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DPChallenge Forums >> Business of Photography >> Connundrum
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06/08/2011 12:48:33 AM · #1
So I had my first WTF moment with a subject. She was a previous tenant of mine who wanted to have me do one of my pet portraits with her. She has two cute dogs and is a "friend", and I got an idea after visiting her charming little home. We discuss the shoot, I say I want to try something a little sexy with her, everything is cool. The shoot is a breeze - in out in an hour and change. I edit 3 images, one of them exactly what I was looking for. I post it on Flickr, send her copies of all three images. She's not liking the one I like. Then she says she really doesn't like it. Then she sends me an email about how she did a search for herself, the photo comes up right away, she's not comfortable with the provocative pose. She has issue because she was stalked, and this wasn't the image of herself she wants to portray.

Now I'm torn. The image is the best of the bunch, and to MY eye, more playful than "provocative". Which is what I say to her, which just makes her freak out more. (Mind you, I had her in that pose for quite a few shots.) She begs me to take it down. I'm fuming inside, but feel that there's really nothing I can do, ethically/morally, as she is a "friend". Sure, it's MY image, but there is certainly some sort of line being drawn here, which I am certain will rear its head again in the future. I took it down. I told her I was going to use that image on my site and in my body of work, and she was ok with that, just didn't want it on Flickr/Facebook.

I've read other threads on DPC about similar situations, where the model was certain she wanted one thing, then freaked after the images were pp'd. I guess I'm just venting, especially since I'm still going to use the image in my collection, and just not posting it on F/FB.

06/08/2011 12:51:12 AM · #2
I can see why she's having second thoughts, myself...

06/08/2011 01:14:14 AM · #3
Really? Hmm. Maybe my perversion meter is broken...
06/08/2011 01:16:46 AM · #4
Personally I don't think your perversion meter is broken... I don't really get the issue either, however that being said, I like the second image better :)
06/08/2011 02:24:21 AM · #5
Second one is fine. I can see her point about the first one though. I think it is rather on the provocative side of playful. 3 points - placement of the dog's paw, the way her hand draws attention to the placement of the dog's paw, and her facial expression.
06/08/2011 02:40:33 AM · #6
First one is better photo by a long shot. But jomari is right about what's wrong with the photo from model's POV. If you have a release that gives you full rights, then do with it what you like. If you go against her wishes, it's your karma you have to deal with. On the other hand, if you don't have a release and she doesn't want it shown on a particular website or venue, you must respect her wishes or you could have a nasty meeting with an attorney in your future. If it were me, I would hold it back if she doesn't like it even if I did have a release. There will always be a better shot in the future. Everything up to now is practice.
06/08/2011 11:28:39 AM · #7
Thanks everyone. I did pull the offending shot off Flicker right away. But if the consensus is that the howling shot is better, then there's not issue whatsoever, now, or in the future.
06/09/2011 12:44:34 PM · #8
this highlights the difference between hiring models and doing shoots with friends, as well as the difference between getting paid to shoot and shooting for fun.

if you are working with friends, doing stuff for fun, regardless of what you discussed and agreed to, you really have to give them final say over what gets posted and what doesn't. it's doesn't even matter if you 'have it in writing' - if you put what you want ahead of what they want, you're pretty much going to wind up with a damaged relationship. i always tell people, "if you don't look good, i don't look good, and it's not up to me to decide." i can't tell you how many incredible (imho) shots i have of my teenage daughter that will never see the light of day, simply because she doesn't like them.

on the other hand, if you hire an experienced model and have a contract (and i'm not talking about somebody who just signed up with modelmayem without a clue), you should wind up with the shots you want and be able to do with them what you want (within the terms of the contract). and, if someone hires you to shoot and your contract spells out what you are allowed to do with the images, you'll also be fine.

bottom line: is it really worth it to piss someone off, just because you like a shot?
06/09/2011 12:56:19 PM · #9
I understand your position and your frustration. However, if she has been stalked before, I can understand her being skittish about what is posted online.
06/11/2011 01:52:42 PM · #10
Johanna, why is the picture she dislikes still posted here? She objects to it (and I sure can't fault her for that), so how can you persist that it is 'your' image? In these circumstances it is most certainly not yours in any ethically defensible sense. That you can rationalise the matter otherwise is beyond appalling.
06/11/2011 02:16:24 PM · #11
I don't find anything wrong with the pictures, to be honest... And the whole thing with the dog's paw and all that didn't even occur to me until jomaripointed it out. I still see it as a photoshoot where someone is having fun with their pets, and I don't see anything perverted. I also understand your frustration with your situation. If she was 'stalked' before, why does she want ANY kind of pictures of herself out there, though? Just my opinion..
Tough situation... better luck next time for sure!
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