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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> Tea Party
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 45, (reverse)
09/16/2010 09:53:29 PM · #1
Is it the most evil thing in the world?
09/17/2010 12:16:54 AM · #2
Originally posted by FireBird:

Is it the most evil thing in the world?

Not even close... misguided perhaps, but not intentionally evil.

09/17/2010 12:21:20 AM · #3
Originally posted by FireBird:

Is it the most evil thing in the world?

YES... for Democrats LOL
09/17/2010 03:03:04 AM · #4
Most misinterpreted, most misunderstood, most mischaracterized, most maligned and most importantly: most underestimated.
09/17/2010 03:06:02 AM · #5
Originally posted by FocusPoint:

Originally posted by FireBird:

Is it the most evil thing in the world?

YES... for Democrats LOL

and many establishment Republicans.
09/17/2010 06:28:55 AM · #6
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

Most misinterpreted, most misunderstood, most mischaracterized, most maligned and most importantly: most underestimated.

So, lay it out for us, Artemis. I get the impression most "Tea Partiers" think the American right-wing is too soft, and that Sarah Palin isn't an embarrassment to American politics. If they're misinterpreted and mis-characterized, characterize and interpret them for me.
09/17/2010 06:34:46 AM · #7
Is 'Annex Canada' on their manifesto?
09/17/2010 06:42:48 AM · #8
Originally posted by JH:

Is 'Annex Canada' on their manifesto?

No, I think they want to build a 40 metre fence along our border. It might be my mis-characterization, but they look like isolationists.
09/17/2010 07:20:28 AM · #9
Evil? I don't know about that. Bizarre? Yes! Absolutely! Have you heard about "Mastur-Gate"? ROFLMFAO! Art, if you like the tea party this lady might just change your mind. link

Message edited by author 2010-09-17 07:47:00.
09/17/2010 07:49:50 AM · #10
spent some time watching the news this morning. turns out the more palin is pushing for the tea party candidates, the more her disapproval numbers rise. while i am a registered democrat and have voted mostly along party lines the past 20 years, this year i've certainly shifted so far to the middle i am looking at republican candidates closely. and i can say with certainty, she doesnt appeal to me at all as anything other than a really in over her head beauty queen who has mass appeal to the staunch right. as long as they push her forward as a candidate the democrats will hold the presidency.

having said that, i'm all for some balance of power being restored in Washington, and actually hope some tea party candidates win their elections to reign in this spending spree. throwing money at the economy has NEVER worked and it's not going to work now. the tax breaks, while seeming unfair and elitist, HAVE to start from the top (corporations) down for it to be effective. I guess it's time to change my registration to independent.


ETA: kelli....what a link! mastur-gate...hahaha. The more they try to reach into the privacy of individuals the more they will indeed turn off the mass middle.

Message edited by author 2010-09-17 07:53:21.
09/17/2010 08:16:01 AM · #11
Originally posted by FourPointX:

i'm all for some balance of power being restored in Washington, and actually hope some tea party candidates win their elections to reign in this spending spree. throwing money at the economy has NEVER worked and it's not going to work now. the tax breaks, while seeming unfair and elitist, HAVE to start from the top (corporations) down for it to be effective.

09/17/2010 08:53:23 AM · #12
Originally posted by scalvert:


I know. I hear myself and am pretty surprised. But when has throwing money at a problem ever worked? The spending has to stop. I don't think the dems will. are there enough blue dog dems to start to sway the party? or is it the tax break comment?
09/17/2010 08:59:58 AM · #13
Originally posted by FourPointX:

But when has throwing money at a problem ever worked?

I know -- we've been giving tax breaks to the wealthy for the past nine years and look how many (US) jobs have been created ... :-(
09/17/2010 09:08:07 AM · #14
Originally posted by FourPointX:

the tax breaks, while seeming unfair and elitist, HAVE to start from the top (corporations) down for it to be effective.

I guess one needs to ask....why do they HAVE to start from the top? I'm pretty sure supply-side economics coupled with an unregulated capitalist mentality is what got us to this point, trying to prop up the economy on the backs of the middle class.
09/17/2010 09:08:59 AM · #15
Originally posted by FourPointX:

But when has throwing money at a problem ever worked? The spending has to stop. I don't think the dems will. are there enough blue dog dems to start to sway the party? or is it the tax break comment?

The New Deal. When has NOT addressing a problem ever worked? Tax breaks have primarily been for the wealthy, and that only burns the other end of the same deficit candle— less money coming in has the same effect as more money going out. Be careful what you wish for regarding "balance of power," too. The more evenly matched the parties are, the more difficult it is to get ANYTHING accomplished as each side thwarts the other.
09/17/2010 09:18:28 AM · #16
I think at first it was just a simple principal of less spending and no more tax increases, something a lot of people originally got behind. It seems it morphed into an ultra conservative group.
09/17/2010 09:30:27 AM · #17
Giving money to corporations?

You need to see this movie:
the corporation

Originally posted by david_c:

Originally posted by FourPointX:

the tax breaks, while seeming unfair and elitist, HAVE to start from the top (corporations) down for it to be effective.

I guess one needs to ask....why do they HAVE to start from the top? I'm pretty sure supply-side economics coupled with an unregulated capitalist mentality is what got us to this point, trying to prop up the economy on the backs of the middle class.
09/18/2010 11:23:42 PM · #18
yeah damn those ignorant racist tea party people who expect their government to be of the people by the people and for the people. They are just too stupid and ignorant to realize they need the Federal Government to tell them how to live their lives in every aspect and really isn't it just patriotic to surrender all of your money to the government in taxes. After all the government certainly knows how to spend the money better than a tea party person. My prediction is the "smart" (read elitist ruling class) people will soon be out on their asses because of us ignorant tea party people and the United States and thus the world will be better for it.
09/19/2010 03:59:07 AM · #19
Originally posted by dponlyme:

...My prediction is the "smart" (read elitist ruling class) people will soon be out on their asses because of us ignorant tea party people and the United States and thus the world will be better for it.

I never realized that you were such an astute politician and had knowledge relative to what is best for the rest of the world...it is indeed gratifying to know that you folks have all the solutions.

I am truly looking forward to the eutopia you envision,


Message edited by author 2010-09-19 06:14:59.
09/19/2010 05:57:54 AM · #20
It takes a lot to acquire and maintain a job, home, family, back yard etc. A fair few people don't make it. A number of those who do devote just about all their time and energy to just that.

Good for them, but if any one of them says that the political solution that they perceive to ease their situation is good for 'the world', then they're either myopic or disingenuous or both.

Message edited by author 2010-09-19 05:58:51.
09/19/2010 10:58:26 AM · #21
as i admitted earlier i'm a lifelong registered democrat who's voted along party lines pretty much his whole life. i've refrained from answering the arguments brought forth by shannon and david because, admittedly, while i had been very plugged in to politics in 2008, i haven't followed at all since, and i feel very uneducated on the issues. I've done a bit of reading since but haven't nearly caught up to speed to speak with any beef behond my case. However, comments like the one from the tea party advocate above make me remember why i had a dislike of republicans during the bush years. "the US and thus the world will be better for it"? Do you hear yourself? I'm not sure how someone could sound more like an arrogant ass.
09/19/2010 11:45:32 AM · #22
Originally posted by FourPointX:

while i had been very plugged in to politics in 2008, i haven't followed at all since, and i feel very uneducated on the issues. I've done a bit of reading since but haven't nearly caught up to speed to speak with any beef behond my case.

*applause* Far too many people DON'T do their own research (or only do so through the rose-colored glasses of strongly partisan sources). Connecticut is currently enduring a barrage of ads from Linda McMahon (wife of World Wrestling Entertainment mogul Vince McMahon) that accuses her challenger of supporting a program that would raise taxes $1000, the price of gas by 68¢ a gallon, and cost 13,000 jobs. Does that sound like something ANY politician would champion? Few listeners will take the time to look into the claims, which turn out to be wildly exaggerated estimates of a bill that wouldn't even affect Connecticut as much as most states.
09/19/2010 03:02:16 PM · #23
Originally posted by dponlyme:

the government certainly knows how to spend the money better than a tea party person.

Apparently so.
09/20/2010 02:03:30 PM · #24
Quote from that article â€Â¦
"The remarkable aspect of TARP, in retrospect, was the bipartisanship that made it possible. "
Now c'mon â€Â¦ you can't take BOTH sides! ;D !

Originally posted by scalvert:

Originally posted by dponlyme:

the government certainly knows how to spend the money better than a tea party person.

Apparently so.
09/20/2010 08:25:46 PM · #25
Originally posted by dponlyme:

My prediction is the "smart" (read elitist ruling class) people will soon be out on their asses because of us ignorant tea party people...

Was that sarcasm or honesty?
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