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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Solidarity With Ukraine Challenge
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03/19/2022 06:44:17 PM · #1
Just wondering, do they ever change the shooting dates for a challenge after the challenge is posted? I have some really cool Blue and Yellow pics that I shot shortly after the conflict started. I would love to submit one of them.
03/19/2022 08:17:56 PM · #2
Unfortunately for you, we don't do that :-( It's one of the great "mysteries" of DPChallenge, according to some folks, how we manage to post a challenge the day after they see and shoot something cool that "would have been perfect for the challenge!" :-)
03/19/2022 09:31:57 PM · #3
Originally posted by Bear_Music:

It's one of the great "mysteries" of DPChallenge, according to some folks, how we manage to post a challenge the day after they see and shoot something cool that "would have been perfect for the challenge!" :-)

In the very early days of DPC this happened to me so frequently I had to consider whether joining the SC enabled Langdon (the founder) to scan my hard drive for ideas ... :-(
03/19/2022 09:34:26 PM · #4
actually, I was thinking something of the same sort. not with the General, but in general.
03/20/2022 11:23:48 AM · #5
Common, people, only 31 entries? Too busy to express your solidarity? Don't care?
03/20/2022 01:27:43 PM · #6
Originally posted by MargaretNet:

Common, people, only 31 entries? Too busy to express your solidarity? Don't care?

That's kinda' negative, Margaret :-( 31 entries is right in the normal wheelhouse for non-archival, themed challenges these days. And I expect we'll see some more before rollover. To imply that "not entering" = "don't care" is kind of below the belt. There are MANY ways of showing caring and involvement.
03/20/2022 02:10:40 PM · #7
The world has changed, didn't you notice?
03/20/2022 02:21:35 PM · #8
Originally posted by MargaretNet:

The world has changed, didn't you notice?

That doesn't even make SENSE, Margaret. Of course we've noticed. I doubt there's a single DPCer that isn't aware of the situation doesn't deplore it, or that isn't scared.

But that doesn't have anything to do with challenge participation in DPC...
03/20/2022 02:37:25 PM · #9
I wanted to enter, but I've had a very difficult two weeks. My Mom passed away on Tuesday.

I actually tried to shoot for the challenge this afternoon but couldn't come up with anything I was happy with. There's still a slim chance I'll enter at the last moment, but I doubt it.
03/20/2022 03:36:05 PM · #10
Originally posted by GinaRothfels:

I wanted to enter, but I've had a very difficult two weeks. My Mom passed away on Tuesday.

I actually tried to shoot for the challenge this afternoon but couldn't come up with anything I was happy with. There's still a slim chance I'll enter at the last moment, but I doubt it.

Oh, I'm so sorry :-( Losing a parent is really tough. Wishing comfort to you and all who loved her.
03/20/2022 03:56:06 PM · #11
That High Horse man............ =(
03/20/2022 04:52:12 PM · #12
Originally posted by MaryO:

Originally posted by GinaRothfels:

I wanted to enter, but I've had a very difficult two weeks. My Mom passed away on Tuesday.

I actually tried to shoot for the challenge this afternoon but couldn't come up with anything I was happy with. There's still a slim chance I'll enter at the last moment, but I doubt it.

Oh, I'm so sorry :-( Losing a parent is really tough. Wishing comfort to you and all who loved her.

Thanks. It's hard, but I take comfort from the fact that she's not suffering any more. Her last couple of days were really bad.
03/20/2022 05:24:48 PM · #13
Originally posted by GinaRothfels:

I wanted to enter, but I've had a very difficult two weeks. My Mom passed away on Tuesday.

Oh Gina! I'm so sorry for your loss.

03/20/2022 05:45:48 PM · #14
I, too, am sorry for your loss, Gina. It's always hard, losing a parent.
03/20/2022 05:52:37 PM · #15
Thanks Lydia and Robert.
03/20/2022 06:08:53 PM · #16
Oh, Gina. I am so sorry that you are going through this. It is so hard. My condolences to you and all others affected by this loss.
03/20/2022 06:10:20 PM · #17
Thanks Marion.
03/20/2022 08:29:41 PM · #18
I'm so sorry!! I lost my mom about 5 years ago. I'm so very sorry for your loss
03/20/2022 08:31:24 PM · #19
So sorry, Gina. Even if she no longer suffers it is a big loss for you. Time will help.
03/20/2022 08:54:02 PM · #20
So sorry Gina. We are never ready even though we know it is going to happen. HUGS!
03/20/2022 09:19:41 PM · #21
Oh Gina, my heart breaks for you. It's been 4 years since I lost my mom, and it still hurts. Just know that they live on in our hearts.
03/20/2022 11:16:28 PM · #22
Meanwhile, back at the farm, now up to 42 entries, a respectable number :-)
03/20/2022 11:41:27 PM · #23
malheureusement, I could find no blue and yellow cows.
03/21/2022 04:55:46 AM · #24
Thanks Wendy, Margaret, Mary Ann and Johanna.
03/21/2022 10:00:59 AM · #25
sorry to hear about your mother. Sincere condolences
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