to topple Hussein. Its hypocritical of you to feign disgust at GHW Bush for not "finishing the job", but to claim that we have no justification for finishing the job now.
Message edited by author 2004-05-07 14:39:10. |
05/07/2004 03:36:46 PM · #39 |
Originally posted by darcy: Russell, you are what is wrong with this world. |
What, you don't like Custom Motorcycle Paint Shop owners or are you talking about his politics?
Well, let me tell you that Russell is NOT what's wrong with this world. What's wrong with this world is people who forgot what happened on 911. People who think we can sit around, hold hands and sing Kum Ba Yah and the world will be ok. Oh, and of course the terrorist assholes that want to blow up said people (and Russell) for being infidels. The bottom line is we can't just sit around and expect the New York Fire Department to fight the war on terror. So if you have any better ideas send them to
05/07/2004 03:52:02 PM · #40 |
This thread is a joke. I can;t beleive this crap!
This thread is good reason to ban all non-fotog discussions.
I am thoroughly disgusted!
05/07/2004 05:33:10 PM · #41 |
Originally posted by Rooster: This thread is a joke. I can;t beleive this crap!
This thread is good reason to ban all non-fotog discussions.
I am thoroughly disgusted! |
This coming from someone that has a picture of Che Guevara for her profile photo. Was Che Guevara a Photographer in his spare time or is this a "non-fotog" political statement? Seems a bit hypocritical don't you think? |
05/07/2004 06:11:39 PM · #42 |
Originally posted by thelsel: Originally posted by Rooster: This thread is a joke. I can;t beleive this crap!
This thread is good reason to ban all non-fotog discussions.
I am thoroughly disgusted! |
This coming from someone that has a picture of Che Guevara for her profile photo. Was Che Guevara a Photographer in his spare time or is this a "non-fotog" political statement? Seems a bit hypocritical don't you think? |
LOL -- I assure you it was unintentional, but my profile picture would qualify as "inspired by" one of those Che photos, if Isaac had only ever seen one before he took it ...
Message edited by author 2004-05-07 18:12:08. |
05/07/2004 07:43:32 PM · #43 |
Originally posted by darcy: Russell, you are what is wrong with this world. |
ya attitudes like his dont help anyone.
back to the point of this topic..
issue #1. why everyone is at an uproar over a 'few' US marines tourturing a 'few' iraq's vs 'most' iraq's tourturing 'most' of the US marines.
its very very simple really. the US claims to be the "good guys" of the world, the "peace keepers" if you will. now the US is invading another country on justification of what previously was "american security" and "WMD" but is now "iraqi freedom". now, as an invading force, especially one claiming to be a "liberating" force, to commit these acts on soldiers (not terrorists, terrorists are the saudi's that killed 3000+ (why dont we f**k w/ saudi arabia? oh ya, #1 world oil producer.. sorry, thats a whole nother discussion)) and that being unexceptable is really what were talking about here. of course they are humans and humans are flawed creatures by nature but in cases like this, we cannot afford to make these kinds of mistakes. the WHOLE WORLD is watching us w/ a magnifying glass.
also, the rest of the world dosnt care that these were only small, isolated incidents (if they were that), the world simply sees america, the suposive world peace keeper, doing things highly against what we preach.
thats it.
also, i dont have the quote from bush sr. (if someone else does please add) but he did not ceese to take saddam out of power because of NATO, he believed that to take saddam out of power would mean to have to ocupy iraq for possibly a long time and he was not willing to do that.
and i would like to add, the US should try and pick the puppets they put in power in other countrys better and remember that not all there puppets will keep letting the US pull there strings forever... |
05/07/2004 08:53:52 PM · #44 |
Originally posted by GeneralE: Originally posted by orussell: And Bush probably wouldn't even be apologizing if it was not for an upcoming election ... |
Precisely my point ... and why I consider him unfit to fill the role of "leader of the free world." |
Is there really anyone fit to be a world leader? one person comes to mind. They are all losers. Has there really ever been a president that has satisfied all the american people? I don't think so.
I say they elect a woman. :-))
05/07/2004 08:55:17 PM · #45 |
05/07/2004 09:07:27 PM · #46 |
hahaha now thats an idea! im damn sure ready for a change.. anyone else?? |
05/07/2004 10:07:06 PM · #47 |
Originally posted by Sonifo: Originally posted by GeneralE: Originally posted by orussell: And Bush probably wouldn't even be apologizing if it was not for an upcoming election ... |
Precisely my point ... and why I consider him unfit to fill the role of "leader of the free world." |
Is there really anyone fit to be a world leader? one person comes to mind. They are all losers. Has there really ever been a president that has satisfied all the american people? I don't think so.
I say they elect a woman. :-)) |
I have long proposed that the world would be a better and safer place if every single goverment leader were immediately replaced by their "significant other" or, if they don't have such, their executive secretary ... |
05/07/2004 10:44:56 PM · #48 |
Originally posted by faidoi: Sonja for President |
That has a nice ring to it!
05/08/2004 12:23:31 AM · #49 |
Originally posted by sonifo: Is there really anyone fit to be a world leader? |
FDR was elected four times (all by voters, not justices), got us out of the depression and thru WW II, and now is cited by candidates of both parties as a hero when their campaigns can benefit from it.
Harry S. Truman had a sign on his desk that said "The buck stops here".
Lyndon B. Johnson gave up a second term to try to end the war in Vietnam.
We used to have great people as President. I hope it can be that way again. Male or female, it doesn't matter to me. |
05/08/2004 03:15:04 AM · #50 |
Originally posted by faidoi: Sonja for President |
Hillary as a runingmate,HOT ! :-) |
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