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08/04/2004 11:16:10 PM · #1 |
Hi all
With my macro and mini photos faltering, some of the comments for both indicate a softness in focus or flaws that I had otherwise missed pre-submission. I've had this problem with 'studio' shots before (including my _way_ out of focus 'Strength' entry), but couldn't really figger out what was wrong. Plus, my eyes hurt and I usually fall asleep to a good headache.
I went to an optomitrist at work (it's cool working in a place where they develop night vision goggles and stuff!) and apparently I have accomodative spasms and generally knackered (very fatigued) eyes. I've been staring at the comptuer more than ever the past couple o' months doing stats on about 80 Gbytes of data and writing reports, so when I come home and try to take and post-process photos, the best I can do is a soft focus. I got some +1 diop glasses as recommended, but I dunno; I've been trying to re-do my mini shot, but a) can't really tell a difference and b) can't really ask for opinions (yet). Maybe I need to really rest my eyes after work before expecting too much change in staring at the photos on the screen. Does anyone else have this sort of problem? Any suggestions?
Not that I'm looking for a +1.4 score boost or anything from the council or anything... ;-)
08/05/2004 12:32:43 AM · #2 |
I don't have any real words of wisdom; only sympathy. I have eyes that strain and tire easily also, and very imperfect vision. But I wanted to tell you that your photos look good to me, and the scores for macro and mini seem to be running low anyway. Good luck, and I will be interested to see what folks have to say to help you!
08/05/2004 04:14:51 AM · #3 |
Yeah, sounds familiar! I work intensively with computers and have slight problem with my eyes. I think it's just natural that staring monitor for 10hrs a day does strain your eyes and it will get you if you do this every day for 20 years ;D.
I had perfect vision (the standard test maxed) 10 years ago. After that all sorts of problems begun.
Best advice I can give is that you just learn how to live with it. Some tricks that works for me:
1) never stare the monitor too long periods, have breaks!
Optimal would be that while resting, look at something which is very far away, for example landscape trough a window and try not to focus on anything. You will soon learn how to relax your eye muscles so that they get some rest. A couple of minutes in a while (for me, once in 30 to 60 minutes) is just fine, you have to find your own rythm.
2) use your eye glasses!
This is mandatory. You just have to use them and keep them clean. Anything on the lences will distract your eyes resulting in more stress. 30 mins without eye glasses might stress your eyes so much that they are too tired to do any photographing.
3) Check your vision every couple of years and get new eye glasses when required. I think eye can handle a range about +-0.25 changes and after that it starts stressing your eyes too much.
4) If you know youre going to have an intensive photography session, rest well before it. I mean a really good nights sleep and perhaps a 30min nap before session. If you are tired it is just not going to work.
Since eye focusing and stuff works with muscles and muscles work pretty the same way it is easy to picture how to handle this. Think of like how long you can walk continously compared to running continuosly. Or using a bike to travel the distance instead of walking.
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