Author | Thread |
05/11/2004 06:18:52 PM · #151 |
Fanatics are fanatics no matter what colours they wear. Whether they are Muslim fundamentalists or Christian Fundamentalists, right wing or left wing, they all defy logic. Ever heard of a rational fanatic? So yeah, here goes, George W. Bush and his boys are just as fanatical as Bin Laden and his group of crazies.
05/11/2004 06:26:01 PM · #152 |
When was the last time that a Christen fanatic beheaded someone? |
05/11/2004 06:33:14 PM · #153 |
hey jimmy, hows life in BC? ive often thought would be a nice place to live after visiting Washington. how cold does the winter get? |
05/11/2004 06:34:07 PM · #154 |
Originally posted by rcrawford: When was the last time that a Christen fanatic beheaded someone? |
Yeah you're probably right. They only drag black men through the streets til they die, kill gay guys and oh yeah, burn the occasional cross on someone's lawn. LOL And what about those sick fu@k priests who molest little boys. Give me a break.
05/11/2004 07:01:54 PM · #155 |
Originally posted by orussell: Fanatics are fanatics no matter what colours they wear. Whether they are Muslim fundamentalists or Christian Fundamentalists, right wing or left wing, they all defy logic. Ever heard of a rational fanatic? So yeah, here goes, George W. Bush and his boys are just as fanatical as Bin Laden and his group of crazies. |
The idiocy of this statement is just beyond belief. The twisted humor of it is you don't recognize where you fit. |
05/11/2004 07:04:38 PM · #156 |
Originally posted by ScottK: Originally posted by orussell: Fanatics are fanatics no matter what colours they wear. Whether they are Muslim fundamentalists or Christian Fundamentalists, right wing or left wing, they all defy logic. Ever heard of a rational fanatic? So yeah, here goes, George W. Bush and his boys are just as fanatical as Bin Laden and his group of crazies. |
The idiocy of this statement is just beyond belief. The twisted humor of it is you don't recognize where you fit. |
Touché mon ami.
05/11/2004 07:05:06 PM · #157 |
A very interesting article on the supposedly rising hatred of America in the middle east:
Democracy Inaction - Understanding Arab anti-Americanism |
05/11/2004 07:20:08 PM · #158 |
Originally posted by orussell: Originally posted by rcrawford: When was the last time that a Christen fanatic beheaded someone? |
Yeah you're probably right. They only drag black men through the streets til they die, kill gay guys and oh yeah, burn the occasional cross on someone's lawn. LOL And what about those sick fu@k priests who molest little boys. Give me a break. |
You (left wingers) are keen to point out that the terrorists, the extremists, and specifically the Islamic Fundamentalists, are not representative of either the race, the religion or the society. OK, while there are some fine points of debat open, I'll generally agree with that. So why is your hatred of Christians so deep that you (personally, and left wingers in general) are willing to maintain a double standard and not see a difference between those you describe above and the true Fundamentalist Christian?
Here's a little tutorial on hypocricy: When the nut jobs and sickos who carry out the acts you describe above claim to do so in the name of Christianity, with the exception of a few of their sick friends most of the body of Christianity, and particularly the leadership, are quick to denounce at least their actions, if not their beliefs. Just like when a few sickos in the military mistreated those prisoners, the leadership was quick to take action against it, and when it came to light, quick to denounce it. How much denunciation will we hear from Al Jezera, Islamic clerics, or arab dictators over the beheading of an American who was killed for working to rebuild the communications systems in Iraq? I'll bet the silence will be deafening. |
05/11/2004 07:53:10 PM · #159 |
úff, getur maður fengið meiri leið á vitleysingum sem verja sjálfa sig gegn ófrelsi og órétti annara manna með þvà að beina að þeim og börnunum þeirra stórri hrÃðskotabyssu?
ohh, ég er allveg viss um að BandarÃkjamenn væru alls ekki frjálsasta og best upplýsta þjóð à heimi ef þeir hefðu ekki stjórnvöld sem heilaþvæðu þau og berðust fyrir frelsi þeirra og sjálfstæði gegn æsku múslÃmatrúaðra.
Seisei, ég er hættur að nenna að skoða þennan vef, nema kannski 2svar à mánuði og þá verð ég annaðhvort fyrir vonbrigðum með kommentin sem ágætis ljósmyndir fá hérna eða umræðuna sem virðist byrja á núllpúnkti um leið og þessir skjáslefandi vitleysingar blikka augunum.
Afskaðið Ãslenskuna mÃna, ég gæti bara ekki skrifað þetta á öðrum tungumálum |
05/11/2004 07:54:23 PM · #160 |
Originally posted by ScottK: Maybe it is time for us to treat Iraqi prisoners the same as they treat our people, you know, an eye for an eye... |
That's exactly the philosophy all fundamentalists* have been espousing for the last 5000 years or so, and all it's achieved is a steady diet of escalating fratricide.
How about we try a different plan for just a little while?
*Remember that Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are all rooted in the Old Testament, and basically all claim to pray to the One God of Abraham. |
05/11/2004 08:01:36 PM · #161 |
does anyone know where I can see that Video of the Beheading?
05/11/2004 08:04:41 PM · #162 |
CNN has a link that might go to it. I don't want to try it. My son is in Afghanistan hunting Al Queda.
Message edited by author 2004-05-11 20:05:37. |
05/11/2004 08:15:07 PM · #163 |
Originally posted by orussell: Originally posted by rcrawford: When was the last time that a Christen fanatic beheaded someone? |
Yeah you're probably right. They only drag black men through the streets til they die, kill gay guys and oh yeah, burn the occasional cross on someone's lawn. LOL And what about those sick fu@k priests who molest little boys. Give me a break. |
You left out blowing up the Murrah Federal building (complete with child care-center) in Oklahoma City ... |
05/11/2004 08:16:09 PM · #164 |
As reported by
Report: Up to 90% Iraqi Detainees Innocent
The Red Cross also reported that military intelligence officers estimated that 70 to 90 percent of the 43,000 Iraqis detained over the past year were innocent. The Red Cross study also concluded that the U.S. prison practices were prohibited under International Humanitarian Law.
Originally posted by louddog:
Yes it's apalling and I'm not condoning what happened, but how would you treat someone that shot at you and your friends and would kill your mother if given the chance. |
05/11/2004 08:19:43 PM · #165 |
Originally posted by ScottK: Here's a little tutorial on hypocricy: When the nut jobs and sickos who carry out the acts you describe above claim to do so in the name of Christianity, with the exception of a few of their sick friends most of the body of Christianity, and particularly the leadership, are quick to denounce at least their actions, if not their beliefs. |
As I recall, the Catholic "leadership" has been covering up the widespread clerical pedophilia for some forty-five years ... shuttling abusive priests to new parishes without telling the parishoners ... paying off the victims so they won't talk to the media or the other parishoners ... if you want to offer up a lesson in hypocrisy I think Christianity in general and the Catholic Church in particular are excellent places to start .... |
05/11/2004 08:42:18 PM · #166 |
I think it's the fundamentalist Christians that are the problem...not all Christians. |
05/11/2004 09:13:00 PM · #167 |
Originally posted by Olyuzi: I think it's the fundamentalist Christians that are the problem...not all Christians. |
Some of my best friends are Christians. |
05/11/2004 09:16:31 PM · #168 |
Originally posted by GeneralE: Originally posted by Olyuzi: I think it's the fundamentalist Christians that are the problem...not all Christians. |
Some of my best friends are Christians. |
your definition of christian is too broad
05/11/2004 09:19:52 PM · #169 |
Originally posted by melking23: does anyone know where I can see that Video of the Beheading? |
Let's make new one :-)
This one is cute 
Message edited by author 2004-05-11 21:22:06. |
05/11/2004 09:20:32 PM · #170 |
Originally posted by GeneralE: Originally posted by Olyuzi: I think it's the fundamentalist Christians that are the problem...not all Christians. |
Some of my best friends are Christians. |
Do any of your Christian friends commit or even support any of the activity that you and orussell listed?
Message edited by author 2004-05-11 21:21:48. |
05/11/2004 09:37:29 PM · #171 |
Originally posted by GeneralE: Originally posted by ScottK: Here's a little tutorial on hypocricy: When the nut jobs and sickos who carry out the acts you describe above claim to do so in the name of Christianity, with the exception of a few of their sick friends most of the body of Christianity, and particularly the leadership, are quick to denounce at least their actions, if not their beliefs. |
As I recall, the Catholic "leadership" has been covering up the widespread clerical pedophilia for some forty-five years ... shuttling abusive priests to new parishes without telling the parishoners ... paying off the victims so they won't talk to the media or the other parishoners ... if you want to offer up a lesson in hypocrisy I think Christianity in general and the Catholic Church in particular are excellent places to start .... |
The catholic "bureaucracy" would probably be more accurate. If I'm not mistaken, the "leadership", i.e. the Pope, has been sickened by the whole episode. Technically, myself, I wouldn't include the catholic church in with the term "fundamentalist Christian", since in my opinion, they interpret many "fundamental" basics of Christian doctrine incorrectly, and in regards to that would have been refering more towards the evangelical church, which has been quite critical of these acts. |
05/11/2004 09:38:18 PM · #172 |
Christian Reconstructionists...The Christian Coalition...Unificiation Church of Moon...the Grahams...Robertson and Reed...the Christians that are working to make this country into a theocracy...there are many other people and organizations, but there are some.
Originally posted by achiral: Originally posted by GeneralE: Originally posted by Olyuzi: I think it's the fundamentalist Christians that are the problem...not all Christians. |
Some of my best friends are Christians. |
your definition of christian is too broad |
05/11/2004 09:39:17 PM · #173 |
Originally posted by GeneralE: Originally posted by orussell: Originally posted by rcrawford: When was the last time that a Christen fanatic beheaded someone? |
Yeah you're probably right. They only drag black men through the streets til they die, kill gay guys and oh yeah, burn the occasional cross on someone's lawn. LOL And what about those sick fu@k priests who molest little boys. Give me a break. |
You left out blowing up the Murrah Federal building (complete with child care-center) in Oklahoma City ... |
I wasn't aware Timothy McVay professed a Christian faith. Maybe I just missed that. |
05/11/2004 09:42:04 PM · #174 |
Here's some more:
The Council for National Policy...Christian Zionists...Opus Dei...
Read about them HERE. |
05/11/2004 09:59:11 PM · #175 |
Originally posted by Olyuzi: Here's some more:
The Council for National Policy...Christian Zionists...Opus Dei...
Read about them HERE. |
Hehe - I can't, the firewall at Moody Bible Institute where I attend school blocks it.
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