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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Multiple Sources of Light
Showing posts 26 - 50 of 83, (reverse)
05/26/2004 06:27:15 AM · #26
I don't ever recall a really small (as in obviously well below max size) photo winning a ribbon, so I guess voters either don't like them in general or maybe they are just small to hide a poor photo sometimes.
05/26/2004 06:28:41 AM · #27
Votes: 35
Avg Vote: 4.4571
Comments: 0
Updated: 05/26/04 06:00 am

!! And mine has so obviously more lightsources than one..I thought it would have done a bit better than this..but [ranting mode] I guess everybody's voting high on all those photos having just one lightsource and waving around with it during long exposure times...I thought we called that painting with ONE light??!! [/ranting mode]

(pfjoei..that was nice!! :) )

After this post it dropped even to:
Votes: 38
Avg Vote: 4.3947
Comments: 0
Updated: 05/26/04 06:29 am

Am I jinxed???

Message edited by author 2004-05-26 06:29:44.
05/26/2004 06:29:48 AM · #28
I brought this subject up yesterday, you may care to take a quick look.
05/26/2004 06:33:53 AM · #29
Originally posted by Natator:

I don't ever recall a really small (as in obviously well below max size) photo winning a ribbon, so I guess voters either don't like them in general or maybe they are just small to hide a poor photo sometimes.

This is the only one I can think of:

05/26/2004 06:34:52 AM · #30
I guess that thread put the subject in my mind Paul. Only drifted into a size issue after a few came up in a row.

05/26/2004 06:40:09 AM · #31
All I can say is, "Can we stop the voting now, please?" :o)

Multiple Light Sources

Votes: 42
Avg Vote: 6.5238
Comments: 0
Updated: 05/26/04 06:37 am

This would definitely be my personal best. I have not voted yet, as I just woke up about 20 minutes ago or so, but I have looked at the thumbs and saw many great pictures in my bleary-eyed state.

05/26/2004 06:47:19 AM · #32
You never read authors of high ranking picture say "That picture was my worst ever, Why are you guys voting so high on it?" or "My picture is overrated"

I'm just tired of reading "My picture was great, and I only get...."

It's been said often before, DPC is made of alot of different people, from different area of the globe, with different point of views. As DPC bring more new members, voting habits will surely change. so my advice is, Get us to it.
05/26/2004 06:56:50 AM · #33
Originally posted by BruB:

You never read authors of high ranking picture say "That picture was my worst ever, Why are you guys voting so high on it?" or "My picture is overrated"

Maybe you don't hear it because they are saying it to family and friends. I know I've said it before.
05/26/2004 06:57:42 AM · #34
you're right, I said it in my first submission and got kicked back to reality with the Habits challenge :)

Message edited by author 2004-05-26 06:58:32.
05/26/2004 06:58:18 AM · #35
I'm a little concerned about the fact that some people think that being a member of this site automatically makes someone better at photography than a non-member. I am a rank amateur who decided to join this site because I wanted to learn as much as possible from the many people here who really excel at photography. The only thing that separates me from non-members is 25 bucks. I've seen lots of great images from both members and non-members alike, so I can't see how anyone can make a blanket statement about the quality of photos from the two groups.

Just my opinion.
05/26/2004 07:00:40 AM · #36
Originally posted by PhilipDyer:

I'm a little concerned about the fact that some people think that being a member of this site automatically makes someone better at photography than a non-member. I am a rank amateur who decided to join this site because I wanted to learn as much as possible from the many people here who really excel at photography. The only thing that separates me from non-members is 25 bucks. I've seen lots of great images from both members and non-members alike, so I can't see how anyone can make a blanket statement about the quality of photos from the two groups.

Good point. I'm a member, but judging from my scores, I suck.
05/26/2004 07:17:10 AM · #37
As a new user (First challenge entered is the multiple light one) I'd have to say I am surprised at the number of entries that don't address (In my opinion) the challenge.

I voted on the Habits one, and there were only a few that didn't show habits you could identify, so maybe it is just the nature of this challenge that it's open to much wider interpretation?

Having said that, if the photos entered cover a wide range of interpretations I imagine the same people scoring the images will mean that the results will be not what a lot of people expect for a given image.

In any case, I'm quite looking forward to how such an obviously varied user group like my attempt, which I think responds well to the challenge.
05/26/2004 07:24:23 AM · #38
Originally posted by taterbug:

There are mostly amateurs and people new to photography here that want the chance to share their efforts and get feedback and try to learn something and have some fun. There is a wide range of talent, and it seems that beginners through pros are encouraged to participate.

Thanks Taterbug, this applies to me 100% and i am agree with you completely
05/26/2004 08:46:58 AM · #39
I'm a member, and I guess I suck more so than I thought. That's ok though, My images are better than the 4's most of you people give them.

Oh and while we are posting scores for multiple lighting...

Votes: 42
Avg Vote: 4.4762
Comments: 1

05/26/2004 09:42:08 AM · #40
Originally posted by jmlelii:

I'm a member, and I guess I suck more so than I thought. That's ok though, My images are better than the 4's most of you people give them.

I liked your "Center of Attention" shot. I voted it much higher than a 4! :o)
05/26/2004 09:44:52 AM · #41
The "intention" of this challenge has been previously discussed in this thread. My personal interpretation would be that this is a "technique" challenge, meant to familiarize photographers on working with multiple light sources to illuminate their subject -- not to photograph an image with multiple lights in the scene. The key words "obvious use of" in the details make this pretty clear (at least to me). But that's just my opinion. (n.b., I just searched the Challenge Suggestions forum, and it was suggested by Kavey in the Technique Based Challenges thread. =])

Message edited by author 2004-05-26 09:52:22.
05/26/2004 09:50:30 AM · #42
At a glance, many of the photos do not make obvious use of multiple light sources.
Refer to the challenge description "...Make the obvious use of multiple light sources a key factor in your composition..."

It does not say take a picture of multiple lights. Multiple lights in a shot does not really mean multiple light sources.
I'm not going to assume you had the flash on or other lighting was present. If it is not obvious that there are multiple light SOURCES, it doesn't meet the challenge.
05/26/2004 10:45:05 AM · #43
i am very disapointed in what i am seeing in most of entered photos but even more disapointed in the scores i am getting .. i know i am not very good YET but i feel my shot was well taken and well planned ...i have 3 ovious light sources with out the light fixture showing and my score keeps dropping ...getting close to dropping below 5

with over 50 votes in thus far and 0 comments..wonder what i was thinking

maybe the challenges should be more clear and not leave so much up to interpatation both for taking the shot and voting the shot

and since there are so many different ways a challenge could be interped people should score each photo and not compare photos as long as it fits the challenge in one way or another ...not as how they thought it was ment.... because anyone can be RIGHT

also take a more in depth look at these photos ..dont look at them like you would a snapshot since we are talking lights we are also talking shadows, shades, and colors.

hope things start looking up

good luck all
05/26/2004 10:47:18 AM · #44
Originally posted by louddog:

At a glance, many of the photos do not make obvious use of multiple light sources.
Refer to the challenge description "...Make the obvious use of multiple light sources a key factor in your composition..."

It does not say take a picture of multiple lights. Multiple lights in a shot does not really mean multiple light sources.
I'm not going to assume you had the flash on or other lighting was present. If it is not obvious that there are multiple light SOURCES, it doesn't meet the challenge.

Well that's your interpretation, that's for sure. I guess I made the assumption that a light in a shot is a source of, um, light. But perhaps that's just me.
05/26/2004 11:06:50 AM · #45
I chose to focus on the "be imaginative and creative" aspect of the challenge and think any photo the uses multiple light sources or features multiple light sources will meet the challenge. My higher scores will go the the imaginative and creative entries that are well done. For my own shot, I technically didn't include multiple light sources in the strictest definition of "source" and figured I would get hammered in the voting. (I'm rather pleasantly surprised that I have a 5.22 right now) For me it is worthwhile if at least one person understands my vision and viewpoint and says so in the comments- that can erase all of the negative comments from people who don't think it meets the challenge.
05/26/2004 11:50:12 AM · #46
Originally posted by louddog:

At a glance, many of the photos do not make obvious use of multiple light sources.
Refer to the challenge description "...Make the obvious use of multiple light sources a key factor in your composition..."

It does not say take a picture of multiple lights. Multiple lights in a shot does not really mean multiple light sources.
I'm not going to assume you had the flash on or other lighting was present. If it is not obvious that there are multiple light SOURCES, it doesn't meet the challenge.

I think what people want and deserve, is a little subjectivity. One person's intrepretation does not make that the only "right" intrepretation. For example, if I read the challenge discription and the first thing that came to mind was hmmm....multiple light sources, must mean multiple sources to light a ciggarette! So an "obvious use of multiple light sources...a key factor in your composition." means that if you don't have a photo of things like a bic lighter, a zippo lighter, matches, candle or a stove, than it doesn't fit the challenge and is pure rubbish!

Now that I know sounds a little reediculous, but therein is the point! No more than saying any one intrepretation is the only right intrepretation for something that seems open to intrepretation.
05/26/2004 12:18:26 PM · #47
Originally posted by train:

One comment left on my image says only one light is showing.
But, It was backlit with a torch, daylight, sunlight shows highlights and shadows, doesn't that all count for something it is muliple light or it would be totally flat looking wouldn't it?

I got the same kind of comment. Without discussing my photo, I had a light source showing in the shot but I also used light from other sources in order to be able to get the shot. I did not interpret the guidelines to mean we had to have several sources of light showing in the actual picture. That is interpreting the guidelines very literally. My guess is the folks with some experience with how difficult available light can be will get that there is more than one light source in my photo and the real newbies will think I used only one light.

Edited to add an aftterthought: BTW, I'm tickled with my photo no matter how it ranks.

Message edited by author 2004-05-26 12:19:29.
05/26/2004 12:22:38 PM · #48
Originally posted by taterbug:

a key factor in your composition." means that if you don't have a photo of things like a bic lighter, a zippo lighter, matches, candle or a stove, than it doesn't fit the challenge and is pure rubbish!

you forgot the toaster... it gets hot faster than a stove unless it is a gas stove =)
05/26/2004 12:45:39 PM · #49
It’s funny how these things go. In the multiple light sources challenge I think I saw more pictures that I really liked than I have in just about any one challenge on this site. I have also seen lots of images that certainly didn’t fit my interpretation of what the challenge was about and I have seen lots of really great ideas that could have easily been blue ribbons if they were executed a little better. Obviously this is a learning place but I have to say that overall I was very pleased with what I saw when looking through the entries. As far as how people are voting, I never know what to expect. This week I had a picture that I was happier with than most of the pictures that I have entered here but the score is one of my lowest ever (after 67 votes). I think there is some pretty good competition this week.

05/26/2004 01:22:57 PM · #50
This has been a tough one to vote on.
Sometimes multiple lighting can be so subtle, you really have to look for the signs (like reflections in the eyes).

On a side note, I was going to use this one for the challenge:

Multi-Light Bubble Frenzy

but my neighbor talked me out of it. (Hope he was right. currently with 71 votes, my other one is only coming in at 5.1690)


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