Author | Thread |
09/11/2018 11:03:43 PM · #1 |
I don't know. Maybe it's just me. But, the challenge topics seem to be getting really icky-complicated. Golden Ratio, Glimpse, Vegetable Bestiary, Diptych-same scene different focal lengths.
Whatever happened to Water, Architecture, Orange, Fill the Frame, Duotones, Textures, etc? Stuff we can relate to and have some leverage with. Geeeezz, give me a break!! |
09/11/2018 11:29:55 PM · #2 |
Noooo, not you digifotojo as well.
They might not be your average challenges, and maybe people are happy doing the mundane, do not have to think, can stick my camera out of a car window at 60 miles per hour an shoot at high speed to get a landscape and not be caught by the cops.
Or turn on my tap and get a water drop whilst shoving a frog/lizard or dead glued ladybugs to catch a splash (which is a good idea actually, may do that myself) or blurred plant into the frame and crop it so it is full frame.
I suck (totally suck) at Golden Ratio, I can not see it for love nor money, but I shot something, it might be Ratio, not sure, it seems like it is, I think it is, so I am going to go with it, even with my doubts and had fun editing it to look like it did, in my imagination and what I understand of Ratio.
Glimpse, I got something, not your average thing, so probably end up bottom, but I glimpsed it, so it counts in my eyes, may not in others, BUT I tried my best, totally got something for Vegetable Bestiary mostly out of spite, I looked at the challenge description and it could work, it might not, but I had fun searching and looking and eventually editing, even though I will swear a lot and self doubt myself, I did my best as I saw fit, and again it will or could end up as brown.
In the end, and I have come to realize this, if you are not comfortable with shooting something, you probably should shoot it, so you can learn from it. I have had more fun these last couple of months, than I have had in the last 5 years.
Embrace the weird and do not care if it fails and falls into a brown pit of brown ribbon territory. At least you tried and that is something you can take pride in, cus you tried. I know I am more proud of myself than I have been these last 5 years.
09/11/2018 11:55:07 PM · #3 |
+1 to your points. Originally posted by JulietNN: Noooo, not you digifotojo as well.
They might not be your average challenges, and maybe people are happy doing the mundane, do not have to think, can stick my camera out of a car window at 60 miles per hour an shoot at high speed to get a landscape and not be caught by the cops.
Or turn on my tap and get a water drop whilst shoving a frog/lizard or dead glued ladybugs to catch a splash (which is a good idea actually, may do that myself) or blurred plant into the frame and crop it so it is full frame.
I suck (totally suck) at Golden Ratio, I can not see it for love nor money, but I shot something, it might be Ratio, not sure, it seems like it is, I think it is, so I am going to go with it, even with my doubts and had fun editing it to look like it did, in my imagination and what I understand of Ratio.
Glimpse, I got something, not your average thing, so probably end up bottom, but I glimpsed it, so it counts in my eyes, may not in others, BUT I tried my best, totally got something for Vegetable Bestiary mostly out of spite, I looked at the challenge description and it could work, it might not, but I had fun searching and looking and eventually editing, even though I will swear a lot and self doubt myself, I did my best as I saw fit, and again it will or could end up as brown.
In the end, and I have come to realize this, if you are not comfortable with shooting something, you probably should shoot it, so you can learn from it. I have had more fun these last couple of months, than I have had in the last 5 years.
Embrace the weird and do not care if it fails and falls into a brown pit of brown ribbon territory. At least you tried and that is something you can take pride in, cus you tried. I know I am more proud of myself than I have been these last 5 years. |
09/12/2018 01:38:57 AM · #4 |
This is redundant. There is already a thread for all the bitchers, moaners and whiners. I would lock this before it gets out of hand like the other whiny, bitchy one.
My participation has dropped to nill lately for several reasons, but it will continue to remain that way because of the ridiculous behavior and runaway egotism I am seeing in the forums. "I don't like the challenge, so probably nobody does. Change it now or else!" (paraphrasing with prejudice) Grow the fuck up, people or leave. I'm happy to come back to 5 entry challenges entered by those who simply appreciate this community and each other.
rant off. |
09/12/2018 03:14:22 AM · #5 |
Originally posted by Art Roflmao: This is redundant. There is already a thread for all the bitchers, moaners and whiners. I would lock this before it gets out of hand like the other whiny, bitchy one.
My participation has dropped to nill lately for several reasons, but it will continue to remain that way because of the ridiculous behavior and runaway egotism I am seeing in the forums. "I don't like the challenge, so probably nobody does. Change it now or else!" (paraphrasing with prejudice) Grow the fuck up, people or leave. I'm happy to come back to 5 entry challenges entered by those who simply appreciate this community and each other.
rant off. |
What he say......
09/12/2018 07:04:50 AM · #6 |
It's DP Challenge.
Challenge yourself to be a better photographer.
Challenge yourself to shoot creatively.
Challenge yourself to shoot when you have to make yourself allocate the time and travel.
Challenge yourself to shoot in genres that make you uncomfortable.
Challenge yourself to figure out that special subject from a theme that seems impossible.
Challenge yourself to shoot within that time frame, that one that seems so small.
This site is for YOU. It's to make YOU a nbetter photographer by making yourself work harder, think harder, allocating the time and space for YOUR creative spirit, and also to reap the benefits of what the community has to offer you as well. Others have been there before you and they're willing to share what they can do, have done, and offer their support.
The only limiting factor to the benefits of DP Challenge, is you.
Utilize this incredible resource, or don't, but realize that everything about DP Challenge is here so that you can do the work YOU need to in order to become the photographer that you want to be.
09/12/2018 08:22:00 AM · #7 |
(hopefully my participation on that other thread hasn't turned everyone off to my comments here ... I meant no disrespect to anyone)
That being said, I think it would be a good idea to evaluate the health of DPC. Maybe a poll or something to find find out who's happy vs who's not happy. If the majority of members are happy, then that's great, but if the majority of members are unhappy, maybe it's time to tweak the system before everyone leaves.
It seems like (and I admit that I might be way off here) whenever someone voices displeasure about something, it's met with responses that make it seem like the complainer is absolutely wrong and needs to change their thinking. I've been involved in many photo forums. People disagree, they bicker and argue ... but that's ok and even good ... as long as everyone is treated with respect, which doesn't always happen when people feel attacked, I get that. But that "felt attack" goes both ways ... sometimes the complainer feels it, sometimes the responder (usually both).
Some arguing between adults can be very fruitful from time to time, but each side needs to listen to the other ... without insinuating that the other side is the enemy, or that the opinion is not as important as some other opinion. We (myself included) need to not take everything so personally.
Someone saying they're unhappy with the direction of the challenge themes should be welcomed with open discussion.
Message edited by author 2018-09-12 08:22:36. |
09/12/2018 10:51:11 AM · #8 |
Thank you, Kris! At least I'm not alone on this. But, I did say "maybe it's just me" mainly because I wanted to point out that I'm not your average photographer who bends over backward (literally speaking) to get the shot. I used to go to greater lengths to create entries that MTC. But, these days (I just turned 74) I approach photography more as a means of relaxation. Running and working out daily are more important to me and photography just fills in the gaps. However, when it starts getting mind-boggling or becomes too much of a challenge it's no longer an enjoyable pastime in which case, I'd rather be doing something else. That's all I wanted to say. Sorry if I offended anyone. |
09/12/2018 10:54:38 AM · #9 |
Debate is only healthy when it is directed at issues and not as attacks on individuals for having a view on that issue. If we cannot refocus our thoughts away from each other, I will lock down this thread, too. |
09/12/2018 11:11:25 AM · #10 |
I just want to offer a practical suggestion. Recently it's been very easy to get your challenge topic picked for DPC. It might not occur to you to suggest something simple like "Water, Architecture, Orange, Fill the Frame, Duotones, Textures, etc" but starting a thread in Challenge Suggestions for each one of those will almost certainly yield results quickly. |
09/12/2018 11:22:08 AM · #11 |
09/12/2018 11:42:36 AM · #12 |
It seems to me that for the most part, people become disappointed when the powers that be fail to meet their expectations. The folks that seem to derive the most from this site work within the parameters of what's offered and participate in the community.
I know that I kind of equate it with buying software. You get it, find out what it will and won't do, and utilize it accordingly.
09/12/2018 11:59:03 AM · #13 |
Originally posted by digifotojo: Thank you, Kris! At least I'm not alone on this. But, I did say "maybe it's just me" mainly because I wanted to point out that I'm not your average photographer who bends over backward (literally speaking) to get the shot. I used to go to greater lengths to create entries that MTC. But, these days (I just turned 74) I approach photography more as a means of relaxation. Running and working out daily are more important to me and photography just fills in the gaps. However, when it starts getting mind-boggling or becomes too much of a challenge it's no longer an enjoyable pastime in which case, I'd rather be doing something else. That's all I wanted to say. Sorry if I offended anyone. |
If I may.....
If you don't like a challenge topic, don't shoot it. If the demands on your time don't permit more participation, participate less. The site IS about you to decide how it works best for you. Hopefully, it'll be around for a while, and on that basis, then just stop by when it does work for you.
A personal aside?
I *HATE* the DPL, Vehemently. I can NOT shoot under pressure, the topics invariably are never in any genre that I'm good at, and I feel the pressure of needing to do well for my team mates.
Can you say CHOKE???
But I sign up because as far as pushing me out of my comfort zone, that is THE BIG ONE.
I haven't really figured out whether or not I am getting anything productive out of it, but I do actually have fun once I'm in it, and so far, I haven't dragged any of my teams single-handedly down into the pits of Hell.
It's my exercise to push myself through the most difficult photography task I can run up against. Outside my comfort zone? You can't see my comfort zone with a telescope from what I feel in head to head competition like the DPL. So I make myself do it as a way to continue to grow.
I sincerely hope people figure out what works for them within the scope of DPC right the way it is. It's been a shining star in the night for me for over a decade because of my perspective. I hope more folks can do that as well.
Oh, and like Don said, make challenge suggestions.
09/12/2018 01:17:51 PM · #14 |
I don't know if for me:
"Water, Architecture, Orange, Fill the Frame, Duotones, Textures, etc"
would be easier to shoot than
"Golden Ratio, Glimpse, Vegetable Bestiary, Diptych-same scene different focal lengths"
It depends of how one approaches any topic. I do not think that I suggested any topic here since I sill still don't know if something would be more familiar (see easier) to photograph, in which case I would became bored.
Message edited by author 2018-09-12 14:56:46. |
09/12/2018 01:56:17 PM · #15 |
RE: They might not be your average challenges, and maybe people are happy doing the mundane, do not have to think, can stick my camera out of a car window at 60 miles per hour an shoot at high speed to get a landscape and not be caught by the cops.
Or turn on my tap and get a water drop whilst shoving a frog/lizard or dead glued ladybugs to catch a splash (which is a good idea actually, may do that myself) or blurred plant into the frame and crop it so it is full frame.
First off, None of the challenges are "mundane" and none of the challenges DO NOT require some thought and/or preparation. Believe me, any image that's worth entering took some time AND effort to shoot, not to mention the hours spent editing. I can knock off a package of MLS photos faster than it takes me to edit one DPC entry.
That being said, I think a mix of challenge topics may be the answer whereas some are more intense and others less intense but more creative in nature. I think the Leagues will agree with me.
09/14/2018 11:50:45 AM · #16 |
Originally posted by digifotojo: Thank you, Kris! At least I'm not alone on this. But, I did say "maybe it's just me" mainly because I wanted to point out that I'm not your average photographer who bends over backward (literally speaking) to get the shot. I used to go to greater lengths to create entries that MTC. But, these days (I just turned 74) I approach photography more as a means of relaxation. Running and working out daily are more important to me and photography just fills in the gaps. However, when it starts getting mind-boggling or becomes too much of a challenge it's no longer an enjoyable pastime in which case, I'd rather be doing something else. That's all I wanted to say. Sorry if I offended anyone. |
Now it all becomes clear |
09/14/2018 11:51:40 AM · #17 |
09/14/2018 12:01:05 PM · #18 |
I get it.
I like a mix.
Having all posted challenges be incredibly specific is a turn off. No opportunity to shoehorn in a great shot that you took. No opportunity to just put something in to try to get back into the swing of things.
Having all posted challenges be incredibly vague makes it all free studies and doesn't challenge you or make you think.
We just need a nice balance so that each week you have an option that fits your needs. It does seem like things were a bit more balanced awhile ago. It is nice to be able to shoot what you want. And it is a little frustrating to have two weeks of challenges posted, but not be able to choose your desired subject because it doesn't fit any of the challenges. |
09/14/2018 04:25:50 PM · #19 |
(((waiting for the gulls/geese/milkweed))) zzzzz |
09/14/2018 10:26:45 PM · #20 |
Don't like it, go shoot something else for yourself (that rhymes when you say it out loud). Want "pretty" color, landscape contests, sign up for the Smithsonian.
09/15/2018 02:31:47 AM · #21 |
What a thread again. Someone expresses her concern of the challenge topics and bam, she gets very aggressive replies. Apparently you are not allowed to express any concerns anymore nowadays. But it is this kind of replies that makes me wonder why I̢۪m still here. It used to be place for help and advise but that time has long gone.
hopper, I don̢۪t think you need to have a poll to find out whether people are happy or not. The minimal participation of the last year tells everything. The DPL gave a short period of resurrection but the moment the first round finished the numbers are back to low.
So don̢۪t be afraid LanceW, many members already do what you suggest, they shoot for themselves, not bothering to submit anything to this p,ace of growing negativity, |
09/15/2018 05:45:54 AM · #22 |
i've read a lot of this thread .
and tend to agree with the ppl who say .
use the site for its benefits and how it will challenge you to grow as a photographer .
i think from memory .. juliet, jeb and ken .. said stuff like that .
and great advice ..
i was away for a long while and only came back to be in the dpl .. so i dont know how things have been over the last four years or so ..
but it does seem that the site isnt quite as friendly as it was back in the day .. :(
also the voters have become less 'forgiving' ..
that can be disheartening for sensitive souls .. like myself .. but i spose ppl would tell me to toughen up ..
but re the more random challenges .. i dont see a problem with them .. its not compulsory to enter them ..
lucky .. as i can rarely think of anything anyway ..
but those challenges usually produce some incredibly imaginative photos .. worth it just to see what ppl think up .. and educational ..
and i didnt think that there were overly aggressive replies going on here ..
ppl were just saying what they thought .
and .. who has got it wrong before in social media ..
someone says something .. and because we dont hear a tone of voice or body language its extremely easy to misread where ppl are coming from ..
i think give ppl the benefit of the doubt .. assume they are coming from a good place .. or neutral ..
otherwise there is the possibility of things getting out of hand ..
reacting negatively but getting it wrong ..
and its like a snowball rolling down a hill ..
gathering moss .. or whatever .. thats if there isnt much snow of course .. |
09/15/2018 10:22:41 AM · #23 |
it's funny how the human mind works. we'd rather believe that the site is slowing down because it's less friendly and more negative, because we like a moral arc to our stories. It's harder for us to accept that much larger shifts in technology left this site behind. It's so impersonal and arbitrary.
But if you think this site is less friendly, I welcome you to dig up threads from 10 years ago. This site has always been friendly and mean and supportive and dumb and everything that humans are.
Being unhistorical may be comfortable, but it's dangerous. |
09/15/2018 10:48:51 AM · #24 |
In that case I still feel more free
Thank you for reminding us all
You diamond shines bright in my mind |
09/15/2018 01:09:42 PM · #25 |
Originally posted by Tiny: In that case I still feel more free
Thank you for reminding us all
You diamond shines bright in my mind |
You are everything that humans are and more. :) |