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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Contre Jour discussions and questions
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 26, (reverse)
04/16/2016 12:32:26 PM · #1
So I'm looking up contre jour. I really enjoyed shooting it last time, and I'm just trying to understand it this time around.

When I'm looking it up, it says against the light. Some places say the light source should be included. Some say it should be out of the frame with the subject between the light and the camera. Many examples show silhouettes, but I assume that it's not just silhouettes.

What do you understand contre jour to be? I'd like to shoot today, and since I'm learning things, I'd like to know what it really is. Is it just backlighting? Is it something more than that? Sometimes the internet is a curse because every Tom Dick and Susan puts up their own definitions. Since this is something real, I'd like to understand what it really is. :)

04/16/2016 01:12:14 PM · #2
I thought it just meant back-lit subject. I didn't think there was a rule regarding seeing the light source in the image or not -- either is fine. But, I am no expert.
04/16/2016 01:17:48 PM · #3
Google "Contre-Jour in Old Masters" and be prepared for a surprise. Those guys really were centuries ahead of their time with the HDR :-)
04/16/2016 02:06:22 PM · #4
MY understanding is that it's not JUST backlit (which would be a silhouette), but also creates a "halo" around the subject.
04/16/2016 02:13:41 PM · #5
So then it has to have silhouettes in it? Because my entry does not have that.
04/16/2016 02:16:38 PM · #6
Looking at the winners from previous contre-jour challenges tells me that it does not have to have silhouettes in it.
04/16/2016 03:15:00 PM · #7
I often use my external flash when shooting contre-jour. To make sure I don't get "only" a silhouette.
04/16/2016 03:54:38 PM · #8

no silhouette

I love this of Mark's.
04/18/2016 01:59:04 PM · #9
Well, I'm a little disappointed this time. My score isn't terrible. It's currently skating around 6. But I was so pumped about my photo and thought for sure I had a winner. Oh well. I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles. ...My tiny violin wining quietly in the background. :-(

Oh yeah, and no comments yet.
04/18/2016 02:34:39 PM · #10
started very high... but back to a normal score. surfing around 6.
04/18/2016 03:01:27 PM · #11
I wonder how many people vote with their eyes closed.
04/18/2016 03:08:18 PM · #12
When you're looking into (at) the sun, you have to close your eyes...

Message edited by author 2016-04-18 15:09:06.
04/18/2016 03:11:35 PM · #13
LOL! That's very true! ;-)

Also, I have to admit that there are some pretty nice pics out there. I actually am quite fond of this style of photography. These images really catch my eyes!
04/18/2016 03:28:07 PM · #14
last voter didn't like mine.... down from 6.0 to 5.6
04/18/2016 03:33:21 PM · #15
Yep. They didn't like mine either. I'm now also in the 5s. Went from 6.1 to 5.8
04/18/2016 03:34:58 PM · #16
Started with a whopping 6.5 for 8 votes, then tanked to 5.5!!
04/18/2016 04:33:19 PM · #17
Woke up to a 7.5 after 2 votes.

Which became 6.0 after 4 votes.

Which now stands at 5.3333 after 12 votes.

I knew it wasn't strong but I had no time this weekend to shoot anything else. Unlike the 3 days before the challenge was announced when I shot a metric ton of Contre Jour photos while in FL on vacation - and I didn't even know what "contre jour" was!! How is it you guys manage to do this to me all the time?! LOL
04/18/2016 04:53:20 PM · #18
Stop complaining... You could be me. Ha!

Votes: 13
Views: 35
Avg Vote: 4.5385
Comments: 0
04/18/2016 04:58:32 PM · #19
Originally posted by JakeKurdsjuk:

Which now stands at 5.3333 after 12 votes.

Hey, we're tied Jake!

Votes: 12
Views: 31
Avg Vote: 5.3333
04/18/2016 05:11:43 PM · #20
I wonder why all the low votes. It looks like everyone is getting low votes. I haven't voted yet. But I really like the majority of these!
04/20/2016 02:11:14 PM · #21
Well, I've made it back to 6.0. No movement in a couple days. So maybe I'll stay above average. Still, no comments.
04/22/2016 01:22:26 PM · #22
Well, my score is slowly going back up. However, still no comments. Guess I'll be waiting for the expert critiques.
04/24/2016 05:07:25 PM · #23
You have rated 53 of 53 images (100%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 50 images (93%) in this challenge.
You have given an average score of 5.8679.

So I've done my job and commented on almost all of these. Sure would be nice if someone would comment on mine.
04/24/2016 05:54:05 PM · #24
Thanks for the comment!
04/24/2016 08:31:40 PM · #25
I was hoping for a new ribbon... a brown one... but you people keep raising my score.

Please stop.


Votes: 57
Views: 101
Avg Vote: 4.6842
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Current Server Time: 03/10/2025 07:02:21 PM

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