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DPChallenge Forums >> Web Site Suggestions >> Too many submissions!
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 46, (reverse)
06/02/2002 09:44:35 AM · #1
As of now, with still a whole day to go before the entries close this week, there are already 111 submissions for black and white! Being on a dialup connection, so far I've been fine voting on challenges with around 100 photos, doing roughly 20 a night over 5 nights or so, giving each one enough attention to vote on them and comment on up to half. If I do it that way this week I'm sure it will take me 6 or 7 nights, something I can't really do because I don't just sit at home all week on the internet (although it seems that way sometimes). I have a boyfriend and bellydancing classes and movies to see and regular games of snooker/pool to play on Friday night.... Anyway, you know how it is :)

Are there any new ideas in development for dealing with this? I've read things in here about challenges being broken up into experience levels. That might seem unfair because maybe fewer people would want to look at and rate all the photos in each subcategory, and the "beginners" should have the attention of more experienced photographers so they can get advice and constructive criticism. But then again, especially being on dialup, I'm probably going to have to stop rating all the photos, and only choosing by the thumbnails, which isn't fair either. I'm sure there are lots of other people with this problem.

Or could there be a cutoff of 100 entries? This could work if you let people submit over a period of 24 hours on Sunday, and just close the submissions when the 100 places have been taken, first-in-best-dressed style. Anyone who misses out can feel free to talk about their photo in the forums and have another go the next week. Just a thought.
06/02/2002 09:58:00 AM · #2

I'm thinking that the previously suggested overlapping twice-a-week challenges might actually be at least a partial solution to this.

One thing that is probably contributing to the number of submissions is that there's a certain amount of pressure to get something in so one does not miss out on an entire week of feedback. To a certain extent, that's good, as it gets us out taking photographs, but I think the overall quality would improve if more people felt they could skip a challenge if it didn't inspire them, or that they didn't get anything worth sharing.
06/02/2002 10:47:08 AM · #3
i submitted the second day, but drew and or lang was/were kind enough to remove my entry for me a week after suspending me for a single comment because someone didn''t like it. wasn''t racist, no swear words, wasn''t offensive or insulting.

the entry is here.

this entire site is being rewritten in php/mysql by ryan, max and myself as a favor to lang, and will allow for multiple simultaneous challenges and also skill groups for users. just dont expect to see it anytime soon because he''s hating on us for it.

* This message has been edited by the author on 6/2/2002 10:49:25 AM.
06/02/2002 10:47:55 AM · #4
Maybe we could have a Novice division and a Gearhead division.

Novices are for those folks that feel that either their equipment, experience, time , level of interest, age whatever might be something that keeps their photography at a more hobby..shoot for the heck of it level.

Gearhead could be for those folks that their level of experience, equipment, obsession, recognized skill (though challenge successes) or sheer drive to compete at a higher level is greater than average.

I use the word Novice because we really are all amatuers so that won't work and beginner is only one facet of being a Novice. And the word Novice has traditionally been used by lots of competitive organizers to be a classy way of saying entry level.

Gearhead is just a nice way to say too good to be a Novice..too Rookie to be a pro..:-) Plus, Gearhead is attitude as much as skill. Maybe you have all this studio equipment, a $4,000 camera and years of formal training but still don't make a living at taking pictures. Or maybe you have a 1.2 megapixel camera and like the challenge.

But what I am saying is ..yeah..I agree that dividing the entries into at least 2 divisions might solve several complications like slow connections and too wide a variation of competition in one division.

What might be fun for the Novices is that their better photographers would get moved up into the gearhead division any time they wanted to or if some of them were obviously better than Novice they would get moved up by a point system of something.

Likewise, someone in the Gearhaed division could move down anytime they wanted if their competitiveness or other constraints kept them form keeping up with the Gearheads.

Just some ideas fo the mix :-)
06/02/2002 10:49:46 AM · #5
Just a thought from a Newby. I have been watching the challenge grow and I think it will even get bigger. With world wide exposure a hundred or so entries doesn't amount to many at all. A possibile solution that would still give everyone an opportunity to play and time enough to vote, would be to have more than one catagory per week and limit a person to only enter one catagory per week. A voter could participate in one or all depending on how much time they wanted to spend. RP
06/02/2002 10:51:53 AM · #6
Originally posted by jonathans:
i submitted the second day, but drew and or lang was/were kind enough to remove my entry for me a week after suspending me for a single comment because someone didn't like it. wasn't racist, no swear words, wasn't offensive or insulting.

the entry is here.


Your submission was deleted due to the conversion, it happened to a lot of people... all you had/have to do is resubmit.

The following is taken directly from the main page:

5/30/2002- Check Your Submission!
If your submission does not show your image on your "My Home" page, you'll need to resubmit your entry!

Also, the following is taken from Drew's post to the forums about the server migration:

Important: Check to make sure that if you submitted an image for this week's challenge, your image still shows up on your "My Home" page. If it does not, you need to unsubmit/resubmit your image.

06/02/2002 10:57:48 AM · #7
you cant resubmit when you''re suspended. they knew it. i didnt even get a warning. lang just said "you should probably change that".

* This message has been edited by the author on 6/2/2002 10:58:52 AM.
06/02/2002 11:09:06 AM · #8
I think the site will grow rapidly. There was a good review of the site in this Months"Digital Photo User"(UK edition)
06/02/2002 11:12:36 AM · #9
Originally posted by Dogman:
I think the site will grow rapidly. There was a good review of the site in this Months"Digital Photo User"(UK edition)

Is the review available online? If so, do you have a link?

06/02/2002 11:18:54 AM · #10
It reads:
"This site is for the obsessives who enter every digital competition going as it has a new competition topic every week.Altjough there are no prizes available except publicity, it''s still fun and there are some good quality entries.
There are also forums and FAQs for those wanting specific answers but the best bit is certainly voting on all those who have entered the weekly competition. Entries from past winners can be reviewed and there are details of upcoming competitions as well".


PS: The Magazine also made reference to a site called "Digital Photography Home". Gave it good reviews for beginners.

* This message has been edited by the author on 6/2/2002 11:24:12 AM.
06/02/2002 11:22:48 AM · #11
Originally posted by Dogman:
It reads:
"This site is for the obsessives who enter every digital competition going as it has a new competition topic every week.Altjough there are no prizes available except publicity, it's still fun and there are some good quality entries.
There are also forums and FAQs for those wanting specific answers but the best bit is certainly voting on all those who have entered the weekly competition. Entries from past winners can be reviewed and there are details of upcoming competitions as well".


This might explain the sudden increase in server load and submissions. When did this come out?
06/02/2002 11:25:34 AM · #12
just edited last.

in answer to last: June edition
06/02/2002 11:32:38 AM · #13

Your submission was removed because while your account is suspended, you are not allowed to enter a new challenge. You are very aware of why your account was suspended, whether you play dumb or not. If the comment "wasn't offensive or insulting", we never would have gotten an e-mail from the owner of that photograph saying it was exactly that. We don't monitor all the comments on the site -- we are pointed out to offensive ones by the users on this site who use this site productively.

You are not doing Langdon or I a favor by rewriting the site without our permission. In fact, you are not welcome to do so. It must be hard to spend your whole day trying to impress your friends.

To everyone else who has the misfortune of reading this: jonathans knows Langdon. So do a couple of the other site users who've made names for themselves with their forum posts and comments. This is their sad goal in life.

06/02/2002 11:33:08 AM · #14
Originally posted by Dogman:
just edited last.

in answer to last: June edition

I'd really like to see a link to this, too! In fact, I've got to get a copy of that magazine now. They never let us know we were being reviewed :)

06/02/2002 11:36:06 AM · #15
Don''t know if its on there but WWW.DIGITALPHOTUSER.CO.UK

Just tried it, does not seem to work. Still review is above in its entirety.

By the way Drew(don''t know if its possible), is it possible to put a live chat room on the site so that people could chat in realtime?
* This message has been edited by the author on 6/2/2002 11:43:01 AM.

* This message has been edited by the author on 6/2/2002 11:51:30 AM.
06/02/2002 12:55:44 PM · #16
Originally posted by lisae:

Or could there be a cutoff of 100 entries? This could work if you let people submit over a period of 24 hours on Sunday, and just close the submissions when the 100 places have been taken, first-in-best-dressed style. Anyone who misses out can feel free to talk about their photo in the forums and have another go the next week. Just a thought.

I believe that a better solution to this issue may be to reduce the maximum file submission size from the current size of 150k to something below 100k. I do believe that this would work... This would, however, present a small disadvantage to the lower end camera users, but it would speed up voting over a modem connection...

06/02/2002 01:01:11 PM · #17
> If the comment "wasn't offensive or insulting", we never would have gotten an e-mail from the owner of that photograph saying it was exactly that.
play dumb? it just plain isnt offensive. there is something mentally deficient in a person that finds masturbation offensive - that's pure, undeniable hypocrisy. the fact that you harbor and protect such people doesnt say much, either.

> It must be hard to spend your whole day trying to impress your friends.
you mean the ones who had the idea first? im glad you can be a dick to people you dont even know.

> This is their sad goal in life.
its nice you can assert that, too.

i guess being brainwashed by writing asp code all day leaves a person in a state where they dont even know a favor's being done for them.
keep up the good work.
06/02/2002 01:09:18 PM · #18
It would be a favor if EITHER of us wanted you to do it. I'll quote 1/3 of the team that's apparently doing us this favor in saying, "i dont want to help langdon. i just want to steal his non existant glory."

The idea was never yours in the first place -- please do not try to claim it as your own. I still have my aim logs of the night I brought it up to Langdon.

06/02/2002 01:17:30 PM · #19
im pretty sure he wasnt serious, but if you want to go and manipulate what he said like that, great.

i never said it was my idea or their idea to create the site; i said it wasnt my idea to redo it in php, it was theirs. and i support that because there is no excuse for poor design or implementation: the microsoft trademark.
06/02/2002 01:29:58 PM · #20
I'm manipulating absolutely nothing.


If you're truly concerned about our database system and not trying to make a point, I do honestly appreciate your suggestion for the improvement of the site. We're very happy on SQL server, and our users seem quite content with the site as well. We have absolutely no technical limitations to multiple challenges or really any other feature. We've been discussing them for weeks.

Usually when you're trying to help people, you aren't doing so against their wishes. If you have any kind of valid discussion you'd like to have, can we please finish this on aim? SN = drew8383. You already knew that.

06/02/2002 02:14:47 PM · #21
well i guess we just see sarcasm differently.

also, im thinking that users should be able to delete their own comments instead of relying on admins.
06/02/2002 05:50:22 PM · #22
Why dosen't everybody stop whining and get a faster connection?
06/02/2002 06:38:33 PM · #23
Faster connections believe it or not are still not available everywhere yet. There are still areas around the city I live in that still don't offer these options. I know because my brother still can't get a high speed connection and I moved from an area last year that didn't offer it.

Also, not everyone can afford or chooses not to pay the extra money for faster connections.

I believe the dial up issue is a valid problem even though I have a cable modem. We shouldn't force our fellow members out because the photos take so long to load and our contests keep getting bigger. I don't want to see any kind of cap for the number of submissions though mainly because many of us only have spare time on the weekends and would encounter being shut out more often than students, stay-at-home mothers, and self employed people who can make their own hours.

Some of the ideas brought up by clubjuggle, hokie, and jmsetler might be helpful. I also wonder if we could maybe have 2 or 3 subjects each week and each member was allowed to only submit to one subject out of the choices offered. The member would only then be required to vote on all the submissions in the challenge he or she submitted to. It could be left up to the member to decide if he or she wanted to vote in all the challenges.
06/02/2002 07:28:32 PM · #24
Its been a long time since I operated via dial-up. I sure love this cable modem.....A lot!

I would, however, really not like limitations imposed because of others technical difficulties. Perhaps there is a happy medium somplace, but I dont think that limiting the number of submissions in a contest is a good one.

I think you only have to vote on 25% of the photographs submitted each week for your vote to be valid. Please note that I am not encouraging anyone to vote casually, I would just prefer people with limited resources and time to vote carefully on a few photographs than vote without evoking the thought process on all of them.

06/02/2002 09:02:41 PM · #25
We should pick an arbitrary number and then anyone who's past submissions have not gone over that number should be put into a "Novice" category along with anyone who is new. Anyone above a certain number should be put be promoted of sorts into a larger category. Another though would be to split novices into groups and have them submit pictures for that group.

One thing I enjoy about this site right now is that its not really big. By splitting stuff into groups you can allow the site to get large but still have the sort of illusion that its smaller.

Just a suggestion.
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