Author | Thread |
11/08/2021 07:08:08 PM · #51 |
I'll jump in. Though I adore Mary Ann's style and artistic vibe, mine is quite a bit different. I like things simple and clean.
(Editing to add: I do like multiple elements in the composition but have a preference for those that "make sense" together . . . if that makes any sense. So I'm sensitive to shape and size and texture . . . but have trouble wrapping my head around a collection of what I may see as completely disparate objects.)
However, I am very open to expanding my whatever-you-call-it.
This is one I did this week for a Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate theme at another site. I like it. It's clean and bright. The colors work for me. I even added the steam in post which I thought was very cool as it was the first time I'd done that. However . . .
I think it could use a third element and, though I love the black for the contrast and the way it shows off the vapor, I think the solid flat background is lacking. If I'm going to try again, I must do it now . . . like in the next day or two. The leaves are falling FAST
So I invite not only Mary Ann but Margaret and Wendy and Gina others who are participating in or reading this thread to offer any suggestions. Maybe Mary Ann could be the only one to respond on the thread itself, but if others have ideas they could add them in comments on the image?

Message edited by author 2021-11-08 19:20:53. |
11/08/2021 07:48:53 PM · #52 |
Originally posted by GinaRothfels: Originally posted by MargaretNet: Is it just me and Wendy? Common! Do some work and get great advice :) |
I'm watching this thread closely but haven't had a chance to try shooting a still life of any nature. South Africa is going through a difficult time with power shortages and frequent "loadshedding" (scheduled power cuts) in addition to unscheduled power failures. |
Who said it needs to be a "Nature" still life? Set something up and go for it. You have a good eye for details and probably would do well! |
11/08/2021 08:20:19 PM · #53 |
â€Â¦So I invite not only Mary Ann but Margaret and Wendy and Gina others who are participating in or reading this thread to offer any suggestions. Maybe Mary Ann could be the only one to respond on the thread itself, but if others have ideas they could add them in comments on the image?
Nikki, I really like the color palette and you did a great job on the steam. I agree that you need other elements to bring to all together. What about using a lighter tablecloth under the objects, or place a cloth napkin nearby. Also, maybe put a bunch of leaves in a vessel of some sort, i.e.,. basket or bowl, place a candle in the center and light it, that will bring a higher object into the scene. A small plate with cookies and a spoon will also bring the scene together. Just some ideas that may spark some others.
Mary Ann |
11/08/2021 08:28:08 PM · #54 |
Originally posted by glad2badad: Originally posted by GinaRothfels: Originally posted by MargaretNet: Is it just me and Wendy? Common! Do some work and get great advice :) |
I'm watching this thread closely but haven't had a chance to try shooting a still life of any nature. South Africa is going through a difficult time with power shortages and frequent "loadshedding" (scheduled power cuts) in addition to unscheduled power failures. |
Who said it needs to be a "Nature" still life? Set something up and go for it. You have a good eye for details and probably would do well! |
I didn't mean nature in that sense. I struggle with set up shots at the best of times and it's even more difficult when there may be no power to light them properly. At the moment we're scheduled for three power cuts of two hours each PER DAY, but a couple of weeks ago we had an unscheduled power failure which lasted over 11 hours. And of course my photography isn't the only thing affected by the lack of electricity.
11/08/2021 08:28:39 PM · #55 |
Originally posted by grahamgator: . . .
Nikki, I really like the color palette and you did a great job on the steam. I agree that you need other elements to bring to all together. What about using a lighter tablecloth under the objects, or place a cloth napkin nearby. Also, maybe put a bunch of leaves in a vessel of some sort, i.e.,. basket or bowl, place a candle in the center and light it, that will bring a higher object into the scene. A small plate with cookies and a spoon will also bring the scene together. Just some ideas that may spark some others.
Mary Ann |
So the black or very dark background might work but with a different surface? I can't feature a cloth napkin unless I differentiate between background and surface but I do like that idea. A candle works for me. More leaves in a vessel not so much . . . but maybe chrysanthemums; I have some very small ones blooming just now and they might be just the ticket. I can see cookies or a spoon working, too.
Thanks for the ideas, Mary Ann. I'll see what I can come up with.
Back to add a follow-on comment.
Immediately after I checked out of this thread I asked my husband, "Would you rather have peanut butter or oatmeal cookies"
To which he replied, "What happened to my wife?" and, after a brief pause, "Oatmeal."
So I felt compelled to admit I was not motivated by a desire to bake, but rather a need to create a prop for a photo. Then he understood :)
Message edited by author 2021-11-08 21:51:06. |
11/08/2021 08:36:31 PM · #56 |
Originally posted by GinaRothfels: I didn't mean nature in that sense. I struggle with set up shots at the best of times and it's even more difficult when there may be no power to light them properly. At the moment we're scheduled for three power cuts of two hours each PER DAY, but a couple of weeks ago we had an unscheduled power failure which lasted over 11 hours. And of course my photography isn't the only thing affected by the lack of electricity. |
Ah. I understand now. Thx. That sounds crazy - would be interested in hearing more but don't want to derail this thread. :-} |
11/09/2021 06:43:23 AM · #57 |
If I don't put something in it will be too late. I have so many problems! I tried working outside but it was too windy. I found a spot inside with enough room for me but the table I had to use has hinges in the lid and avoiding them was difficult. I can't seem to get away from centering my composition, although I attempted to. I'll continue trying to improve things. |
11/09/2021 07:39:00 AM · #58 |
I have been following this thread closely, and learning from it. Can someone confirm when the thread locks? It is dark here when I leave for work, and dark when I get home, so weekends are my only possible photography time from now til Spring. |
11/09/2021 08:09:47 AM · #59 |
Originally posted by SaraR: I have been following this thread closely, and learning from it. Can someone confirm when the thread locks? It is dark here when I leave for work, and dark when I get home, so weekends are my only possible photography time from now til Spring. |
Sara, the thread locks Friday (I think).
If it doesn̢۪t go against the spirit of the challenge, anyone is welcome to pm me for suggestions, questions, etc. a little like league play except open to anyone. That way your image can still have anonymity for the challenge.
11/09/2021 08:31:29 AM · #60 |
Marion, you have a good grouping and I like the cats a lot. I agree, it needs to be less centered. Here are some suggestions: Move the vase and three cats to the right and the small one move more to the left, turn the tall stem on right around facing left. Maybe put one of the leaves on the tabletop at the foot of vase on the left and see how that looks. To my eyes, the image looks a bit oof. Also, there is some texture on the bottom left of the vase that looks like it shouldn't be there. Try adding a soft light gold blend gradient from the left and see if that brightens it up some. A vignette may add something too.
Hope this helps a little.
Mary Ann
Message edited by author 2021-11-09 08:35:58. |
11/09/2021 10:16:44 AM · #61 |
Originally posted by grahamgator: Originally posted by SaraR: I have been following this thread closely, and learning from it. Can someone confirm when the thread locks? It is dark here when I leave for work, and dark when I get home, so weekends are my only possible photography time from now til Spring. |
Sara, the thread locks Friday (I think).
If it doesn̢۪t go against the spirit of the challenge, anyone is welcome to pm me for suggestions, questions, etc. a little like league play except open to anyone. That way your image can still have anonymity for the challenge. |
I think it says that after the thread is locked there is no more mentoring, even in PMs :(
Sara, do you have a flash? You could try using a flash and putting it behind a sheet?
Edited to say, just catching up on the thread -- going back to read what I've missed since yesterday morning!
Message edited by author 2021-11-09 10:17:13. |
11/09/2021 10:25:52 AM · #62 |
Ok -- I'm not as excited today. Still have an aweful time picking and arranging things.
The bowl seems too big, the glass is the same size as the bowl, and the bottle seems too tall and two white.
Which brings me to a question (I hope I can ask a question about someone else's photo). I absolutely adore Marion's cats, but it seems like the vase doesn't really fit in with it?
Mary Ann -- how do you select your items? You mentioned the varying height. What do you look for in width, color, tones, etc?
I have my pomegranates -- I like the idea of the color, and I think I can play with that well, but I have no idea what to put with it. What should I be considering? My simply looking around the house to see what I have isn't working very well. It seems like I should be having some type in mind before looking through my house.
Do they ever cut off part of the still life?

Message edited by author 2021-11-09 10:36:29. |
11/09/2021 10:35:12 AM · #63 |
Originally posted by nam: I'll jump in. Though I adore Mary Ann's style and artistic vibe, mine is quite a bit different. I like things simple and clean.
(Editing to add: I do like multiple elements in the composition but have a preference for those that "make sense" together . . . if that makes any sense. So I'm sensitive to shape and size and texture . . . but have trouble wrapping my head around a collection of what I may see as completely disparate objects.)
However, I am very open to expanding my whatever-you-call-it.
This is one I did this week for a Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate theme at another site. I like it. It's clean and bright. The colors work for me. I even added the steam in post which I thought was very cool as it was the first time I'd done that. However . . .
I think it could use a third element and, though I love the black for the contrast and the way it shows off the vapor, I think the solid flat background is lacking. If I'm going to try again, I must do it now . . . like in the next day or two. The leaves are falling FAST
So I invite not only Mary Ann but Margaret and Wendy and Gina others who are participating in or reading this thread to offer any suggestions. Maybe Mary Ann could be the only one to respond on the thread itself, but if others have ideas they could add them in comments on the image?
Nikki -- You were looking for other input. It seems like too many leaves. I would think that just a two or three for an accent would be more effective. Also, I would have shot from a bit lower point of view. I assume you want to show the hot chocolate, but it takes away some of the steam because the back of the cup is blocking it. If you fill the cup almost to the brim, and shoow from a lower POV, you should be able to get both the chocolate and the steam.
Also, the steam could use a little boost. Back or sidelighting steam is what makes it more obvious. Maybe try adding some additional light (flashlight?) on the steam to have it stand out more?
I like the idea of cookie's with the hot chocolate.
You could also skip the steam, and put whipped cream on top with a sprinkle of cinnamon.
11/09/2021 11:04:01 AM · #64 |
One thing that I have noticed (but note, from my uncalibrated work monitor) is that there is a bit of a blue caste to the white of the wine bottle label that seems a bit at odds with the warmer tones of the rest of the image. |
11/09/2021 12:13:51 PM · #65 |
Originally posted by vawendy:
The bowl seems too big, the glass is the same size as the bowl, and the bottle seems too tall and two white.
The bottle is the weak part, the rest I think is fine. I suggest to replace it with a crystal or glass carafe and fill it with wine. Or at least to wash the label and the foil off the bottle for a more timeless look )). |
11/09/2021 12:23:21 PM · #66 |
Wendy, Overall it is a good image. I would probably leave more room on the right side. The lighting is nice. I agree with LevT that the bottle needs to be replaced with something else, it is too busy for the scene. A carafe as he suggested is good, or because the scene is on the dark, maybe a crystal candlestick with candle.
For the pomegranate, I would go minimalist, let it be the subject with clean lines, lighter background, etc. They have so much color and texture and fill in for everything else.
Hope this helps
Message edited by author 2021-11-09 12:46:03. |
11/09/2021 01:02:01 PM · #67 |
So, if I understand this correctly, are only those who participate in this thread allowed to enter the challenge? If so, at this rate, everyone will be in the top five :)
Message edited by author 2021-11-09 13:04:07. |
11/09/2021 01:07:12 PM · #68 |
Originally posted by grahamgator: So, if I understand this correctly, are only those who participate in this thread are allowed to enter the challenge? If so, at this rate, everyone will be in the top five ;) |
Nope. Anyone can enter at any time during the two weeks. They can sit and watch the thread not participate and still enter.
People can choose to be part of the thread or not part of the thread. But getting advice can only happen during the first week. After then the thread is locked. People can still peruse the thread to see what has been said and to get ideas. But they̢۪re on their own. No more new posts, discussions, etc |
11/09/2021 01:10:29 PM · #69 |
I like the idea and the colors of the from the jars in this photo, but it also seems cluttered. I also tried using a backdrop but I really like the natural back lighting on the jars. Any advice on how to make the preserves pop more?
11/09/2021 01:35:40 PM · #70 |
Originally posted by jcar: I like the idea and the colors of the from the jars in this photo, but it also seems cluttered. I also tried using a backdrop but I really like the natural back lighting on the jars. Any advice on how to make the preserves pop more?
Very nice light and colors. The background is split into three parts and not cohesive. I think that is why you think it is busy. If it was all bokeh, it would change the whole scene, just not sure you can do that . One suggestion is to overlap some of the jars and stagger a bit. Also, the one on far right is slightly out of focus, which is not a biggie, just something that caught my eye.
You could try cropping some from the right. Also, lighten the two darker jars a bit.
Nice job. |
11/09/2021 01:37:21 PM · #71 |
Originally posted by SaraR: [quote=vawendy]
One thing that I have noticed (but note, from my uncalibrated work monitor) is that there is a bit of a blue caste to the white of the wine bottle label that seems a bit at odds with the warmer tones of the rest of the image. |
intriguing! I'll play with it |
11/09/2021 01:38:59 PM · #72 |
Mary Ann -- could you pick one of the photos and work on it or show us one of your originals and the resulting product? I'd love to learn more about the editing.
Just a thought. :) |
11/09/2021 01:41:14 PM · #73 |
The challenge description is: Challenge Details: This is DPC's first "mentored" challenge. See the accompanying thread in the forum to learn more. You need not be a part of the mentoring process to enter, but all are welcome to be involved at that level.
The last part of that is what is confusing to me. In Wendy̢۪s original suggestion, I believe that is what she said. Maybe I am the only one seeing that, lol. |
11/09/2021 01:42:56 PM · #74 |
Originally posted by vawendy: Mary Ann -- could you pick one of the photos and work on it or show us one of your originals and the resulting product? I'd love to learn more about the editing.
Just a thought. :) |
Sure, I can do that. You had asked me to do that on your garlic image, but I never heard back from you. I will need a larger image to work on than what is posted here.
Message edited by author 2021-11-09 13:43:46. |
11/09/2021 02:15:26 PM · #75 |
Originally posted by grahamgator: Originally posted by vawendy: Mary Ann -- could you pick one of the photos and work on it or show us one of your originals and the resulting product? I'd love to learn more about the editing.
Just a thought. :) |
Sure, I can do that. You had asked me to do that on your garlic image, but I never heard back from you. I will need a larger image to work on than what is posted here. |
Oops! Missed that part. Thanks!
Would uploading raw file work on here? Or what's the best way to get it to you?
I do have a larger JPEG, but it's still a smaller compressed JPEG because I don't save full size ones when I shoot. I shoot at raw plus small jpeg.
Thanks! |