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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> What camera to buy
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06/24/2004 09:45:17 AM · #1
Hi, I want to buy a new digital camera, but I want to be able to use my two cannon zoom lenses that I have for my regular 35mm camera. Can anyone suggest a camera that I could buy that I would be able to use these lenses on? I was hoping to spend less than 500 bucks if possible. I'm not sure exactly what to look for, I'm guessing I should look for an "SLR" camera, but am not sure exactly what that means or if it's really what I'm looking for. Megapixel doesn't matter to me as long as it's at least 3MP. I currently have a Kodak (LS33something), it's 4MP, and it's one of those (#*$&5398$&% autofocus cameras (which I can't stand). it's also broken.

Thanks in advance for help,
-- Rocky
06/24/2004 10:05:31 AM · #2

Buy a Digital camera magazine and do some reading first,if you don't know what were you thinking !

Message edited by author 2004-06-24 10:08:16.
06/24/2004 10:06:33 AM · #3
that was a very helpful response... please elaborate...
06/24/2004 10:08:02 AM · #4
If you have Canon EF mount lenses, the only digital cameras they will fit on are Canon DSLRs. The cheapest in the range is the 300D, the next up is the 10D.
06/24/2004 10:12:37 AM · #5
Originally posted by pitsaman:


Buy a Digital camera magazine and do some reading first,if you don't know what were you thinking !

Why would I need to buy a digital camera magazine??? What the hell do you think the Internet is for??
06/24/2004 10:25:09 AM · #6
So you want something for nothing ! Than read this DP Review

or this : Imaging resource

Message edited by author 2004-06-24 10:26:08.
06/24/2004 10:28:11 AM · #7
Originally posted by pitsaman:

So you want something for nothing ! Than read this DP Review

or this : Imaging resource

Yes! now you know what the Internet is for.. Something for nothing.. Isn't that why we get bombarded with 50 ads per second???
06/24/2004 10:29:09 AM · #8
Base line dSLR for Canon mount lenses is the 300Digital Rebel. Runs about $800-900 US depending on where you get it. If you are looking to spend under $500, then you will need to look at point and shoots. The Canon A and S series cameras are all excellent in this price range.

Right now you will not be able to find a dSLR for under $800ish from a good dealer anywhere. Hope this helps a bit.

06/24/2004 11:00:02 AM · #9
I'll bet you can get a sony f717 for that price. It is 5 mp, and a very nice camera.

06/24/2004 11:14:55 AM · #10
Originally posted by fstopopen:

I'll bet you can get a sony f717 for that price. It is 5 mp, and a very nice camera.


Thanks, this camera looks pretty nice, I'm looking into the "Canon Powershot S1 IS" right now, I can get one for just under 400 bucks and it has manual focus and all that, anyone had bad experiences with that camera?
06/24/2004 11:23:01 AM · #11
I just ordered the new Nikon coolpix 4200. You can probably order it online for about 350.00 It's small, compact and I'm sure the image quality (4mp) will be superb. Go to the nikonusa.com website and check out the specs. In the future I have my sights set on the Nikon D70 to replace my film SLR.

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