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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> D70 Remote
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11/01/2004 10:45:32 AM · #1
So the euphoria of getting the camera on friday is still around me but i am already looking to accessorize. i am thinking of getting the remote, anyone have opinions on it? thanks!

Message edited by author 2004-11-01 10:45:55.
11/01/2004 10:49:29 AM · #2
I love it - use it all of the time for nature photography. At about $20 it seems surprisingly cheap for a camera accessory.

Still, I wish there was a mechanical shutter release. I know the battery will go out on me one day when I need it the most.

It seems to have a pretty good range (at least several 10s of feet) for self-photography, and you can combine it with a timer to get the pose you want.
11/01/2004 10:51:01 AM · #3
Uh, nobody has any opinions other than, they wish they could get it. :-(

I've searched high and low, no one has it in stock. I even bought a universal programmable remote that I thought would be able to fire the D70, but it turns out not to be able to handle the IR codes necessary. I guess you need a high end (read: $200+) universal remote for this to work, maybe.

Anyway, I can trigger it with Omniremote software on my ancient Palm, but its batteries no longer work, so I can't use it except when it's docked. Dang.

So I use the self-timer right now.

Please, anyone know where I can get a D70 remote?
11/01/2004 10:51:46 AM · #4
Vital for self-portraits.

You have to be careful about the direction, though. If you point it even a little off-course, the shutter isn't released.

As there's no mirror lock up, this handy little device used in combination with the self-timer proves so useful. I'd buy one. (Oops. I've got one and use it daily.)
11/01/2004 10:52:37 AM · #5
Originally posted by joebok:

I love it - use it all of the time for nature photography. At about $20 it seems surprisingly cheap for a camera accessory.

Heck yeah. I paid 120 freaking dollars for my Coolpix wired remote. Stupid Nikon fancy stuff. The thing only works sometimes, too. I hate it with a passion.

Anyway, where did you get your D70 remote?
11/01/2004 11:24:28 AM · #6
I got mine for about $10 on ebay. It's not nikon, and it's equivalent to ML-1 and not ML-3, but it works like a charm.
11/01/2004 11:28:02 AM · #7
my only complaint about it is that you have to be in front of the camera to trigger it. i would like to be able to use the remote while OUTSIDE the shot or while off to the side, etc...

i guess i'm lucky. i bought mine in march when the cam first came out.
11/01/2004 11:33:16 AM · #8
I have mine as well and love it!! What I'm wondering is there other options than 2 second timer and no timer? I would like to take longer exposures without having to touch the camera. Is it possible?

11/01/2004 11:33:36 AM · #9
We have also searched for a remote for the D70 and everyone is always out of stock.

Can't believe you can only trigger it from within shot - how bizaare. Thanks for the warning on that mucky!
11/01/2004 12:17:59 PM · #10
I have an order in with Adorama, so when they get some, they ship out. Been at least 2 weeks now. Tried to get one of e-bay. someone must be highjacking the trucks, cuz the same SOB has 3-4 up the last few weeks (charges $12 to ship it).
I was reading a bunch of stuff on the use of it. Someone is starting to make an "adapter" that uses a fiber optic. This would be easy to co yourself also...just find something with fiberoptic in it, and mount it so yo can shoot from the back. I plan to as soon as I get the damn remote.
11/01/2004 12:23:28 PM · #11
I've used the remote aimed at the camera from the side and even a bit behind the camera and it works fine. You definitely do not have to be directly in front for it to work.
11/01/2004 01:05:17 PM · #12
Originally posted by dacrazyrn:

I was reading a bunch of stuff on the use of it. Someone is starting to make an "adapter" that uses a fiber optic. This would be easy to co yourself also...just find something with fiberoptic in it, and mount it so yo can shoot from the back. I plan to as soon as I get the damn remote.

Here's a thread on dpreview.com that tells you how to make a cable release out of the remote:

D70 Cable Release

I'd eventually like to get 2 remotes, one to use as IR and one for this, looks pretty easy to make.

Message edited by author 2004-11-01 13:06:00.
11/01/2004 01:15:15 PM · #13
Originally posted by Maverick:


I'd eventually like to get 2 remotes, one to use as IR and one for this, looks pretty easy to make.

I made a little tinfoil and cardboard mirror that I can tape onto the shade thingie of the lens - then I can fire the shutter from well behind the camera - I don't see what advantage the "cable" aspect of that setup adds?

(Oh, and to skylen - I got it at Glazer's Camera in Seattle several months ago.)
11/01/2004 01:45:59 PM · #14
Originally posted by joebok:

I made a little tinfoil and cardboard mirror that I can tape onto the shade thingie of the lens - then I can fire the shutter from well behind the camera - I don't see what advantage the "cable" aspect of that setup adds?

From what I understand, you wouldn't have to worry about aiming the remote, and the cord could be as long as you want, potentially extending beyond the range of the remote.
11/01/2004 02:02:11 PM · #15
You should be able to bounce the IR off walls, backdrops, etc.. Try it with your tv remote. It works.

Message edited by author 2004-11-01 14:02:42.
11/26/2004 06:50:30 PM · #16
Adorama MAY have a few remotes left. I have one on the way at this moment (been waiting 2 months on the list). Just shipped. WOOHOO!!
11/26/2004 07:15:43 PM · #17
Forget the Nikon Remote.

Any Sony/Sanyo universal remote will have the code, but you need to play with the VCR codes to find the right one.

On the other hand, if you can find a dealer (I haven't yet gone looking on the web for this, but read it on Nikonians Forum) the POGO-PRC-200 keychain universal will fire the D70 and cost 12 bucks to get 2 of em.

I've been using Omni Remote but am very disatisfied with the range and size of the palm. After Christmas (or maybe in my stocking) the Pogo is coming my way.
11/26/2004 07:31:35 PM · #18
Went to local Cord Camera, they had it in stock for $16. Excellent, I love it, I use it for star photography. So simple to use, just one push to open the shutter, one to close in bulb mode. No codes or anything.
11/26/2004 07:32:02 PM · #19
Originally posted by Arcanist:

Forget the Nikon Remote.

Any Sony/Sanyo universal remote will have the code, but you need to play with the VCR codes to find the right one.

On the other hand, if you can find a dealer (I haven't yet gone looking on the web for this, but read it on Nikonians Forum) the POGO-PRC-200 keychain universal will fire the D70 and cost 12 bucks to get 2 of em.

I've been using Omni Remote but am very disatisfied with the range and size of the palm. After Christmas (or maybe in my stocking) the Pogo is coming my way.

I am thinking carrying around a big ol remote in the backcountry a bit hindering. (C: Looked at the POGO also, never could find anything on its range though.
Omni Remote on my Handspring let me get out about 45-65 feet away (straight in front) and worked.

Message edited by author 2004-11-26 19:33:24.
01/17/2005 09:47:42 AM · #20
i have tried for weeks to get hold of the ML-L3 remote in U.k. with no luck. read on a forum last week of a cheap answer. argos do a replacement tv remote at an amazing £5.99. just turn on camera set your D70 to manual focus, set the remote searching and within 30 secs. it will find a code and fire off a shot ! it will even fire on bulb mode, one touch will open aperature second will close it. its a Phillips SBC RU 151 it even comes with batteries
01/17/2005 12:25:03 PM · #21
This is the remote that I use for my D70. 2 for $22 delivered to the house.key chair remote
02/14/2005 11:00:14 AM · #22
Originally posted by theangler:

i have tried for weeks to get hold of the ML-L3 remote in U.k. with no luck. read on a forum last week of a cheap answer. argos do a replacement tv remote at an amazing £5.99. just turn on camera set your D70 to manual focus, set the remote searching and within 30 secs. it will find a code and fire off a shot ! it will even fire on bulb mode, one touch will open aperature second will close it. its a Phillips SBC RU 151 it even comes with batteries

I just went down to Argos and bought one, but my D70 just won't play. It does respond (very intermittently) to a Toshiba 740e running remote control software and a downloaded ccf. I wonder if the camera is faulty?
02/14/2005 11:11:12 AM · #23
Originally posted by nsavigear:

I just went down to Argos and bought one, but my D70 just won't play. It does respond (very intermittently) to a Toshiba 740e running remote control software and a downloaded ccf. I wonder if the camera is faulty?

I'm assuming you changed your shooting mode to remote. But also check the timeout in the custom menu. I can't remember but I think the default was pretty short - I'd be annoyed when setting up a shot, then trying to use the remote only to find out that it timed out and the camera switched back to the on camera release.
02/14/2005 12:16:49 PM · #24
Yep, changed the time out to max (15 mins). Anyway, it does respond to the Toshiba sometimes so the camera must be set right. BTW I presume you set yours to manual focus whilst searching just to prevent unexpected movement of the camera caused by the focusing ring moving? The remote is working because it find the television ok

Message edited by author 2005-02-14 12:20:21.
02/14/2005 12:22:35 PM · #25
I went to my local Cord Camera and bought a D70 Remote for about $16
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