I've been toting around the old XTi for close to four years now. I'd been wanting to upgrade for awhile , but after researching just how old my camera is compared to the newer models, it feels like a necessity to upgrade.
I'm looking at the 50D, 60D, and 7D. I'd love to go pick up a 7D right now, but unfortunately price is an issue for me.
The Best Buy private marketplace website has lightly used 50Ds with everything including the kit lens for $771, or cheaper with a winning bid.
The 60D I would have to buy brand new for about $1100 it seems.
The cheapest I have found the 7D is here: //www.centraldigital.com/Product/?11468116&l=Froogle for $1300
I was hoping to get lucky on ebay, but it seems even for used 7Ds the price always jumps over $1000 in the last few hours.
The way I see it, the 60D is out, since if I have to spend over $1000 for it I might as well spend $200 more for the 7D. Do any of you know a good place to buy the 7D, somewhat cheaper? I know I'm asking for the impossible, but I'd like to rule everything out before I pick the 50D. |