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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> D70 vs. Rebel
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07/06/2004 02:46:09 PM · #1
This seems to be the 2 that are always being pushed on me at the shops...

What do you think...
07/06/2004 02:55:31 PM · #2
D70 is probably more comparable to the Canon 10D...
07/06/2004 02:56:50 PM · #3
i havea d70 and i absolutely love it.. if i were to get a second chance to buy a camera i would again buy d70. and it is unfair to compare it to d-rebel. it should be compared to canon 10d or nikon d100.. excellent camera..
07/06/2004 03:01:12 PM · #4
Well, it's allways hard to decide in such a high investment. IMHO, some will tell you nikon and some others will go canon so the best decision usually comes from yourself, in my case i got the rebel because d70 was'nt show up yet, otherwise i would problaly go nikon, i suggest to check //www.dpreview.com
They have a "side by side" comparation option.

Another thing you might consider is that if you already have some equipment for some of them, believe me, it could save you a lot of money.

I wish you a good decision.

07/06/2004 03:01:33 PM · #5
I DO agree, the feel of a D70 is lovely, you command it with one hand very secure, something to love!
07/06/2004 03:08:31 PM · #6
and I love the rebel!
If you are talking about quality of the image
I would say they are about par, perhaps arguably.
build quality, again about the same perhaps a slight edge to nikon.
I think the reason everyone wants to compare the the d70 to the 10d
instead of the drebel is because the d70 has a more functional firmware
that is comparable to the canon 10d and the nikon d100.
bottom line! Both great cameras. My best advice, pick your glass
nikon or canon, then get the body that you can afford for your glass.
07/06/2004 03:10:31 PM · #7
I purchased my D70 about a month ago in the hopes of switching over to a completely digital workflow. I had doubts of whether it could match my N90 35mm in quality and comfort. After a weekend of shooting (300-400 pictures) I traded my N90 in for another lens for the D70! The focus is lightning fast and the programs give excellant results. If you're into using your own settings it's wonderful. The controls are very 35mm-like and easy to get used to. The ONLY problem I have with it (and it's minor) is it only goes to 200 iso (I always shoot 100 unless absolutely necessary). 200 iso has little to no grain as it is. I've done some long exposure night shots at 320 and 500 iso and the grain is still minimal. Oh, and whomever designed the viewfinder "grid" obviously had never heard of the "rule of thirds" since they implemented it as a 4x4 grid?!
A pro shutterbug and professor of photography also recommended it to me. Not a bad referral!

Message edited by author 2004-07-06 15:24:22.
07/06/2004 03:15:23 PM · #8
Originally posted by superdave_909:

My best advice, pick your glass nikon or canon, then get the body that you can afford for your glass.

I agree. I'd say the D70 is a better camera, but being more expensive you have less money for lenses. As someone has already mentioned, they're both great cameras.
07/06/2004 03:26:52 PM · #9
I went through the same dilema in comparing the two and settled on the d70. For me, I went with the camera that had more options and more room to expand. I thought that I might be limited by the functionality of the rebel (which I probably wouldn't have), so went with the d70. I'd highly recommend it!
07/06/2004 03:48:08 PM · #10

D70. My wife just got one. Very nicely built, tried the Rebel and feels like crap. If I didn't already have a 10D, i would have gone the D70 route. The user interface is really nice on D70, zero lag on startup to shoot, 10d is slow....

07/06/2004 03:48:16 PM · #11
Both systems are excellent and will get very high quality results. The only inhibitor you will encounter is your own skill and how naturally you can interact with the camera. At this point quit reading reviews and listing to sales people. Try both cameras... not just in automatic but in manual mode. Use the one that works with you in the most natural fashion.
07/06/2004 04:12:22 PM · #12
Originally posted by Nusbaum:

Both systems are excellent and will get very high quality results. The only inhibitor you will encounter is your own skill and how naturally you can interact with the camera. At this point quit reading reviews and listing to sales people. Try both cameras... not just in automatic but in manual mode. Use the one that works with you in the most natural fashion.

I couldn't agree more! I chose my dRebel over the D70 because of ergonomics - the dRebel just "felt" better in my hands and the controls struck me as more intuitive. Since the cost difference is just about nill (don't bother including kit lenses with this comparison as you'll replace your glass as needed) go try them out and see which camera feels better to YOU and for goodness sake don't get caught up in the "mine is better" debate. It's your skill as a photographer that will make either camera sing. Have fun with your shopping! ;-)
07/06/2004 04:41:14 PM · #13
Two fine cameras, two fine systems, and in the long run, the money will probably even out. As has been suggested, see which one feels better in your hand and take the plunge. Can't make a mistake.
07/06/2004 05:48:36 PM · #14
Originally posted by bitfarmer:

I DO agree, the feel of a D70 is lovely, you command it with one hand very secure, something to love!

You won't control it securely with one hand when you strap this bad boy onto it :)

07/06/2004 06:29:12 PM · #15
I L-O-V-E my EOS
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