Author | Thread |
09/22/2004 08:10:52 AM · #26 |
Originally posted by peecee: Why was it not DQ ed ? |
A DQ request was raised. However, it was decided by the SC that the image didn't break any rules, and the fact that it didn't meet the challenge isn't grounds for removal from the challenge, thus the photo remained in the challenge.
09/22/2004 08:17:49 AM · #27 |
I don't mind critical comments but all the BONEHEADS kept writing that my entry was not a team sport. Its cycling, it is a team sport and so what if I only showed one cyclist.
thats enough. |
09/22/2004 08:17:50 AM · #28 |
Originally posted by Manic: Originally posted by peecee: Why was it not DQ ed ? |
A DQ request was raised. However, it was decided by the SC that the image didn't break any rules, and the fact that it didn't meet the challenge isn't grounds for removal from the challenge, thus the photo remained in the challenge. |
But I, for one, disagree with the way it was validated. Instead of the canned "This photo has been validated" - it said somthing like "This photo has been validated. There is nothing missing or ...." making it obvious that it was intentional and most likely an attempt to either score low or troll.
IMHO, that would be similar to something like "THis photo has been validated. No spot editing was done."
So - it full fairness - I belive the standard canned message should always be used. |
09/22/2004 08:18:09 AM · #29 |
Ridiculous voting, some people should really grow up
As silly as voting some of the top 10 images 8+ perhaps..?
It always seems to work one way but not the other. People are shocked that such a good image can be given a 1 or 2. these threads are very frequent.
It would be nice to pick a top 10 image once in a while and ask how comes it managed a 9 or a 10.
If you try to remember that we are all different, we are all attracted to different girls and boys, we like to drive different cars, we like to think different thoughts.
Don't complain when this happens. It's like questioning why on earth some people will buy a Volvo or live in a bungalow.
Message edited by author 2004-09-22 08:18:46. |
09/22/2004 08:24:13 AM · #30 |
Originally posted by Natator:
With the sunset sure, some people may have loved it and not care at all about the challenge topic. But a grey square? Do grow up!
Grow up yourself. Abstract and minimalist art is something that can be loved too. This grey square called challenge is far more on topic than the sunset shot - in fact it should have finished a whole lot higher.
Personally I was one who gave it a 10. For me it was the most enjoyable and thought provoking image in the challenge, far better than a lot of the frankly not great sports shots.
It reminded me of a lot of the Suprematism work of the Russian, Kasimir Malevich, famous for his black squares on a white canvas and other such nonsense. Yes it looks like a joke. But there is a serious meaning worth studying behind his images and I found something similar in this grey square.
DPChallenge is a team sport - people easily identify with their own team - Canon, Nikon etc. The forums are often full of this. The carefully matched grey square to the background brought this forward in my mind, along with the title of 'challenge' The simple bounding box between the image and the site demarked the space and all in all, this shot gave me a whole lot more to think about than any other.
The fact that the person who took it entered it as a joke doesn't matter either. We don't get to know intent or see details while voting. The entire field of deconstructionism is all about any viewer having at least as valid an interpretation of a work as the creator has, and in this case, my interpretation was worth a 10. It was by far and away the one shot I looked at for the longest time. It was certainly the best in my opinion. It is entirely in topic. 10 good, 1 bad. |
09/22/2004 08:24:32 AM · #31 |
09/22/2004 08:29:38 AM · #32 |
09/22/2004 08:29:41 AM · #33 |
I don't understand why it bothers you so much. Vote accordingly and move on. What other people vote is their business, not yours, no matter how different from you they vote.
09/22/2004 08:35:17 AM · #34 |
Originally posted by Manic: ...the fact that it didn't meet the challenge ... |
09/22/2004 08:35:51 AM · #35 |
Originally posted by Manic: Originally posted by peecee: Why was it not DQ ed ? |
A DQ request was raised. However, it was decided by the SC that the image didn't break any rules, and the fact that it didn't meet the challenge isn't grounds for removal from the challenge, thus the photo remained in the challenge. |
This picture should have been DQ.
Why cause it violates the rules.
How I'll tell you since you can't spot it!
We are all here to take part in a certain challenge.
We try our best to take a good picture that fits.
The rule:
- Do not vote to disqualify an image for misinterpretation of the challenge.
Is good and valid but when someone is intensionally posting a picture that dose not fit the challenge then it should be DQ.
For me it matters, I pay for download that is not inside Iceland so it can cost me $ to download these pictures.
I you want to post a picture like a gray square do it in a free study where everything fits. Don't waist our time by intensionally not fitting the challenge.
I think the site counsil should rethink how they handle DQs in this respect. You can put a vote up on that on the main page like you did for the connection speeds and see how it will turn out.
09/22/2004 08:38:15 AM · #36 |
Originally posted by blindjustice: I don't mind critical comments but all the BONEHEADS kept writing that my entry was not a team sport. Its cycling, it is a team sport and so what if I only showed one cyclist.
thats enough. |
That sounds pretty harsh. I looked and only 2 of 5 said that. I didn't vote, and I do think cycling is a team sport, being a cyclist myself and currently reading Lance Armstrong's excellent autobiography.
I think the problem with this shot is that you did not convey any of the attributes of the team sport; I see a guy riding a bike in a parking lot. He's not wearing cycling clothes much less team clothes, he's on a bike with toe clips rather than clipless petals, he's standing but not on a hill, he's not wearing a helmet. This taken together with some technical problems is the issue, not the "boneheadedness" of the voters. If you had gone to a bike race and taken a shot of a lone racer, or staged a shot with a rider in proper attire racing up or down a big country hill, you would have had a better score. It may make you feel better to insult the voters, and there are cases where they truly don't get a good picture, but it won't make you a better photographer.
09/22/2004 08:40:46 AM · #37 |
The pic was only 2.7KB..
I'd say not meeting the challenge being DQ-able wouldn't be inforcable. I think it would result in too many DQs, and be practically impossible for the SC to find the right 'boundary' of what does and doesn't meet the challenge.
09/22/2004 08:41:06 AM · #38 |
That'd only open a huge can of worms siggi. Quite instantly the amount of DQ requests would skyrocket. The work of the site council would do the same. The end result would be that they would have to raise the cost of membership, far more than it costs you to download a few 'non-fitting' images.
Challenges are open to interpretation, that's half the fun. If you remove that, suddenly you'd have cookie cutter entries again and again.
09/22/2004 08:42:07 AM · #39 |
A wise DPCer once told me never assume that the entry does not meet the challenge. Assume that you just don't see yet that it meets the challenge. I use this in voting for most images on DPC. I gave Challenge a 4. Reason being I could see that some pains had been taken to make sure the image matched up with the DPC background. So there was some thought process involved. It wasn't out of focus, and there were no glaring technical errors.
Just my $1.25. :)
09/22/2004 08:45:35 AM · #40 |
Or do like me...don't vote on an image you don't accept as part of the challenge.
09/22/2004 08:47:26 AM · #41 |
there where two examples in team sport action that where clearly way out of line, the gary box and the sunset picutre.
Sunset picture by acident - ok why was it not removed to avoid all this debate...
probably worth it to do it.
same with the gray square... probably worth it to DQ it and avoid this.
To everyone that feel the same I recomend it you send a DQ on pictures like that in the future so we dont have to tolerate this nonsense pictures. Flodd the SC until they do somehting.
Well I would like to see a poll on this first....
just my few dollars!
Message edited by author 2004-09-22 08:52:10.
09/22/2004 08:48:30 AM · #42 |
Originally posted by Gil P: Or do like me...don't vote on an image you don't accept as part of the challenge. |
Then there should be a Don't vote on this picture button!
09/22/2004 08:50:24 AM · #43 |
Originally posted by PaulMdx: The pic was only 2.7KB.. |
The gray square and the sunset and ... there will be more
09/22/2004 08:54:39 AM · #44 |
Why is it so hard to DQ when the description is so clear!
A "team sport" is a contest between a group of players on one team simultaneously competing with a group of players on the other team.
Your challenge: capture the action of a team sport!
(For clarity, your photo does not need to contain the entire team or even multiple people, the sport you are photographing just needs to be a team sport!)
These two pictures that are so much talked about have nothing to do with sport!
All other pictures I saw where connected to some sport, even the bird picture, could be dow competition, don't know if they have teams though.
Message edited by author 2004-09-22 08:56:16.
09/22/2004 08:54:59 AM · #45 |
Originally posted by Gil P: Or do like me...don't vote on an image you don't accept as part of the challenge. |
Quite right... but it wasn't an image! I hate to disagree with Gordon but it is rubbish, the poster himself can't even give us any explanation on the actual entry itself as promised, he only says it was to provoke reaction, which he has got.
We can argue all day but nobody will convince me that it was an image.
The original for a start must have been nigh on black, so it has been changed beyond recognition for a start, that in itself should have warranted a DQ.
There, I've had my say.
09/22/2004 08:55:51 AM · #46 |
Originally posted by siggi: there where two examples in team sport action that where clearly way out of line, the gary box and the sunset picutre.
Sunset picture by acident - ok why was it not removed to avoid all this debate...
probably worth it to do it.
same with the gray square... probably worth it to DQ it and avoid this.
To everyone that feel the same I recomend it you send a DQ on pictures like that in the future so we dont have to tolerate this nonsense pictures. Flodd the SC until they do somehting.
Well I would like to see a poll on this first....
just my few dollars! |
I tried to have my picture DQ'd, but because of the rules there was not sufficient reason to have it removed. |
09/22/2004 08:58:02 AM · #47 |
Inede - yes I know - thats the most stupid part I don't understand - I realy hate the site counsil for that.
09/22/2004 09:05:37 AM · #48 |
siggi, I'm really sorry that you ended up having to download those images. It's hard for those of us who live with unlimited bandwidth to sometimes recall that it's expensive for others.
But here's a question- if Inede can pull his shot because it was a mistake, then why shouldn't I be able to pull my shot because it's doing poorly. All I have to say is it was the wrong shot for the challenge.
It opens the door to make things way too complicated. Lots of folks said my shot in backlighting was a sillouette. But it actually isn't. And when printed out you can see it isn't. They just had badly calibrated monitors. Should I have been DQ'd for not meeting the challenge?
Where does it end?
09/22/2004 09:06:26 AM · #49 |
Originally posted by peecee: The original for a start must have been nigh on black, so it has been changed beyond recognition for a start, that in itself should have warranted a DQ. |
A black image could be very easily made any color grey all the way to absolute white. All perfectly within the rules of even basic editing. Levels, curves, even brightness and contrast could do it.
09/22/2004 09:14:14 AM · #50 |
Originally posted by siggi: Originally posted by Gil P: Or do like me...don't vote on an image you don't accept as part of the challenge. |
Then there should be a Don't vote on this picture button! |
There is a don't vote button, you just skip the pic and never enter a vote.
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