Hi there folks,
My setup is:
Fuji Finepix s7000 zoom, all images shot as RAF, opened in Photoshop CS
PC and Monitor:
Acer Aspire 1714, 17" TFT LCD Monitor (Calibrated)
Colour Profile:
Adobe Photoshop Colour Profile: European Prepress Default with 10% of monitor desaturation.
Canon i865
Well, I have got what I consider a poor man's version of a good setup and so far haven't had many problems, I originally had an Epson which for every print required a couple of sessions of deep cleaning daily in order to print properly. After spending too much money on cartridges I returned the Epson toy back to CostCo UK and bought myself a far better Canon i865.
Monitor calibration was almost not necessary to do except for a few tweaks here and there. I usually print my pictures and compare their colours so I kind of have a mental map of what colours will look like in print.
My problem is that for some weird reason the greens do not print right anymore. The problem started before I migrated to the massive Acer laptop while still working on CRT I noticed that prints started to show a heavy red tint on the greens. The reds do not print right either and if there is a detail of dark red in the pic the bloody printer just flattens it to a dark maroon piece. I cleaned the cartridges, with both quick and deep cleaning, aligned, realigned, checked the cartridges physically and they are still full!
In general the prints do not come out with the same saturation and contrast as shown in the working area in Photoshop. In Photoshop, everything is vivid and colourful but when you send it to the printer you can see from the print preview that the contrast and saturation are lost.
I have printed a sample picture from Fuji or Canon, and they print well. I might be doing something really wrong.
Would anybody be able to help me please?
many thanks,
Message edited by author 2004-07-05 07:39:55. |