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DPChallenge Forums >> Individual Photograph Discussion >> First Try at Portraits--Comments Please!
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09/06/2004 11:32:01 PM · #1
A friend of mine wanted me to take some pics of her baby who is now 9 months old. This is my first try with portraits. The shots with the black background were done in my garage with natural lighting and a black sheet. The others were done outside. All were taken around 5:30 pm.

Click Here To View the Pictures

I would love to hear what you think, what I can improve on, etc. It was hard to get him to sit still!

09/06/2004 11:56:12 PM · #2
Please, I would love some input!
09/07/2004 12:05:40 AM · #3
I like the black and white ones the best but, they all look good to me. I just did the same thing for my niece and I know what you mean by not keeping them still. I took all of hers outside though. I don't have anything set up to take them inside yet. Good job.
09/07/2004 12:27:05 AM · #4
My favorites are the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th. He is really a cutie. I love his little wink in the 6th one. Great capture. He is probably just squinting because of the sun, but it's really cute. I think these are a great first attempt. Better than mine.
09/07/2004 08:11:51 PM · #5
No other feedback from those of you who have done portraits before?

09/07/2004 08:29:31 PM · #6
I've fallen in love with the photo with the sky ias the background. That shot it awesome, very unique. I love shots of kids that are a little out of the norm. I like the fact that he's looking down at the viewer, makes him seem all powerful even though he's just a cute little baby. I think you had a great idea on that one! The others are good too, but that one just stands out to me. :-)
09/07/2004 08:31:02 PM · #7
My fav is #6 ! Have you tryed with duotones or sepia instead of B/W ?
And desaturation ?
My nephew is 6 months old now and it's not easy to photograph him as he moves a lot or spend the time laughing so I understand you very well !
09/07/2004 08:31:33 PM · #8
I love the black and white of the girl with the dog.
09/07/2004 08:43:22 PM · #9
i like the one with the sky the best.
09/07/2004 09:12:14 PM · #10
Originally posted by aggiedanelover:

Please, I would love some input!

Ok, you asked for it! ;) Actually these are pretty good. I think you are doing a lot of things right particularily with your compositions and setups. It's hard to pick a favorite because you have both formal and creative shots here. The first one in black and white is great and, of course, the fifth one from ground level is a lot of fun to look at. The sixth one with the hands up and the funny looking facial expression is also a good one. Here are a few things that I would do to improve things a little more. In the fifth photo from ground level I would lighten up the shadow detail to reveal more of the face and eyes. Photoshop CS (if you have it) has a great shadow/highlight tool for this or you can simply dodge the area very carefully and lightly. The same goes for the shadow areas in photo 7 of the group shot. It is a little contrasty and there are some great details that are getting a little lost in the shadows and highlights. In the last black and white photo it appears that you are a little bit too close, physically, as there is a little bit of lens distortion making the dog's nose a little bigger than it should be (unless the nose really is that big ;) ). Stand back a little farther and then zoom in so it is cropped the same or even tighter. Also, the bag, notebook and background elements are distracting. Cropping tighter or getting up slightly higher could eliminate the background walls. These things are easy to fix and most can be done in post editing. You are definitely on your way to becoming a portrait photographer.

09/08/2004 08:54:28 PM · #11
Here are my thoughts...

The images that are on the black background are nice, but the baby is much too close to the backdrop. That gives the image a real amateur look. Move the baby further away from the backdrop, then compose your picture. I do think the baby is a bit too centered for my tastes in 2 & 4, but I know my style of photography often breaks the rules! I do like your exposures in image 4.

Image 5...I don't like this angle at all. This angle is usually used for adult males in the fashion world since it is a "masculine angle". The baby also lacks catchlights.

The image entitled "Dog days of summer", I LOVE. I think it is the strongest image out of the bunch!

I am attaching a image shot in natural light with a black backdrop. It shows how depth of field would work with a subject further away from the backdrop.

Keep up the good work!


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