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07/17/2015 09:32:19 AM · #151
i'm not concerned about you, its the other gun owners.

really though i think the solution to this countries violence problems are better served by improving the socioeconomic status of people so they dont turn to crime and drugs to fulfill their wants or needs over increasing access to guns for people to protect themselves and hoping they use good judgement in properly securing and using it.
07/17/2015 09:54:52 AM · #152
Originally posted by Mike:

i'm not concerned about you, its the other gun owners.

really though i think the solution to this countries violence problems are better served by improving the socioeconomic status of people so they dont turn to crime and drugs to fulfill their wants or needs over increasing access to guns for people to protect themselves and hoping they use good judgement in properly securing and using it.

I agree. We have a bad drug problem in the US which can lead to crime...sometimes violent crime. I am not against training for firearm use. i.e. concealed weapons classes. My ex was petrified of guns and wanted me to get rid of mine until I put her through an extensive firearm safety / use course. I can't even tell you haw many times we went to the range...or how much ammo we shot. She became a damn good shot too.
07/17/2015 10:06:02 AM · #153
Originally posted by blindjustice:

For every "a legal gun saved someone" article you can find there are two articles about a 3 year old shooting his mother or a brother killing another brother or a murder suicide, etc.

Bullcrap made up stat. :)
07/17/2015 10:07:37 AM · #154
Originally posted by scalvert:

The ratio is actually more like 1:1000 (and that includes off-duty police officers). A single report of a gun used in self-defense last June justifies gun proliferation the same way two people winning Powerball last June justifies lotteries as a sound investment strategy. A gun kept for self defense is overwhelmingly more likely to be stolen, directed against a family member or used for suicide than to stop a crime.

Bullcrap stat times 500. But at least I expected this from you. LOL
07/17/2015 10:12:31 AM · #155
The post has been moved to Rant. True progressives would not stop here. Since one of the posters equates a pro-gun stance with racism, shouldn't we just outlaw all posts about guns from the site?
I'm assuming a Confederate Battle flag would be removed from the site. Why not gun related posts?
07/17/2015 10:33:33 AM · #156
Originally posted by cowboy221977:

As I always preach. Identify your target. Now this has a few meanings. 1st...survey the situation. (see if there is an actual threat) 2nd....survey the surroundings (make sure you are not going to be firing towards something or someone you don't want to hit) 3rd....verify number of targets.

ETA...I also never put my finger on the trigger until I am ready to shoot. That almost eliminates the chance for accidental discharge.

Heaven save us from an accidental discharge.

07/17/2015 10:34:13 AM · #157

Multiple lives ruined






Just the first page of results. One week.

07/17/2015 10:52:31 AM · #158
Originally posted by bohemka:


Multiple lives ruined






Just the first page of results. One week.

But....but....''Murica! Liberty!! Yee Haw!!! What's 100s and 100s of senseless gun deaths when 'Muricans have RIGHTS!! The right to own guns is wwwaaayyyy more important than the life of a child. Hadn't you heard?
07/17/2015 10:57:04 AM · #159
Originally posted by Erastus:

Originally posted by scalvert:

The ratio is actually more like 1:1000 (and that includes off-duty police officers). A single report of a gun used in self-defense last June justifies gun proliferation the same way two people winning Powerball last June justifies lotteries as a sound investment strategy. A gun kept for self defense is overwhelmingly more likely to be stolen, directed against a family member or used for suicide than to stop a crime.

Bullcrap stat times 500. But at least I expected this from you. LOL

Erastus, if it's bullcrap, you should be able to prove it. Credible sources only, please. If you can prove your position with data and withOUT excuses this time, perhaps we can take you seriously.
07/17/2015 11:05:52 AM · #160
Originally posted by Mike:

i'm just wondering what could have happened had the gun been loaded.

It's probably safe to assume that had the gun been loaded, an innocent man would be dead. Cowboy, before you go off the deep end and get all defensive, you provided us a scenario where a man with a gun was taken by surprise by an intrusion by a total stranger. Adrenalin was pumping, presumably, and after all.....you own a gun for the sole purpose of killing someone with it, right? I mean, that's why guns exist....to kill each other with. Not target practice.
07/17/2015 11:27:18 AM · #161
Originally posted by Luciemac:

Originally posted by Mike:

i'm just wondering what could have happened had the gun been loaded.

It's probably safe to assume that had the gun been loaded, an innocent man would be dead.
i wouldn't go that far, you are talking about a guy who knows how to handle guns as he's had proper training.

your situation may apply to a number of others however.
07/17/2015 01:17:31 PM · #162
The loss of freedom vs. the loss of a freedom is an awfully fine semantic hair to split.

When you lose a freedom, you have lost some of your freedom, which is a loss of freedom.
07/17/2015 01:46:36 PM · #163
Originally posted by Luciemac:

Originally posted by Mike:

i'm just wondering what could have happened had the gun been loaded.

It's probably safe to assume that had the gun been loaded, an innocent man would be dead. Cowboy, before you go off the deep end and get all defensive, you provided us a scenario where a man with a gun was taken by surprise by an intrusion by a total stranger. Adrenalin was pumping, presumably, and after all.....you own a gun for the sole purpose of killing someone with it, right? I mean, that's why guns exist....to kill each other with. Not target practice.

You are clueless aren't you..... 1st of all I do not own guns (yes I have more than 1) for the sole purpose of killing somebody. All of the guns I own, even the ones I hunt with and use for self protection, I purchased because I love to go shoot at the range. It's much like owning a camera. I enjoy photography so I own a camera. Now the added benefit of owning a gun is that I can put food on the table or stop a bad person from doing bad things. Do I experience the need daily....no....but if the need arises I am ready to act. The problem with the criminal element is you never know when they are going to act.

By the way I am very much for training. I myself have had extensive training. I think they should start teaching gun safety in school in the 1st grade. (the liberals have fought against this) Every year after that the class would get more advanced. Then by JR high or high school they should be going to the range and learning how to shoot, how to identify targets, and how to decide if a target is a threat or not.

Message edited by author 2015-07-17 13:49:05.
07/17/2015 02:25:31 PM · #164
Originally posted by Erastus:

Originally posted by scalvert:

The ratio is actually more like 1:1000 (and that includes off-duty police officers). A single report of a gun used in self-defense last June justifies gun proliferation the same way two people winning Powerball last June justifies lotteries as a sound investment strategy. A gun kept for self defense is overwhelmingly more likely to be stolen, directed against a family member or used for suicide than to stop a crime.

Bullcrap stat times 500. But at least I expected this from you. LOL

If you have something concrete to offer, perhaps you would care to share it.

I know that I for one would be genuinely interested in reading same.

07/17/2015 02:33:50 PM · #165
Originally posted by Luciemac:

Originally posted by Mike:

i'm just wondering what could have happened had the gun been loaded.

It's probably safe to assume that had the gun been loaded, an innocent man would be dead. Cowboy, before you go off the deep end and get all defensive, you provided us a scenario where a man with a gun was taken by surprise by an intrusion by a total stranger. Adrenalin was pumping, presumably, and after all.....you own a gun for the sole purpose of killing someone with it, right? I mean, that's why guns exist....to kill each other with. Not target practice.

Seriously...I own a bevy of firearms, all of which are duly registered, and with which I have practiced extensively.

In my 30+ years in the police force I carried a gun on a daily basis and can assure you that my ownership of same was most definitely NOT based on any intent to kill SOMEONE... never happened. Now I did own certain firearms that I used to kill animals, and with the exception of those that posed a threat to humans or were rabid, every palatable bit of that animals was eaten and the remainder was also put to good use. Some firearms I had I used only for target practice, or for operational reasons since any other use wouldl have been illegal in this country.

I too have experienced situations akin to what Cowboy described, and funny thing is that people with extensive training do react differently than those who don't lack such training.


Message edited by Bear_Music - clarify OP's syntax.
07/17/2015 02:44:59 PM · #166
RayEthier +1

07/17/2015 04:49:07 PM · #167
"When you lose a freedom, you have lost some of your freedom, which is a loss of freedom."

I REALLY want to be able to drive my car after 3 beers because I'm a responsible drinker, a trained driver, and nobody has the right to tell me I can't. Nobody knows ME, better than me. All you want by telling me I can't drink and drive is to take my freedoms away from me!!!
07/17/2015 05:02:08 PM · #168
Originally posted by Luciemac:

"When you lose a freedom, you have lost some of your freedom, which is a loss of freedom."

I REALLY want to be able to drive my car after 3 beers because I'm a responsible drinker, a trained driver, and nobody has the right to tell me I can't. Nobody knows ME, better than me. All you want by telling me I can't drink and drive is to take my freedoms away from me!!!

LOL now I know you are confused. You have a HIGHER probability of killing someone or yourself if you get behind the wheel while drunk, even though you are trained on driving, than if a trained person is walking down the road with a loaded weapon. It's called impairment. For that same reason drinking and shooting guns is also a big no no.
07/17/2015 05:51:21 PM · #169
Originally posted by Luciemac:

"When you lose a freedom, you have lost some of your freedom, which is a loss of freedom."

I REALLY want to be able to drive my car after 3 beers because I'm a responsible drinker, a trained driver, and nobody has the right to tell me I can't. Nobody knows ME, better than me. All you want by telling me I can't drink and drive is to take my freedoms away from me!!!

I can't speak for where you live, but in these parts anything over 0.05 will see you face a licence suspension, demerit points, impound of your car, and other forms of sanctions.

The level of training that most people have in the whole of North America is laughable at best and you are absolutely wrong in your assertion that nobody can tell you you cannot drive after consuming 3 beers... the court have dealt with oodles of other legally challenged individuals who have that very same belief.

Nice try though.


Message edited by author 2015-07-17 18:04:17.
07/17/2015 06:15:50 PM · #170
Originally posted by Luciemac:

"When you lose a freedom, you have lost some of your freedom, which is a loss of freedom."

I REALLY want to be able to drive my car after 3 beers because I'm a responsible drinker, a trained driver, and nobody has the right to tell me I can't. Nobody knows ME, better than me. All you want by telling me I can't drink and drive is to take my freedoms away from me!!!

It's true, the inability to drink and drive is a loss of freedom. Some freedoms are necessary or expedient to restrict in a civil society. What's your point? My point is that gun restrictions are also, objectively, a loss of freedom. You appear to be arguing against that, for some reason.

Message edited by author 2015-07-17 18:17:02.
07/17/2015 06:25:00 PM · #171
Originally posted by RayEthier:

Originally posted by Luciemac:

"When you lose a freedom, you have lost some of your freedom, which is a loss of freedom."

I REALLY want to be able to drive my car after 3 beers because I'm a responsible drinker, a trained driver, and nobody has the right to tell me I can't. Nobody knows ME, better than me. All you want by telling me I can't drink and drive is to take my freedoms away from me!!!

I can't speak for where you live, but in these parts anything over 0.05 will see you face a licence suspension, demerit points, impound of your car, and other forms of sanctions.

The level of training that most people have in the whole of North America is laughable at best and you are absolutely wrong in your assertion that nobody can tell you you cannot drive after consuming 3 beers... the court have dealt with oodles of other legally challenged individuals who have that very same belief.

Nice try though.


She was being sarcastic, Ray. She was applying an NRA-type argument to "justify" driving while "legally intoxicated".
07/17/2015 08:29:58 PM · #172
I shouldn't really ask this, because I haven't been following the thread. But the "for guns" group seems to think that having guns will help in case of trouble.

Did the marines who were killed at the recruiting center have guns? Not being sarcastic, it just seemed like someone would have. It didn't seem to help in that case. The coverage I've seen didn't seem to address it at all, so I honestly don't know.
07/17/2015 11:10:49 PM · #173
Originally posted by vawendy:

I shouldn't really ask this, because I haven't been following the thread. But the "for guns" group seems to think that having guns will help in case of trouble.

Did the marines who were killed at the recruiting center have guns? Not being sarcastic, it just seemed like someone would have. It didn't seem to help in that case. The coverage I've seen didn't seem to address it at all, so I honestly don't know.

Probably not, actually. Soldiers don't even carry weapons on base these days, if they ever did.
07/18/2015 12:41:14 AM · #174
Originally posted by vawendy:

I shouldn't really ask this, because I haven't been following the thread. But the "for guns" group seems to think that having guns will help in case of trouble.

Did the marines who were killed at the recruiting center have guns? Not being sarcastic, it just seemed like someone would have. It didn't seem to help in that case. The coverage I've seen didn't seem to address it at all, so I honestly don't know.

Great question...

The pattern is pretty consistent, these nutjobs always target places that are firearm free zones. Schools, theaters, military bases, recruiting offices, post offices, work places.... All gun free zones. You don't ever read about someone pulling this sort of shit in a place where people are likely to be armed.
07/18/2015 01:51:53 AM · #175
These things don't only happen in firearm-free zones. Not so long ago Arizona Representative Giffords and 18 others were shot in a public parking lot in a state with the most lax gun laws in the nation.
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