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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Need help please!!!!!!!!!
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09/22/2004 10:40:35 PM · #1
i am currently looking to set up my website but i need a name for it. Wedding photography is what its for. I have been beating myself up trying to come up with a domain name and was hoping dpc could help me out with some cleaver suggestions.
09/22/2004 10:49:57 PM · #2
09/22/2004 10:51:11 PM · #3
Hehehe..Just kidding! I shoot em too, but I bite my tongue all to often with these kids getting married.
09/22/2004 10:56:23 PM · #4
parrothead those are hilarious. Quick question are there any lenses for your 10d that you would recommend for wedding photography.
09/22/2004 10:56:39 PM · #5
I don't know about site name, but the most unique wedding song I ever heard was "Aint that a kick in the Head" -Dean Martin. Something derived from that song might be cute.
09/22/2004 10:58:32 PM · #6
I have a sigma 24-70 2.8, and a sigma 70-200 2.8, and thats about all I have used for a couple years. I like them both!
09/22/2004 11:07:39 PM · #7
Shootthebride.com is taken, I'm afraid. So are bridengroom, brideandgroom and similar domain names. It would have to be more original.
09/22/2004 11:18:44 PM · #8

09/22/2004 11:23:39 PM · #9

or try something fluffy that will appeal to women

09/22/2004 11:23:52 PM · #10
if you want to try out your names, as well as look for a registration service, i would recommend www.godaddy.com. you can see if a name is available, and if not, it will also recommend like names that are available. they also have great prices.
09/22/2004 11:29:38 PM · #11
I think the name matters less than how you "spread it around" and get it linked, but here are some ideas, don't know if they're taken:


You could also just grab your name if it's available. They've added new top level domains like 'us' and 'name' so you might still find it like that even if .com and other older suffixes are gone. I have //www.nrshapiro.com reserved and for now, I link it to my DPCPrints area.

09/23/2004 12:04:57 AM · #12
//www.kissthebride.com --I can't quite tell is if this one is taken. I tried getting to the page. It looked more like a directory of other links.

//www.weddingphotographybyjulie.com - only I recommend you use your name!
09/23/2004 12:09:22 AM · #13
LOL Parrot, and Techno... Finding a website name can be a lot of fun. What you really need is a software app to help you make one up. Hmm, good idea, maybe I'll write one if there isn't something like this already....

It would have to have a great dictionary library of words. Then it would piece together the best "phrases", etc. to help you decide on something, and then check the Web to see if it already exists. OK, nobody steal my idea please. :)

09/23/2004 12:09:29 AM · #14
//www.kissthebride.com is not available.

I use DomainSite for all of my domain registrations. Something like $7.77 per year...

09/23/2004 12:24:54 AM · #15
Here you go: weddingblissphotos.com :) There are soo many combinations you can probably find something better. In addition, you don't necessarily have to use the word "wedding". Here's another one:
captureyourweddingday.com is available. :)

Be creative and you'll find something.

Message edited by author 2004-09-23 00:25:58.
09/23/2004 12:44:47 AM · #16
Random brainstorming- any or all might be taken already. I checked a few.


I know these are all available:
altarations.com (retouching wedding photos?)

Good luck!

09/23/2004 06:43:47 AM · #17
www.marriagememories.com , not yet taken!
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