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08/25/2004 07:46:44 PM · #276
Originally posted by frychikn:

Originally posted by MadMordegon:

My company recently added monitoring servers to control our web browsing on the job so I won̢۪t fully be able to do all the research I once could at work. I hope those of you who can, will keep posting information on here. My browsing is now limited to weather.com, cnn.com and msnbc.com so my sources are limited :/
(Damn big brother!)

What a bunch of cold-hearted bastards, expecting you to actually work for your salary.

Ya they are.
See, I work in a NOC (network operation center). Mostly what I do is monitor and test various parts of our huge system to make sure it continues to function normally. If there is a problem, then I fix it or get the appropriate party to fix it.

My normal work day consists of about 1-4 hours of actual work. Today for example, I have worked about 45 minutes so far and I have 3.5 hours of work left tonight.

Now, before recently our Managment acknowledged that in a job like this there WILL be 'dead time' as we call it. It has always been an acceptable part of this type of work that AS LONG AS surfing doesn̢۪t interfere with my job function, and AS LONG AS im not surfing porn, there is no problem with me using the 'dead time' for personal use. This was considered somewhat of a trade off in this particular department as well because we were not being paid very well.

But now, we have a new micro manager who likes to throw his weight around. So ya, it sucks.

How bout that article I posted eh?
08/25/2004 07:56:09 PM · #277
I hope the new manager adjusts your pay to what you are worth. Don't you?
08/25/2004 07:58:25 PM · #278
Originally posted by David Ey:

I hope the new manager adjusts your pay to what you are worth. Don't you?

That being the case id make double what I make now.

Back to the issues, please fellas. Im starting to feel like Kerry, only im not a hero..
08/25/2004 08:50:19 PM · #279
can I PLEASE buy you a drink?

all of you out there, PLEASE VOTE.

an excellent site by an angry democrat


visit whitehouse.org

08/25/2004 10:53:12 PM · #280
A Time Magazine profile of Vice President Dick Cheney opened with the following anecdote:

When Richard Bruce Cheney was a student at Natrona County High School in Casper, Wyo., he was a solid football player, senior-class president and an above-average student. But he wasn't the star. That distinction belonged to Lynne Vincent, Cheney's girlfriend and future wife. A straight-A scholar, Lynne was elected Mustang Queen, the equivalent of most popular girl. She was also a state-champion baton twirler, a big deal in 1950s Wyoming. To begin her routine, Lynne would set both ends of a baton on fire and throw it in the air while her boyfriend stood inconspicuously off to the side holding a coffee can filled with water. When Lynne was finished with her pyrotechnic act, she would pass her flaming baton to Cheney, who, while the audience applauded and Lynne curtsied, would quietly douse the fires by sticking each end of the baton in the coffee can.

Kind of like his current role, except the baton is the world, and the coffee can might be filled with fuel oil.
08/25/2004 10:56:09 PM · #281
More info on the subject.

Kerry files FEC complaint against swift boat group

Cleland blasts Bush for not condemning anti-Kerry ads
08/25/2004 11:55:14 PM · #282
DNC Lawyer Also Works for Anti-Bush Group:

Joe Sandler, a lawyer for the DNC and a group running anti-Bush ads, MoveOn.org, said there is nothing wrong with serving in both roles at once.



Kerry Campaign Lawyer Found Working For 527 Group, Too

The campaign of Senator John Kerry shares a lawyer, Robert Bauer, with America Coming Together, a liberal group that is organizing a huge multimillion-dollar get-out-the-vote drive that is far more ambitious than the Swift boat group's activities.


08/26/2004 09:23:47 AM · #283
OOhh... Those *scurrilous* get-out-the-vote drives!!

That's what's wrong with this country. Damn them for bringing participation instead of deception into the political process!

Must be some fancy-pants Liberal elitists from the Looney Left. :D
08/26/2004 11:36:27 AM · #284
The Dewey Square Group Provides Political Consulting Services For Both Kerry Campaign And America Coming Together (ACT).

Kerry Campaign Has Paid Dewey Square Group $194,936.48 For Political Consulting And Other Expenses. (Federal Election Commission Records, //www.fec.gov)
America Coming Together (ACT) Has Paid Dewey Square Group $51,808 For Political Consulting And Other Expenses. (Political Money Line Website, //www.tray.com)
At Least Four Kerry Advisors Are Associated With Dewey Square Group: Michael Whouley, Jill Alper, Minyon Moore And Joe Ricca. (Dewey Square Group Website, //www.deweysquare.com/)

08/26/2004 11:43:37 AM · #285
President Bush and the bin Laden family have been connected through dubious business deals since 1977, when Salem, the head of the bin Laden family business, one of the biggest construction companies in the world, invested in Bush's start-up oil company, Arbusto Energy, Inc.
James R. Bath, a friend and neighbor, was used to funnel money from Osama bin Laden's brother, Salem bin Laden, to set up George W. Bush in the oil business, according to The Wall Street Journal and other reputable sources.
Through a tangled web of Saudi multi-millionaires, Texas oilmen, and the infamous Bank of Credit and Commerce International, Bush was financially linked with the bin Laden family until Salem met an untimely end in a freak flying accident near San Antonio in 1988.

08/26/2004 11:47:35 AM · #286
Originally posted by RonB:

The Dewey Square Group Provides Political Consulting Services For Both Kerry Campaign And America Coming Together (ACT).

Kerry Campaign Has Paid Dewey Square Group $194,936.48 For Political Consulting And Other Expenses. (Federal Election Commission Records, //www.fec.gov)
America Coming Together (ACT) Has Paid Dewey Square Group $51,808 For Political Consulting And Other Expenses. (Political Money Line Website, //www.tray.com)
At Least Four Kerry Advisors Are Associated With Dewey Square Group: Michael Whouley, Jill Alper, Minyon Moore And Joe Ricca. (Dewey Square Group Website, //www.deweysquare.com/)


sorry Ron, but who cares about the money connections between Kerry and these groups. Look at the Bush family and the bin Laden families money connections. How can anyone in their right minds support GW Bush? Wake up man! If your not furious, your asleep!
08/26/2004 12:28:29 PM · #287
Originally posted by ericlimon:

Originally posted by RonB:

The Dewey Square Group Provides Political Consulting Services For Both Kerry Campaign And America Coming Together (ACT).

Kerry Campaign Has Paid Dewey Square Group $194,936.48 For Political Consulting And Other Expenses. (Federal Election Commission Records, //www.fec.gov)
America Coming Together (ACT) Has Paid Dewey Square Group $51,808 For Political Consulting And Other Expenses. (Political Money Line Website, //www.tray.com)
At Least Four Kerry Advisors Are Associated With Dewey Square Group: Michael Whouley, Jill Alper, Minyon Moore And Joe Ricca. (Dewey Square Group Website, //www.deweysquare.com/)


sorry Ron, but who cares about the money connections between Kerry and these groups.

Not me, that's for sure - I've tried on multiple occasions to get across the idea that FUNDING shouldn't be the issue. My only purpose in posting the connections is to show how hypocritical the Democrats are in carrying on so loudly about the connections between the Bush/Cheney Campaign and the anti-Kerry 527 groups, while they turn a blind eye to the connections within their own Campaign and the anti-Bush 527 groups.

08/26/2004 12:41:52 PM · #288
Originally posted by RonB:

Originally posted by ericlimon:

Originally posted by RonB:

The Dewey Square Group Provides Political Consulting Services For Both Kerry Campaign And America Coming Together (ACT).

Kerry Campaign Has Paid Dewey Square Group $194,936.48 For Political Consulting And Other Expenses. (Federal Election Commission Records, //www.fec.gov)
America Coming Together (ACT) Has Paid Dewey Square Group $51,808 For Political Consulting And Other Expenses. (Political Money Line Website, //www.tray.com)
At Least Four Kerry Advisors Are Associated With Dewey Square Group: Michael Whouley, Jill Alper, Minyon Moore And Joe Ricca. (Dewey Square Group Website, //www.deweysquare.com/)


sorry Ron, but who cares about the money connections between Kerry and these groups.

Not me, that's for sure - I've tried on multiple occasions to get across the idea that FUNDING shouldn't be the issue. My only purpose in posting the connections is to show how hypocritical the Democrats are in carrying on so loudly about the connections between the Bush/Cheney Campaign and the anti-Kerry 527 groups, while they turn a blind eye to the connections within their own Campaign and the anti-Bush 527 groups.


***I think the real concerns of democrats are to the campaign contributions of big business and their influence on the policies of the Bush administration, which has gotten hugh sums of money from companies the likes of Enron.
08/26/2004 12:43:55 PM · #289
I just love how you only quote a little of what I wrote. How Bush of you. Here's the REST you can respond to:

Look at the Bush family and the bin Laden families money connections. How can anyone in their right minds support GW Bush? Wake up man! If your not furious, your asleep!
08/26/2004 12:49:46 PM · #290
The difference is that the Swift boat vets are a pack of demonstrated liars smearing Bush's political rival with falsehoods, all the while funded and coordinated by Bush allies, who have falsely denied the whole thing.

Repeating a pattern of disgusting behavior seen time and time again by not only George W but also by his father.

Lies, lies and more lies.

This is NOT true of the mirror image - there is no deliberate campaign of false testimony, nor a history of such a thing with Kerry, as far as I have seen.
08/26/2004 01:18:00 PM · #291
Originally posted by gingerbaker:

....there is no deliberate campaign of false testimony, nor a history of such a thing with Kerry, as far as I have seen.

My take is a little different. I see Kerry's words of intention while on the campain trail as direct contradictions to his votes as a Senator. This to me is a "campain of false testimony". I also see Kerry's public positions after his return from VN as a "campain of false testimony". Further I see his initial stance as the anti-war candidate and his convention position of "Reporting for Duty" as false and misleading.

Kerry's running mate made millions claiming to represent the unborn in malpractice lawsuits, then as an elected representative voted AGAINST a ban on partial birth abortion. Which raises the uncomfortable question of how many babies did Edwards "really save". The ones from the doctors whom he sued for malpractice or the ones from the Doctors who are free to continue expiring partially born infants. Either way he is guilty of killing babies. Kind of like what Kerry did. Or said he did. Or said that someone else said they did. Or something like that.

I personally do not care what a person's position is as long as they don't take credit for 2 positions 180 degrees apart. If one wants to be a war hero, fine. But then don't be anti-war. If one wants to represent the unborn, fine. But then don't turn your back on them because of party politics. If one wants to support the right to abortions, fine. But then don't sue doctors and plead to the jury in the voice of the unborn. Unforgivable, IMO. You can't claim to want tax relief for the middle class, then raise gasoline taxes. What, do middle class people not drive? These are why I believe Kerry does "campain with false testimony".
08/26/2004 01:26:59 PM · #292
Originally posted by RonB:

My only purpose in posting the connections is to show how hypocritical the Democrats are in carrying on so loudly about the connections between the Bush/Cheney Campaign and the anti-Kerry 527 groups, while they turn a blind eye to the connections within their own Campaign and the anti-Bush 527 groups.

08/26/2004 01:39:06 PM · #293
Originally posted by Flash:

Originally posted by RonB:

My only purpose in posting the connections is to show how hypocritical the Democrats are in carrying on so loudly about the connections between the Bush/Cheney Campaign and the anti-Kerry 527 groups, while they turn a blind eye to the connections within their own Campaign and the anti-Bush 527 groups.


As that does now appear to be the case, there is still one glairing difference..
The anti Bush stuff is based on facts; the Swift boat crap is all lies. The entire premise for the thing is bullshit. Nobody nominates themselves for metals, so how could Kerry have lied to receive his metals?

Also, the Swift boat story, even though pure bullshit, has gotten FAR more media attention than any other 527 group ad.
08/26/2004 01:57:41 PM · #294
Originally posted by MadMordegon:

As that does now appear to be the case, there is still one glairing difference..
The anti Bush stuff is based on facts; the Swift boat crap is all lies. The entire premise for the thing is bullshit. Nobody nominates themselves for metals, so how could Kerry have lied to receive his metals?

Also, the Swift boat story, even though pure bullshit, has gotten FAR more media attention than any other 527 group ad.


You're wrong. Kerry did nominate himself for the purple hearts and the medals. It was his after incident reports that are now the "official" navy records that supporters say to check out. The after incident reports do not match what the versions published in the book supporting his "Valor". They also do not match the accounts of those that were "present" on the same "field of fire".

Further, the liberties taken in farenheight 911 (although not a 527) went way beyond "TRUTH". The liberties taken by moveon.org are vain attempts at the truth at best. The new adds from Hollywood are so filled with mis-representations that the truth is almost unrecognizeable. The bottom line, is many folks do not like, nor want Bush re-elected. Few of them actually WANT Kerry. He just isn't Bush. That is fine with me. Just say so, up front. ABB. But don't defend a liar because he your guy. He isn't really. He is just not the other guy. Which by default is who you are left with. Like it or not. Kerry's 527's have a direct line to Mephistopheles for their recantations of the truth. Unfortunately, when the only criteria for your candidiate, is that he/she is not the other one, then the bed you lie in may be a damning bed indeed.
08/26/2004 02:09:32 PM · #295
Originally posted by Flash:

Kerry's 527's have a direct line to Mephistopheles for their recantations of the truth.

Yes, and the president has a direct line with the almighty.
08/26/2004 02:09:50 PM · #296
F911 is very similar to what the swifties are doing. Allegations without real proof. Yeah, if you are a true lefty you believe the "movie" 100%, but realistically very little of the "movie" can be proven and I believe much of it has clearly been questioned. And likewise, if you are a true righty you want to believe the swifties, yet there is no way to prove it and I doubt most of it is true. In the end Michael Moore and the swifties are doing the exact same thing (only it appears the swifties have been a little more succesful).

Kerry calls for the swifties to end what they are doing, yet wasn't Michael Moore sitting in the presidential box at the Democratic National Convention? I guess it's only okay when it's your opponent being bashed...

P.S. Bush and Mcain are going to try to work together to put an end to all this, not just the right wing stuff.

08/26/2004 02:11:01 PM · #297
Originally posted by Olyuzi:

Originally posted by Flash:

Kerry's 527's have a direct line to Mephistopheles for their recantations of the truth.

Yes, and the president has a direct line with the almighty.

Olyuzi....I really liked your reply.
08/26/2004 02:16:46 PM · #298
Originally posted by Flash:

Originally posted by Olyuzi:

Originally posted by Flash:

Kerry's 527's have a direct line to Mephistopheles for their recantations of the truth.

Yes, and the president has a direct line with the almighty.

Olyuzi....I really liked your reply.

I figured you would, Flash...but if you believe that fabrication then I have a bridge for you to buy...cheap. ;)
08/26/2004 02:19:54 PM · #299
I'll skip on the bridge. But thanks for the offer.
08/26/2004 02:25:31 PM · #300
Originally posted by Olyuzi:

Originally posted by Flash:

Kerry's 527's have a direct line to Mephistopheles for their recantations of the truth.

Yes, and the president has a direct line with the almighty.

It's a local call from Texas
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