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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Announcements >> 'Before & After Self Portrait' Results Recalculated
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 41, (reverse)
12/02/2014 03:03:29 PM · #1
The results of the 'Before & After Self Portrait' challenge have been recalculated, due to the disqualification of the former 2nd place entry for adding features that weren't in the original image. Congrats to our new ribbon winners and honourable mentions!
12/02/2014 03:06:22 PM · #2
keep removing all the good images from the front page and you will never get any new members.
12/02/2014 03:22:26 PM · #3
Originally posted by Mike:

keep removing all the good images from the front page and you will never get any new members.

What fun is a game without the rules man?

ETA: Samantha has been here for a long time, and has plenty of ribbons. I don't really think we're going to see anyone disappear over this.

Also, I don't envy the SC on this one. I think they made the right call, but it was super borderline, and I wouldn't have wanted to make that call.

Message edited by author 2014-12-02 15:26:44.
12/02/2014 03:29:56 PM · #4

Message edited by author 2014-12-04 10:38:09.
12/02/2014 03:40:55 PM · #5
I typed and deleted a lot of things (to the point my session apparently timed out). I will simply say "Harsh DQ. I disagree."
12/02/2014 03:41:47 PM · #6
Blah. It is what it is. I don't agree with it at all, but whatever!

I am happy to try to get a tutorial together either way, it just may take me some time as the holiday season has me pretty busy with family sessions and engagement sessions etc.
12/02/2014 03:48:00 PM · #7
Must have been a difficult decision but I did immediately spot the eye make up on the right hand side image and thought it appeared to break the rules.

You may not:use ANY editing technique to create new image area, objects or features (such as lens flare or motion) that didn't already exist in your original capture(s).

Would still love to see that tutorial on how it was all done.
12/02/2014 03:56:38 PM · #8
Come on people, be reasonable. She created something out of whole cloth in her post processing that didn't exist in the original. Y'all KNOW we can't do that in Advanced Editing. It's a wonderful processing job, the tutorial would be great, it has real-world applications, but in DPC that falls under Expert Editing, plain and simple.
12/02/2014 03:59:17 PM · #9
I mean honestly all I did was use the "burn" tool to darken the shadow and extend my eyeliner/eyelashes...both shapes that are already there. :)

but that's my opinion.

I'm not bitching. I am just disagreeing! :)

Message edited by author 2014-12-02 15:59:52.
12/02/2014 04:02:10 PM · #10

Message edited by author 2014-12-04 10:38:18.
12/02/2014 04:03:08 PM · #11
Advanced Editing is a results-based ruleset, not a tool-based one. How a result is achieved is not a factor.
12/02/2014 04:07:10 PM · #12
Originally posted by Mike:

i'm bitching, it should be legal. it should all be legal.

Mike, it might surprise you to know I'm actually on your side with that sentiment. Personally, I'd be happy if we greatly simplified the rules and let folks have at it. But SC is tasked with enforcing the rules as currently posted.

Interested in a more liberal version of Advanced Editing rules? Why not start a thread with your version of that ruleset as a discussion point? There's little purpose served in lashing out against a DQ that is entirely supported by the ruleset under which the image was actually submitted...
12/02/2014 04:14:44 PM · #13
Originally posted by Bear_Music:

I'd be happy if we greatly simplified the rules and let folks have at it.

I think this place would lose a lot more people if that happened, then it would for the occasional front page DQ.

Message edited by author 2014-12-02 16:21:44.
12/02/2014 04:23:27 PM · #14
Originally posted by LN13:

Originally posted by Bear_Music:

I'd be happy if we greatly simplified the rules and let folks have at it.

I think this place would lose a lot more people if that happened, then it would for the occasional front page DQ.

its not the dq that's making people leave, its the lack of quality and polish.

Message edited by author 2014-12-02 16:25:36.
12/02/2014 04:28:04 PM · #15
I think the DQ'd image is lovely, and I eagerly await the tutorial. I'm still trying to understand why it was DQ'd as a learning opportunity for what not to do under Advanced Rules. If the subject of the image had been before and after a "make over" where one image was a bare face and the second was with full make up, so long as the make up wasn't added in photo shop, it would be legal?

Is the issue with this particular image that the eyes were altered in post processing rather than before the image was taken by adding makeup?

12/02/2014 04:38:12 PM · #16
The DQ should definitely have happened, as this is the only way my images will ever get to be next to Samantha_T's.. hehe.
12/02/2014 04:40:28 PM · #17
Yes, it's the after-the-fact "makeup".

I don't really consider editing and rules when I view images to vote, rather let the SC figure that one out if they do well or get flagged. The former 2nd place winner was a cool photo but if I was tasked with enforcing the rules I would have to agree the eye makeup was a new, created element.

I was slightly worried about mine when it was being validated:

I had to drop the 'exposure' in the RAW conversion to make the black parts fully black, and use curves/levels to get the white parts fully white. I wasn't quite sure if the SC would perceive those areas to be an integral part of the photo and removal to be DQ-worthy. Would be interested to know how much deliberation was required for that one.

Message edited by author 2014-12-02 16:40:36.
12/02/2014 04:50:21 PM · #18
Originally posted by MadMan2k:

Would be interested to know how much deliberation was required for that one.

12/02/2014 04:52:20 PM · #19
Originally posted by CBalck:

Is the issue with this particular image that the eyes were altered in post processing rather than before the image was taken by adding makeup?

Right. You can do whatever you want before you take the picture, LOL. It's also worth noting that a highlight has been added to the lower lip. It's not an enhancement of an existing highlight, it's brand new in post. We've DQ'd in the past for adding catchlights to eyes that had none, for what it's worth.
12/02/2014 05:00:41 PM · #20
Originally posted by CBalck:

I think the DQ'd image is lovely, and I edoagerly await the tutorial. I'm still trying to understand why it was DQ'd as a learning opportunity for what not to do under Advanced Rules. If the subject of the image had been before and after a "make over" where one image was a bare face and the second was with full make up, so long as the make up wasn't added in photo shop, it would be legal?

Is the issue with this particular image that the eyes were altered in post processing rather than before the image was taken by adding makeup?

Short answer: yes. The elongated, even edges after the makeup were applied in post which, under that challenge's rule set, is not allowed. Had this been real makeup applied and resort, yes, totally legal.

In terms of real life application, a tutorial on how to do this would make a very valuable addition to to the site. Samantha, you can write up a tutorial and you'd get a month free for it.

However, Mike, if you think there are no limitations in real world photography (especially fashion and beauty) you are naive. Sure, the limitations are not editing resets, but those se err 've for practice on this site.
12/02/2014 05:25:33 PM · #21
I will begin by saying that I love Samantha's work, for obvious reasons, but I was waiting for the DQ since voting was still going on. There's a lot of borderline stuff, but she completely added almost a whole inch of upper eyelashes to the visible eye (and some on the bottom too, but more subtly). I don't see how anyone could argue that is legal under current Advanced rules.

Edit to remove a stutter I have apparently developed and just noticed.

Message edited by author 2014-12-02 20:41:45.
12/02/2014 06:43:09 PM · #22

Message edited by author 2014-12-04 10:38:27.
12/02/2014 06:48:08 PM · #23
Originally posted by Mike:

Johanna. Sure real world has restrictions. This isn't real world though. Restrictions here don't really do any one any good except keeping thinking that post processing bad or above their skill set.

I disagree, Mike. Everyone has varying levels of pp'g skills. Maintaining the same rules for everyone is how we keep the playing field as fair as possible. Besides, if there were no rules, wouldn't we also just be thinking about processing?
12/02/2014 06:50:59 PM · #24
Just adding that there is really no point to the discussion about getting rid of the rules. Nothing anyone says will either grant us that authority, nor convince L.
12/02/2014 06:55:47 PM · #25

Message edited by author 2014-12-04 10:38:34.
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