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Showing posts 401 - 425 of 1529, (reverse)
08/27/2004 09:47:45 PM · #401
This is interesting, theres always times when you need help and you have to call and ask for help so......
What kind of "Help Desk Caller" are you?

Help Desk Caller
08/27/2004 09:51:17 PM · #402
I think I could be a 10. "The End-of-my-tether User":
08/27/2004 09:57:35 PM · #403
In 1997, residents of Reykjavik, Iceland, ordered 200,620 pizzas, making their Domino's the busiest in the world for the second year running.
08/27/2004 10:01:27 PM · #404
Gumby for President.
08/27/2004 10:02:07 PM · #405
Originally posted by tolovemoon:

This is interesting, theres always times when you need help and you have to call and ask for help so......
What kind of "Help Desk Caller" are you?

Help Desk Caller

I'm the guy that get forwarded to about 10 other help desk people, looking for one that can figure out what the hell went wrong. Usually, they wind up telling me "Uhhhhh I'm sorry, we don't support that" and hang up. This is always about sofware that is critical to me doing my job.
08/27/2004 10:02:42 PM · #406
Jacko for President.
08/27/2004 10:06:36 PM · #407
Sorry Canada...

In a 1997 survey by Durex condoms, the French were found to be the best lovers, then Italians, Americans, South Africans, Brits, Australians, and then Canadians.
08/27/2004 10:08:53 PM · #408
Bathroom Facts from www.bathroomreader.com (I love Uncle John!!!)

Flush away! The average toilet will last about 50 years before it has to be replaced.

Japan reportedly has far fewer flush toilets than any other modern industrialized nation.

Americans use 4.8 billion gallons of water flushing toilets each day.

BRI's favorite Barbie accessory: A pink toilet with real flushing action (but no toilet paper).

For her 40th birthday, Sophia Loren's husband gave her a 14-karat gold toilet seat.

Toilet Rock, a natural rock formation shaped like a flush toilet, is in City of Rocks, NM.

Whenever actress Joan Crawford remarried, she replaced all the toilet seats in her house.

What'd they do before that? Trains didn't have toilets until the 1850s.

American Joseph Gayetty invented toilet paper in 1857.

The Scott brothers of Philadelphia marketed the first successful toilet paper roll in 1867.

Buculets are those little bumpers on the underside of your toilet seat.

Most toilets flush in E flat; most electric razors buzz in B flat. (English razors buzz in G.)

Odds of being injured by a toilet seat in your lifetime: 1 in 6,500.

Coincidence? The Pentagon uses up 666 rolls of toilet paper on an average day.

Bathroom readers beware: Fine for leaving a public toilet unflushed in Singapore: $150.

Most-requested care package item by U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia: toilet paper.

Snot funny: The Japanese have been blowing their noses on tissue paper for over 300 years.

Tissue paper was first used to separate folds of gold-woven cloth known as "gold tissue."

Bathroom fact: The average water temperature for showers in the U.S. is 105Å¡F.

Bathroom fact: Armadillos can be housebroken.

Bathroom fact: The average baby spends 27.5 months in diapers.

Bathroom news: Franklin Roosevelt thought up the name United Nations while in the shower.

Poll results: 7% of Americans say they have a radio in their bathroom.

If you took an average shower today, you used about 30 gallons of water.

On average, American males spend 11.4 minutes taking a shower. Females take 13 minutes.

How do you wash your pet? 3% of Americans shower with them.

Before disposable diapers? Marion Donovan made the first diaper cover out of a shower curtain.

Fill your bathtub with water 20,000 times. That much water falls over Niagara Falls every second.

Jean-Paul Marat and Agamemnon were both slain in their bathtubs by women.

Weighing 332 pounds, U.S. President William Howard Taft once trapped himself in a bathtub.

One large oak tree can drink as much as three bathtubs worth of water every day.

Looney law: In Brooklyn, it's illegal to let a dog sleep in your bathtub.

Would a water softener help? 500 Americans are injured in their bathtubs each day.

Alaska has more outhouses than any other state.

Immediately after the last episode of M*A*S*H*, New York City's sewer flow increased by 320 million gallons, the equivalent of 1 million toilets flushing simultaneously.

The Union Ironclad Monitor was the first ship to have a flush toilet.

First Flush: There are 34 bathrooms in the White House.

Four things that kill germs: 1) Sunshine; 2) Fresh air; 3) Soapy water; 4) Tears.

Supermarket news: The top 3 products for coupon redemption are cold cereal, soap, and deodorant.

Fragrant? Fish are used to make soap.

Ooh la-la! The average French person uses two bars of soap a year.
08/27/2004 10:12:17 PM · #409
more toilet facts...

1. The longest dump ever verified was produced by an American, who produced a 'staggering turd' over a period of 2 hr 12 minutes which was officially measured at 12 ft 2in. The offender is banned from 134 washrooms in his state.

2. Bernard Clemmens of London managed to sustain a fart for an officially recorded time of 2 minutes, 42 seconds.

3. 72.4% of people place their toilet paper on the roll forward (with the loose end over the roll, towards the user).

4. The visitors at Yellowstone Park create 270 million gallons of waste per year, and use up to 18 rolls of toilet paper, per toilet, per day!

5. One of the most difficult items for sewage workers to handle, as it is insoluble, yet fine enough to pass through most filtration systems, is pubic hair. Every month Thames Water removes over a ton of pubic hair at its water treatment plants, whereupon it is taken away to a landfill site and buried.

6. 98% of all Americans feel better about themselves when they flush a toilet.

7. About a third of all Americans flush the toilet while they're still sitting on it.

8. Bernard Clemmens of London managed to sustain a fart for an officially recorded time of 2 minutes, 42 seconds.

9. In the USA - more toilets flush at the half time of the Super Bowl than at any other time of the year.

10. A Kimberly-Clark marketing survey on bathroom habits finds that when it comes to toilet paper, women are "wadders" and men are "folders."

08/27/2004 10:45:27 PM · #410
I've always heard that the Aussies were very friendly and hospitable... hehehehe!
08/27/2004 10:46:54 PM · #411
Laurie for my running mate.

Originally posted by laurielblack:

Jacko for President.

08/27/2004 10:47:55 PM · #412
Originally posted by Jacko:

Laurie for my running mate.

Originally posted by laurielblack:

Jacko for President.

You got it babe... we'd turn this world on it's ass for sure!! :o)
08/27/2004 10:52:30 PM · #413
I just got to thinking ... how about as an intern?

Originally posted by laurielblack:

Originally posted by Jacko:

Laurie for my running mate.

Originally posted by laurielblack:

Jacko for President.

You got it babe... we'd turn this world on it's ass for sure!! :o)

08/27/2004 11:03:10 PM · #414
anybody got a butfer???
08/27/2004 11:07:31 PM · #415
08/27/2004 11:09:36 PM · #416
what's a butfer...

drum roll please...

Message edited by author 2004-08-27 23:09:53.
08/27/2004 11:12:39 PM · #417
Originally posted by jbeazell:

what's a butfer...

drum roll please...

fer poopin' silly !!!
08/27/2004 11:12:58 PM · #418
I wonder how this one does his buisness...

08/27/2004 11:14:59 PM · #419
Originally posted by laurielblack:

Coincidence? The Pentagon uses up 666 rolls of toilet paper on an average day.

I highly recommend you track down the short story It Was Nothing, Really by Theodore Sturgeon for more information on this important phenomenon.
08/27/2004 11:16:08 PM · #420
Originally posted by ericlimon:

5. One of the most difficult items for sewage workers to handle, as it is insoluble, yet fine enough to pass through most filtration systems, is pubic hair. Every month Thames Water removes over a ton of pubic hair at its water treatment plants, whereupon it is taken away to a landfill site and buried.

Be thankful they are not active practitioners of the voodoo arts!
08/28/2004 12:38:33 AM · #421
08/28/2004 01:35:18 AM · #422
701 to go.... we're getting there!

PS... Jacko... the intern idea would be great, except I don't have a navy blue dress, and I am allergic to cigars... ;o)
08/28/2004 02:02:27 AM · #423
What we need to start in here is a good political debate..that will easily triple the length of the posts and the number of replies :)
08/28/2004 07:44:24 AM · #424
08/28/2004 07:51:03 AM · #425
Originally posted by jbeazell:

What we need to start in here is a good political debate..that will easily triple the length of the posts and the number of replies :)


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