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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> I need a photoshop/tech wizard's help ASAP!
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07/31/2012 12:27:07 AM · #1
After 3 years without a website (I battled making one myself from scratch and lost miserable and gave up for a long long time) I bought a wordpress setup for my blog and thought, "Hey! I can make my photography website with this too!" So I set it up for multi-blog (which was a whole debacle in and of itself, they don't make this easy!). I have honestly sat down, hours, days, weeks at a time steady to try and get this thing going and just get one problem after another. Every time I think I've conquered things and can get on with designing, another issue crops up. So, here are my current "Oh crap I'm stuck" dilemmas:

PHOTOSHOP QUESTION (Maybe someone has an answer to this?) CS5 for Mac:

After working in photoshop all day no problem suddenly it wouldn't even crop a moderately sized photo because the SCRATCH DISK IS FULL. Ok, restarted, deleted some things off the HD. Started back up. No dice. Smaller photo. Nope. Maybe I need to work off of the main HD and not my external. Nope. Nope. Nothing is working. Can't purge the memory because the option is grayed out. What can I do? This puts all of my work at an absolute stand-still.

Scratch that I'm an idiot. I had the crop dimensions set to inches not pixels. On with the next question:

WORDPRESS QUESTION (I know this is a long shot):

The main site works well though it is still pretty rough but the second blog isn't linked to it's own photos. Any photo I upload is just a little question mark icon. All the photos are in the system where they are supposed to be (I can look on BlueHost File Manager) but for some reason my blog on wordpress doesn't think they are there. Any ideas?

Before you say anything, trust me, I know there are more specific forums that answer these sort of questions and I've searched through them and found no answers that were of any help so I figured I'd ask here as a last attempt. If anyone has any insights I would appreciate it because I'm pretty much at the end of my rope with this project. I feel like a sea turtle trying to do long division. It's just not working for me.

Message edited by author 2012-07-31 04:11:26.
07/31/2012 02:41:28 AM · #2
images appear to be working on all pages associated with that link, did you figure it out?
07/31/2012 04:11:01 AM · #3
Originally posted by skewsme:

images appear to be working on all pages associated with that link, did you figure it out?

Sorry the problem wasn't with that link. That is the main blog that works correctly. It's my secondary blog that doesn't work. I didn't bother to link the other one because there is nothing there. Literally it's just the theme template with the stock photos.

Thanks for taking a look. :P
07/31/2012 04:18:06 AM · #4
yep i found that. didn't see broken images. if you still need help troubleshooting, just link to problem page. fwiw, broken images are almost always path or filename errors.
07/31/2012 07:51:56 AM · #5
what are you using to the edit the template?
07/31/2012 11:56:26 AM · #6
When your page first loaded I thought it had music auto-starting and couldn't figure out how to stop it. Turns out it was just the next some coming on in the music I was already listening to. *sigh* Where's my coffee?

In my experience, templates love to use relative paths and make you keep your images in a specific parent or sub folder. References like or "image.jpg" should be replaced with the absolute path, e.g. "//website.com/pictures/image.jpg"

It can be a hassle and some say it's inefficient, but at least it works.

ETA: Also, remember to replace your favicon.ico! Yours is still the default bluehost grid. I have bluehost and I love them.
EATA: Here is a link to a free photoshop plugin that lets you export a file as an .ico

Message edited by author 2012-07-31 11:59:19.
07/31/2012 12:12:41 PM · #7
Originally posted by adigitalromance:

ETA: Also, remember to replace your favicon.ico! Yours is still the default bluehost grid. I have bluehost and I love them.
EATA: Here is a link to a free photoshop plugin that lets you export a file as an .ico

hijacking, how do you change it? is it in the bluehost cPanel or do you do it in the page code?
07/31/2012 12:54:19 PM · #8
Does this help?

What file type are you uploading?

ETA: I have 2 years experience with Wordpress, so if you run into any other problems, just let me know.

Message edited by author 2012-07-31 12:59:59.
07/31/2012 02:19:33 PM · #9
Thanks for all the replies everyone! When I sit down to work on this later I'll try the suggestions and if it still doesn't work I'll post a link with the actual error (last time I worked on it I just undid everything with bad photos because I was frustrated).
07/31/2012 02:48:31 PM · #10
Originally posted by escapetooz:

Thanks for all the replies everyone! When I sit down to work on this later I'll try the suggestions and if it still doesn't work I'll post a link with the actual error (last time I worked on it I just undid everything with bad photos because I was frustrated).

never mind we love you
08/01/2012 12:11:34 AM · #11
Ok so to explain the problem better here is a test image I uploaded to my monicamulder.com site

TEST IMAGE See the error page? And if I put that image anywhere on a post or page I get the blue question mark.

BUT... the image is online and in my Bluehost HERE I can find the file.

The help link you sent me Jeger said her problem was that the files were going into "wp-content and not wp-content/uploads" well mine is in wp-content/blogs.dir. BUT my main changetheverb.com, those images go correctly into wp-content/uploads.

So I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to go moving stuff around and then mess up my main blog. I remember trying to make a new uploads folder for the secondary blog following some other forum advice but that didn't work so I undid that and since don't know which list of instructions I was following...

This is what happens when I try to fix a problem days or weeks apart. I lose my place and don't remember what I've tried and not tried. Hope I gave you enough info to figure this out. Thanks!

Message edited by author 2012-08-01 00:12:31.
08/01/2012 11:20:36 AM · #12
It looks like the blog is looking here


but it needs to look here


So it appears the path to the blog is wrong, or the path to the files from within the blog is wrong.

Also, the second link you sent looks like it is from within your own login session. Others won't be able to see it unless they are logged in as you.

Does this help?

ETA: I'm still not sure how you would need to fix this. The second link is just a direct link to the image that the blog would 'host.' It appears the fix needs to happen inside the blog settings somewhere.

Message edited by author 2012-08-01 11:29:57.
08/01/2012 12:19:23 PM · #13
Originally posted by mike_311:

hijacking, how do you change it? is it in the bluehost cPanel or do you do it in the page code?

Upload a new one to your server and link to it on each page by putting this text in the header.

Of course, replace the link to go to your icon and not mine. ;)
08/01/2012 02:23:49 PM · #14
Originally posted by adigitalromance:

It looks like the blog is looking here


but it needs to look here


So it appears the path to the blog is wrong, or the path to the files from within the blog is wrong.

Also, the second link you sent looks like it is from within your own login session. Others won't be able to see it unless they are logged in as you.

Does this help?

ETA: I'm still not sure how you would need to fix this. The second link is just a direct link to the image that the blog would 'host.' It appears the fix needs to happen inside the blog settings somewhere.

LOL yea that's where I'm stuck. I know the blog is linking the images to the wrong place but I'm not sure how to fix it. I really wish they made multiblog easier. I have had soooo much trouble changing over to multiblog and this is just one of the last ones in a long list.
08/02/2012 11:38:10 AM · #15
All you have to do is go to the page or post, click on the hmtl tab, and change the url for the images you are having problems with. As long as the images are uploaded somewhere, and you know where they are, you can link to them.
08/02/2012 09:02:11 PM · #16
Originally posted by jeger:

All you have to do is go to the page or post, click on the hmtl tab, and change the url for the images you are having problems with. As long as the images are uploaded somewhere, and you know where they are, you can link to them.

Yea but since I'm going to be designing a photography portfolio (amongst other things) from the beginning (with sliders and galleries and the like, not just posts), I wanted to be able to just upload and work with ease within wordpress without giving myself another step. It's all the images, not just certain ones. In other words, I want to fix this problem from the start so I don't spend years working around it.

:) Thanks again.
08/03/2012 09:54:10 AM · #17
Originally posted by escapetooz:

LOL yea that's where I'm stuck. I know the blog is linking the images to the wrong place but I'm not sure how to fix it. I really wish they made multiblog easier. I have had soooo much trouble changing over to multiblog and this is just one of the last ones in a long list.

Can you change the upload path or is there a setting that determines the location of the files somewhere in the blog settings? The html code that jeger is talking about is generated by .php templates. The blog interface changes parts of that code for you, but if you change the actual code in the .php file from which the blog post is created, it would change the html that is generated and you wouldn't have to change it each time.

The difference between the two locations is "wp-content/blogs.dir/5/files" so this text is going to be in one php file somewhere determining the upload location and NOT in another php file that determines the storage location. Either of these needs to be changed to match. Be careful editing php files directly of course.

I hope this makes sense. I'm pre-coffee. I sent you a PM.
08/03/2012 01:49:16 PM · #18
Originally posted by adigitalromance:

Originally posted by escapetooz:

LOL yea that's where I'm stuck. I know the blog is linking the images to the wrong place but I'm not sure how to fix it. I really wish they made multiblog easier. I have had soooo much trouble changing over to multiblog and this is just one of the last ones in a long list.

Can you change the upload path or is there a setting that determines the location of the files somewhere in the blog settings? The html code that jeger is talking about is generated by .php templates. The blog interface changes parts of that code for you, but if you change the actual code in the .php file from which the blog post is created, it would change the html that is generated and you wouldn't have to change it each time.

The difference between the two locations is "wp-content/blogs.dir/5/files" so this text is going to be in one php file somewhere determining the upload location and NOT in another php file that determines the storage location. Either of these needs to be changed to match. Be careful editing php files directly of course.

I hope this makes sense. I'm pre-coffee. I sent you a PM.

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