Author | Thread |
07/03/2004 04:31:26 PM · #51 |
This is pointless. He is stubborn and doesn't seem to want to change his voting pattern.
Just ignore him... no longer worth my time and am putting this thread on "Ignore" after this post.
And oh yeah, this thread should be switched over to Rant if any Site Council read this.
Message edited by author 2004-07-03 17:04:41.
07/03/2004 05:56:42 PM · #52 |
Originally posted by abreul: I Do Not Have to Follow any of your Vote Techniques. and my votes should be counted. |
I hate to get into this bizarre and extremely assinine argument, but technically, you DO have to follow the vote techniques in the TOS for your votes to be counted. If you don't like the way the site operates, !
I hope that doesn't come off as sounding rude, but come on! :o)
07/03/2004 06:24:01 PM · #53 |
Since he is unable to articulate or type out what or how he votes...How about some examples of what is a 10 photo for you, a 5 photo for you, and we already obviously know ANYTHING in the Newspaper challenge was a 1. Let's see em then.
07/03/2004 06:27:12 PM · #54 |
Originally posted by abreul: Ok you guys are all right. I really sucks for giving those pic 1s. I just have to say I did have some hard time giving some of those pics 1, cause there was no 0, I think they should make it from 0 - 10 and ,make all the votes count
Againg I do not follow people for their opinions or thoughs. |
and I ask you would you have voted on this photo?
Oh WOW, its your photo, now be honest, would you have given it a 1 or a 2, maybe if 0 was an option you would give it that.
I did not vote on it during the challenge, but I would have given it a 6 or a 7, maybe an 8 if I could some how figure out what it was waiting on. To me it expresses REST, not wait.
07/03/2004 06:37:20 PM · #55 |
I did not came here to disccuss the way a Vote. I came here to say that I vote and the votes were voided that's all. I dont care if you think a picture deserved 10 or 5 or 7 or 6 3 9 ....that's you, no me. hey sorry if you guys are offended. and Im not trying to be mean on any way. hope you guys get it now. you guys are the one stock on one thing only why didnt you bla bla bla and so. Well the spin Stop right here. So see u later u all.
07/03/2004 06:42:29 PM · #56 |
and I ask you would you have voted on this photo?
Oh WOW, its your photo, now be honest, would you have given it a 1 or a 2, maybe if 0 was an option you would give it that.
I did not vote on it during the challenge, but I would have given it a 6 or a 7, maybe an 8 if I could some how figure out what it was waiting on. To me it expresses REST, not wait.
James [/quote]
Hear hear
Got a 5 from me. Quite a nice macro. But i couldn't work out the face of said bug, or what it was waiting on. This is an average picture in my opinion and a very good basis to build from and learn how to take better pictures. My average vote is quite low as at the start i was voting on what i like and not talking into account technical issues. My votes were discounted from 1 challange. But this just made me sit up and look at my voting paterns, not shot off from the hip.
I think the DPC council has it about right. My voting on the challange that didn't count for me was very even across the board ( afew 10s a few 1s, a lot of 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 6s) i was not trying to sway the votes inanyway i just voted as i say it without any prior training.
Come on abreul this is a great site and a great online community. Lets all live in peace. When you are voting on a picture consider the time and thought that has went into it, consider if it meets the challange, consider the technical aspects and an number of other things. I still give the odd picture a 1, but i always back it up with the reason for it. Art is a subjective study, and not everyone will like every picture but that is what makes it so much fun. I love when my shots are scoring 4.5... and i get a comment about my shot being one of the best, that means more to me that my images that score 5s or 6s and don't get many comments.
DPC keep up the good work on this excelent site. |
07/03/2004 06:55:27 PM · #57 |
Your votes were not... I repeat.. WERE NOT voided for giving 1's. Your votes were voided for being all the same.
You can't honestly say that all the photos in this challenge were of equal quality, correct? If that is so than you can't VOTE as if all were of equal quality. Make sense? Let's say you thought they were all terrible. That's ok, but some were more terrible than others, right? Then you need to vote accordingly. If you really hate a photo, vote a 1, if you only slightly dislike a photo vote a 3 or a 4 etc. |
07/03/2004 07:26:41 PM · #58 |
I suspect there is a huge language barrier in this thread--can someone who is able help this young man to understand?
07/03/2004 07:27:54 PM · #59 |
Originally posted by kevrobertson: and I ask you would you have voted on this photo?
Oh WOW, its your photo, now be honest, would you have given it a 1 or a 2, maybe if 0 was an option you would give it that.
I did not vote on it during the challenge, but I would have given it a 6 or a 7, maybe an 8 if I could some how figure out what it was waiting on. To me it expresses REST, not wait.
James |
Hear hear
Got a 5 from me. Quite a nice macro. But i couldn't work out the face of said bug, or what it was waiting on. This is an average picture in my opinion and a very good basis to build from and learn how to take better pictures. My average vote is quite low as at the start i was voting on what i like and not talking into account technical issues. My votes were discounted from 1 challange. But this just made me sit up and look at my voting paterns, not shot off from the hip.
I think the DPC council has it about right. My voting on the challange that didn't count for me was very even across the board ( afew 10s a few 1s, a lot of 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 6s) i was not trying to sway the votes inanyway i just voted as i say it without any prior training.
Come on abreul this is a great site and a great online community. Lets all live in peace. When you are voting on a picture consider the time and thought that has went into it, consider if it meets the challange, consider the technical aspects and an number of other things. I still give the odd picture a 1, but i always back it up with the reason for it. Art is a subjective study, and not everyone will like every picture but that is what makes it so much fun. I love when my shots are scoring 4.5... and i get a comment about my shot being one of the best, that means more to me that my images that score 5s or 6s and don't get many comments.
DPC keep up the good work on this excelent site. [/quote]
Dude I dont need any trainig to say or express what I feel, and your are right the owner of DPC have all the right on doing whatever they want after all this is their playground. and I hope this comment make most of you happy, Im not "Voting" any more, so you people can chill out now, maybe one of this days I'll decided going to DPC Vote Bootcamp to learn how to vote.
Yeah right....
07/03/2004 09:10:14 PM · #60 |
I'm not a dude I'm a dude-ess
The bootcamp is when you enter your own work and begin to appreciate what people say to you
07/03/2004 10:13:13 PM · #61 |
Originally posted by Beagleboy: And oh yeah, this thread should be switched over to Rant if any Site Council read this. |
OK ... |
07/03/2004 10:15:52 PM · #62 |
Originally posted by kevrobertson: and I ask you would you have voted on this photo?
Oh WOW, its your photo, now be honest, would you have given it a 1 or a 2, maybe if 0 was an option you would give it that.
I did not vote on it during the challenge, but I would have given it a 6 or a 7, maybe an 8 if I could some how figure out what it was waiting on. To me it expresses REST, not wait.
James |
Hear hear
Got a 5 from me. Quite a nice macro. But i couldn't work out the face of said bug, or what it was waiting on. This is an average picture in my opinion and a very good basis to build from and learn how to take better pictures. My average vote is quite low as at the start i was voting on what i like and not talking into account technical issues. My votes were discounted from 1 challange. But this just made me sit up and look at my voting paterns, not shot off from the hip.
I think the DPC council has it about right. My voting on the challange that didn't count for me was very even across the board ( afew 10s a few 1s, a lot of 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 6s) i was not trying to sway the votes inanyway i just voted as i say it without any prior training.
Come on abreul this is a great site and a great online community. Lets all live in peace. When you are voting on a picture consider the time and thought that has went into it, consider if it meets the challange, consider the technical aspects and an number of other things. I still give the odd picture a 1, but i always back it up with the reason for it. Art is a subjective study, and not everyone will like every picture but that is what makes it so much fun. I love when my shots are scoring 4.5... and i get a comment about my shot being one of the best, that means more to me that my images that score 5s or 6s and don't get many comments.
DPC keep up the good work on this excelent site. [/quote]
well like a said before I just came here to post an email. I was not really looking for support or anthing like that pretty much was like... hey poelple wach out. But see look at this guy changing the subjet and posting one of my picture to give an example. that to me have lot to say. so I decide to go an visit kevrobertson page men keep trying hard cause you have a bunch of 1s. I did not invent this dude check the average of posting you have plus the places you got on the contest. Men I were you I quit taking pictures. no ofence though. but you should look for another hobbie. ok i see i think you would feel better if I lie to you. I dont know how you lost on those contest I think you deserve 10s on all your collection. the pictures are exellent good DOF good technique right spped the light is SUPERB those cropping were exellent too, keep up the good work CONGRATULATIONS.
Message edited by author 2004-07-03 22:21:52. |
07/03/2004 10:27:25 PM · #63 |
Have mercy...
Move along children, don't feed the troll... .
07/09/2004 04:38:34 AM · #64 |
Note: This message is a critique of all those before it.
If Dpchallenge offer a fair voting system (which they claim they do) then they do in theory allow you to give numbers 1-10 on any picture. Most previous arguments are based on the fact that if you roll a dice then a 1 is not likely to come up every time after six rolls. Ofcourse that is false since there is a very small chance of this happening. Out of so many thousand voters this person may be the only one who gave many 1's. That is fine since he may have a higher standard of photography.(I agree we get a lot of crap sometimes) Anyway, the site should clearly note this rule if it is afraid that it could aid cheating etc. What most people are suggesting is very silly. You can't give people their opinions and that's what makes this site interesting. Maybe most comments are the result of life in a country which is notorious for it's dodgy elections. If people don't vote for some guy, their neighbour might say "are you crazy, how can you not vote for him, he is the best candidate" and maybe even "it's fine your vote was not accepted because you voted for some wierd guy who's not patriotic and he would have given us trouble" when he complains why his votes were not accepted! |
07/09/2004 06:50:43 AM · #65 |
Originally posted by Omar: Note: This message is a critique of all those before it.
If Dpchallenge offer a fair voting system (which they claim they do) then they do in theory allow you to give numbers 1-10 on any picture. Most previous arguments are based on the fact that if you roll a dice then a 1 is not likely to come up every time after six rolls. Ofcourse that is false since there is a very small chance of this happening. Out of so many thousand voters this person may be the only one who gave many 1's. That is fine since he may have a higher standard of photography.(I agree we get a lot of crap sometimes) Anyway, the site should clearly note this rule if it is afraid that it could aid cheating etc. What most people are suggesting is very silly. You can't give people their opinions and that's what makes this site interesting. Maybe most comments are the result of life in a country which is notorious for it's dodgy elections. If people don't vote for some guy, their neighbour might say "are you crazy, how can you not vote for him, he is the best candidate" and maybe even "it's fine your vote was not accepted because you voted for some wierd guy who's not patriotic and he would have given us trouble" when he complains why his votes were not accepted! |
From the challenge rules: "Users must vote on at least 20% of the entries in order to have their votes counted towards the averages. Until a user votes for 20% of the images in a challenge, his votes are ignored. Voting patterns are also automatically monitored. Users whose vote patterns suggest an intent to unfairly disrupt the system will have their votes ignored and may be suspended from site functions"
Built into the challenge results calculation is an algorithm that screens users' votes prior to calculating the final challenge results. This algorithm recognizes voting patterns that have a very high probability of being manipulative or not legitimate, and ignores the votes from those users in the final results tally. This has been part of DPChallenge since day 1, and is discloses to all who read the rules.
07/09/2004 07:20:26 AM · #66 |
Ah again with the conspiracy theory. I belive this site is fair. Why? Siply because I am a nobody, from nowhere, I have no friends here, I almost don't know nobody here, I belive after a few rants that I started people hate me more than they like me here, yet I won a challenge and scored more then I expected in a few others. And when I scored low, well my picture sucked. I don't suspect the site for any conspiracy, but I suspect a couple of "gangs" of people that know eachother and are friends and they share some 10's some pictures not being anonimous for them as they should, but I also consider that useless with the amount of images and votes that go in any challenge. That can work to increase one's final score with a few points but not to win, unless the shot is really apreciated by the majority.
PS about the algorythm that doesn't count scores, I belive that's highly necesary as many people are tempted to cheat, and no matter how I look at someone's average below 2 that's malicious. I share alots of 1's and 2's much more than 10's yet my average is atleast above 5. I can't think of anything else with such a low average than that person scores 1's to any picture but his own and that's just even lower than cheating.
Message edited by author 2004-07-09 07:27:14. |
07/09/2004 08:31:49 AM · #67 |
Originally posted by Omar: Most previous arguments are based on the fact that if you roll a dice then a 1 is not likely to come up every time after six rolls. Ofcourse that is false since there is a very small chance of this happening. |
Actually this is just as likely as any other pattern of numbers to come up... You are just as likely to get 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 as you are to get 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
07/09/2004 09:26:24 AM · #68 |
Originally posted by frumoaznicul: Ah again with the conspiracy theory. I belive this site is fair. Why? Siply because I am a nobody, from nowhere, I have no friends here, I almost don't know nobody here, I belive after a few rants that I started people hate me more than they like me here |
That`s not the impression I have..I think you are a well respected photographer..I doubt very much if anybody hates you. I remember a couple of threads a few months in particular about nasty comments and the language problem..only because I got involved in that one and you`ve spoken your mind in some others..but then,so have most of us..You`re being a bit too hard on my opinion. |
07/09/2004 09:33:47 AM · #69 |
Originally posted by Gordon: Originally posted by Omar: Most previous arguments are based on the fact that if you roll a dice then a 1 is not likely to come up every time after six rolls. Ofcourse that is false since there is a very small chance of this happening. |
Actually this is just as likely as any other pattern of numbers to come up... You are just as likely to get 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 as you are to get 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 |
That is true - but an average of 1 across several throws of a die is statistically unlikely. The average value steadily approaches 3.5. The same would hold true with voting. If someone was truly throwing up random votes, they would average out at 5.5 very quickly.
I don't think anyone is voting randomly, however.
07/09/2004 10:07:39 AM · #70 |
Originally posted by Gordon: Originally posted by Omar: Most previous arguments are based on the fact that if you roll a dice then a 1 is not likely to come up every time after six rolls. Ofcourse that is false since there is a very small chance of this happening. |
Actually this is just as likely as any other pattern of numbers to come up... You are just as likely to get 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 as you are to get 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 |
The other statistical difference in your example is that the votes need not occur in order; there are quite a few combinations involving the numbers 1-6 in various sequences (e.g. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6), but only one combination of six throws which produces six 1's -- wouldn't that mean slightly higher odds of any six rolls producing one of each number than all ones?
I'd also think that anyone's votes should roughly follow a bell curve, even if markedly skewed towards one end of the scale -- a peak flush against one end of the scale is perhaps anomolous by definition. However, as I recall the voter in question would actually like to award votes of zero to many photos ... maybe that would "normalize" the curve ... |
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