Author | Thread |
05/11/2004 10:07:24 PM · #176 |
My belief is that Bush's real constituency are the people in the religious right movement of the Christians. I don't even think that true conservatives really like Bush anymore...I don't think they find him to be conservative...reactionary, yes...conservative, no. |
05/11/2004 10:31:51 PM · #177 |
God no. he's no conservative, my guess is if he has Liberal lappel pin on his jacket all these goons here would think he was the shit, which is funny and kinda of points out their idiocy and pure hatred simply because he is a republican. (sp?).
Or maybe they hate him because he is the first president in about 12 years that has any balls and actualy stands by what he says. It must be tough for the liberals to not have some pussy whipped apolagetic President. I miss the days when Clinton toured the world and apolagized for how horrible a country the United States is..
BUT Bush is as close as we come, and he is a million times better than Kerry, who by the way admitted to committing attrocities MUCH MUCH worse while he was in vietnam.
05/11/2004 10:35:23 PM · #178 |
Originally posted by orussell: Originally posted by Sheila_Lawson: Originally posted by thelsel: Did you see those appalling new prison photos from Iraq? The one were the poor guy is tied down naked and has a pair of underwear pulled over his head. I'm telling you, this could only be the evil genius of my older brother. Oh, the hours I spent in that position. Except the underwear over my head usually involved some sort of a stain. God forbid those photos ever make it on 60 Minutes II! |
Our crime wasn't that we were "torturing" these ANIMALS, it's that we got caught doing it. Kick the reporters and the media out and it solves our problem! Did these animals think about our FEELINGS when they used our planes as bombs? Do you think they gave a rat's ass about us when they killed our men and drug them through the streets until their skin peeled away from their bones?? HELL NO! It's really easy to sit here in the states and say "Oh....look at those horrible photos of torture!" WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! They despise us and would torture and kill every single one of us if given the don't care about our feelings!!!! I have spoken |
With an attitude like that, you're no better than them. W is trying to take the moral highground and people like you are taking his credibility away...........I'm kidding.........about W.
And another thing, because of people like you, no white westerner is safe anywhere in the world today. You (Republicans) have alienated the entire planet and many in your own country, you and your backwater thinking.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Bin Laden or Saddam sympathizer. I just think, if you (Republicans) would just keep your noses out of the worlds business, this would be a better place to live. |
How do you know that the person you are so knee-jerkedly lambasting is a republican? I saw nothing stated to that effect in the post you replied to. You are certainly an expert in stereotyping. |
05/11/2004 10:38:53 PM · #179 |
Reply to christian related crimes:
Crimes commited in the name of a christian god can be counted in the hundred in the last 15 years.
Attrocities committed in the name of a/the Muslim god can only be counted in the thousands if not tens of thousands. On top of that the number of people who believe it is right and just (the attrocities) are in teh hundreds of thousands.
It is nothing but pathetic, sad and brain washed to compare the two numbers together. In this country Liberals are rallying hard against christianity, yet they give a free pass to the muslim faith. A teacher can't wear a cross around her neck in a PA public school, but it's OK for Muslims to pray in a seperate classrom, and wear their full RELIGIOUS GARB. Any mention of god in anything govn't related must be removed, but in IL, the ACLU is fight for Muslims to have the right to BLAST THROUGH SPEAKERS Muslim pray, which is MANY times a day starting as early as 4:30am...
One of my favorite bumper stickers:
"The ACLU, we don't hate religion, just christianity"
05/11/2004 10:42:52 PM · #180 |
Russell...You really need to stop listening to Rush and Hannity and get your head out of the sand. Everything is not about partisan politics...but they make you feel that's what it's aint so.
Originally posted by Russell2566: God no. he's no conservative, my guess is if he has Liberal lappel pin on his jacket all these goons here would think he was the shit, which is funny and kinda of points out their idiocy and pure hatred simply because he is a republican. (sp?).
Or maybe they hate him because he is the first president in about 12 years that has any balls and actualy stands by what he says. It must be tough for the liberals to not have some pussy whipped apolagetic President. I miss the days when Clinton toured the world and apolagized for how horrible a country the United States is..
BUT Bush is as close as we come, and he is a million times better than Kerry, who by the way admitted to committing attrocities MUCH MUCH worse while he was in vietnam. |
05/11/2004 10:43:26 PM · #181 |
I would also like to blame the news media and the liberal left in this country for the death of the busnessman/profession soldier/boy scout/what ever you want to call him.
It's a horrible thing to actualy speak about a 3rd stike rapist as if he was really guilty and it's OK and a good thing to let child murderers and rapists out of jail due to a paper mistake by some rookie blue collard cop.
But when it comes to the military or anything conservative, lets make shit loads of assumtions and report lies and blow things way way way out of perportion before we have any facts whats so ever.
I lay that mans death soly at the hands of his murderers, but the liberal news media and the pathetic polotitians in washington (ALL OF THEM) were acomplices (sp?) in his death!!!
Shame on them all!!!
05/11/2004 10:43:44 PM · #182 |
It just boggles my mind that ANYONE would equate terrifying a naked, helpless prisoner with a hood on his head and electrical wires attached to his body (with the implication that it could kill them at any second if the wires went live), or threatening to have a guard dog bite off a naked prisoner's penis but 'only' letting said dog leave a GAPING WOUND on said prisoner's thigh, or simply RAPING them and forcing them to simulate acts of RAPE with one another, with the collegiate, fun-time-had-by-all sounding 'hazing'.
Way to go, you apologists! Next time someone you know gets raped, you'll be telling them not to worry, it was just HAZING.
Tell me again how being reduced to an object at the whim of sadists, being sexually violated, and enduring the threat of DEATH is hazing, please?
Frankly, I *expect* that sort of behavior from soldiers. How can you train people to thoughtlessly kill on command without warping them at least a little? There are *bound* to be a few who go too far. What makes me SICK is people rushing in to defend the bastards when they should condemn this sort of behavior no matter who's side is abusing who. Isn't that why we went in? To liberate Iraq from a dictator who tortured his citizens? Or was that as phony a reason as the WMDs?
05/11/2004 10:44:37 PM · #183 |
considering people are allways throwing around "liberal" and "conservative" i thought id take a second to see what the dictionary says these words really mean.
ill list the 1st part of each defenition here. click the link for the full.
Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
Traditional or restrained in style: a conservative dark suit.
Moderate; cautious: a conservative estimate.
Of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism.
Belonging to a conservative party, group, or movement.
Conservative Of or belonging to the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom or the Progressive Conservative Party in Canada.
Conservative Of or adhering to Conservative Judaism.
Tending to conserve; preservative: the conservative use of natural resources.
Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.
Liberal Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States.
Tending to give freely; generous: a liberal benefactor.
Generous in amount; ample: a liberal serving of potatoes.
Not strict or literal; loose or approximate: a liberal translation.
Of, relating to, or based on the traditional arts and sciences of a college or university curriculum: a liberal education.
i find it pretty intersting the differences when you read them out for there real meanings. it would seem that considering change is what this world needs and what this country needs we would want to move more twards the liberal side. conservatives dont like change and without change, we dont advance.
"to stop evolving is to die" |
05/11/2004 10:45:30 PM · #184 |
Originally posted by Olyuzi: Russell...You really need to stop listening to Rush and Hannity and get your head out of the sand. Everything is not about partisan politics...but they make you feel that's what it's aint so. |
Most of the radio I listen to during the day time is liberal... The air america channel, I listen to it EVERY DAY at work...
It is nothing but partisan politics... Your a fool if you think other wise, and you'll never convince me otherwise unless you can actualy prove something!
05/11/2004 10:52:14 PM · #185 |
And who puts out Air America?
Originally posted by Russell2566: Originally posted by Olyuzi: Russell...You really need to stop listening to Rush and Hannity and get your head out of the sand. Everything is not about partisan politics...but they make you feel that's what it's aint so. |
Most of the radio I listen to during the day time is liberal... The air america channel, I listen to it EVERY DAY at work...
It is nothing but partisan politics... Your a fool if you think other wise, and you'll never convince me otherwise unless you can actualy prove something! |
05/11/2004 11:04:22 PM · #186 |
Originally posted by Olyuzi: And who puts out Air America? |
I don't know who pays for it, I mean some one has to. I've heard good liberal talk show hosts, Air America is not one of them. They have managed to scrape together the worst talk show hosts I've ever heard.
I've heard Al Franken speak on many occasions, he can be very funny, but his talk show, which is suppose to compete with rush's is absoluty gut reanching horrible!
The station is so good, that they had to PAY the 11 stations they are on now, unlike every other talk show host has here in the US, liberal or conservative, who actualy worked hard and put together a good station/show that people wanted to sydicate it....
Hannity who I think is mentioned above is in something like 230 markets.
Also: Why am I deluted if I listen to some conservative talk shows yet it's right and just and acceppted if all you do is drink the liberal cool-aid and regirgitate the crap/bile they spill out. I'm confused!
Do any of you even have a clue about Rush's show? Conservative radio bashes bush EVERY day. When I listen to liberal talk shows or TV shows, it's more of a love fest and cool-aid drinking party. Basically more paid advertising!
Message edited by author 2004-05-11 23:08:07.
05/11/2004 11:06:05 PM · #187 |
Originally posted by Russell2566: I would also like to blame the news media and the liberal left in this country for the death of the busnessman/profession soldier/boy scout/what ever you want to call him.
It's a horrible thing to actualy speak about a 3rd stike rapist as if he was really guilty and it's OK and a good thing to let child murderers and rapists out of jail due to a paper mistake by some rookie blue collard cop.
But when it comes to the military or anything conservative, lets make shit loads of assumtions and report lies and blow things way way way out of perportion before we have any facts whats so ever.
I lay that mans death soly at the hands of his murderers, but the liberal news media and the pathetic polotitians in washington (ALL OF THEM) were acomplices (sp?) in his death!!!
Shame on them all!!! |
Guess you missed the news tonight. That man's father blamed the US military for his son's death. He said if the military hadn't detained him, for reasons they would not disclose, his son would have already been home by now. So I guess you don't have one person that agrees with you.
05/11/2004 11:09:41 PM · #188 |
Originally posted by Sheila_Lawson: Originally posted by thelsel: Did you see those appalling new prison photos from Iraq? The one were the poor guy is tied down naked and has a pair of underwear pulled over his head. I'm telling you, this could only be the evil genius of my older brother. Oh, the hours I spent in that position. Except the underwear over my head usually involved some sort of a stain. God forbid those photos ever make it on 60 Minutes II! |
Our crime wasn't that we were "torturing" these ANIMALS, it's that we got caught doing it. Kick the reporters and the media out and it solves our problem! Did these animals think about our FEELINGS when they used our planes as bombs? Do you think they gave a rat's ass about us when they killed our men and drug them through the streets until their skin peeled away from their bones?? HELL NO! It's really easy to sit here in the states and say "Oh....look at those horrible photos of torture!" WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! They despise us and would torture and kill every single one of us if given the don't care about our feelings!!!! I have spoken |
Message edited by author 2004-05-11 23:10:56.
05/11/2004 11:11:52 PM · #189 |
Originally posted by orussell: Guess you missed the news tonight. |
I guess you missed the class on logic! I see a lot of crap posted here, but you are by far the best at posting stupid shit that is nothing but off course.
Do I really need to hold your hand and exmplain why what you just posted is nothing but a gut and emotional reaction by a father who lost his son and void of common sense, like most of the other things you post!
Also: If it wasn't him, it would have been some other poor soul, and there might be more to come.
But I guess as long as Americans are dying it's good for Liberals... Doesn't anyone ever stop and smell the coffee... Isn't it odd that the entire fate of the democratic party hangs on as many things failing as possible.
Do you really believe that senetor kennedy doesn't sit back with his scotch and cheer every time something bad goes wrong over there... He might not cheer, but I bet he gets a big ol stupid grin going!
Message edited by author 2004-05-11 23:15:29.
05/11/2004 11:19:11 PM · #190 |
Why don't you enlist then and show us what your balls are made of you arrogant little sh!t. LOL
edit: Sorry for stooping to your level. I won't remove my other words as a reminder to myself of what a hypocrite I am. :)
Message edited by author 2004-05-11 23:24:10.
05/11/2004 11:21:40 PM · #191 |
OK guys...don't make me have to pull over this car!
(just a joke to lighten the mood...sheesh!)
05/11/2004 11:23:12 PM · #192 |
Originally posted by orussell: Why don't you enlist then and show us what your balls are made of you arrogant little sh!t. LOL |
I hope you didn't work to hard on posting that. Thats a ballsy move, I mean picking a fight over the internet with someone you'll never meet. They outta give you a medal for bravery.
Grow the fuck up you piece of shit, and if you had half a brain you'd know why I'm not in MARINE Corp. right now. They don't exactly need soldiers with blown out knees.
05/11/2004 11:25:17 PM · #193 |
Originally posted by Russell2566: Originally posted by orussell: Why don't you enlist then and show us what your balls are made of you arrogant little sh!t. LOL |
I hope you didn't work to hard on posting that. Thats a ballsy move, I mean picking a fight over the internet with someone you'll never meet. They outta give you a medal for bravery.
Grow the fuck up you piece of shit, and if you had half a brain you'd know why I'm not in MARINE Corp. right now. They don't exactly need soldiers with blown out knees. |
Sorry man. Purple hearts in the mail.
05/11/2004 11:27:15 PM · #194 |
Sorry, I gotta give it up. This thread has gone astray. Just yanking your chain. You're a very easy mark dude. It's people like you who go Postal. PLease seek help. My last post. Bye
05/11/2004 11:34:12 PM · #195 |
Originally posted by coolhar: a business man?? try mercenary. |
Whether mercinary or businessman, is that a capital fucking offense which warrants beheading? |
05/11/2004 11:51:40 PM · #196 |
I think you should all watch the video of the american being beheaded. Maybe you'll gain some perspective. I have the video on my server, but I don't feel it would be right to post it on a site like this, that would most likely be a step to far...
BUT, i think the news media should also be showing this footage. CNN & CNBC talked about the hostage Embarrasment (not torture) for 5 days non-stop.
So far the two news channels have only glossed over this event.
Message edited by author 2004-05-11 23:54:33.
05/11/2004 11:53:06 PM · #197 |
when's this thread gonna be locked? I think we've run the gamut here haven't we?
Message edited by author 2004-05-11 23:53:41.
05/12/2004 12:03:42 AM · #198 |
Originally posted by Rooster: when's this thread gonna be locked? I think we've run the gamut here haven't we? |
I would agree. This does nothing to help the site or create a fellowship among the members.
05/12/2004 12:19:27 AM · #199 |
Originally posted by Russell2566: I think you should all watch the video of the american being beheaded. Maybe you'll gain some perspective. |
It's hard to watch BUT, I agree, you should watch the video if you have a strong enough stomach... Then you will know all about "the religon of peace", and what these pigs do in the name of Allah.
05/12/2004 12:25:38 AM · #200 |
You can't condemn an entire religion/people for what some zealot idiots have done. |
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