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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> How do you calculate your vote? (Something New)
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08/14/2002 03:57:01 PM · #1
My exact categories aren't the same for Something New as they were for Something Old because it depends on the range of images. In the New challenge there is little that (to me) doesnt meet the challenge. So even down to 4s were images I though held some attraction for me. In the last challenge there were more I didn't like so it is a sliding scale from challenge to challenge.

But since I decided to let those scoring 5 and above my score thought it might be nice (or not) to say what that score meant to me.

Remember, I vote according to how I respond to the photo, how I like it and how I feel it fits the challenge. I don't for a moment suggest my opinions are anything more than opinions and fully accept that they may not be what the majority think or what the photographer himself thinks!

10Absolutely L O V E it and technically very good/ clever/ appealing

9Love it but tecnically not quite as good or technically very good but don̢۪t love it quite as much

8Still up there in my top favourites, a level below 9 and 10

7Photos I like, that attract me, nicely taken, interesting subject matter

6Photos that hold some attraction, reasonably taken, somewhat interesting subject matter

5Reasonable photos, hold a little attraction and are more than just photos of something/ anything

4Don̢۪t attract me but arent bad photos per se

3Don̢۪t grab me at ALL, composition/ photo quality ok, not great

2Poor technically or really really dull

1Photos I really don̢۪t like and/or totally don̢۪t fit the theme for me, even when giving some leniency

Because of the sliding scale aspect to it I agree with someone who said the score is just a score, and what score you win with is irrelevant. Since I score against the other photos THAT week, rather than against all photos in every other challenge, my average vote may be different from week to week.

* This message has been edited by the author on 8/14/2002 3:56:49 PM.
08/14/2002 03:59:53 PM · #2
PS whilst I did show what scores I gave for each photo for anything 5 and above I didnt for the rest. If anyone wants to know email me.
08/14/2002 04:59:00 PM · #3
If someone tries at all I give them at least a 3. I dont think I have given but a few of those. You can usally find something good about it. I give 10s to only the ones I really like, 3-5 usally. Even the top photos seem to get a few 1s and 2s. It almost seems like people vote them down so they might do better themselfs.

08/14/2002 05:57:32 PM · #4
I use to think there was a specific rhyme and/or reason to my voting... I have to admit that my gut plays more a part then my brain... I very rarely give a 1 or 2... It would have to be repulsive... I normally find 3 to 7 images I score a 10 each week... Everything in between is a matter of judgement... My wife says I'm too easy a grader... She's right :)
08/14/2002 06:53:18 PM · #5
I try to judge each photo on it's own merits. If there aren't any 10s on a week then I dont give any. If there are 100 10s then I'll give 100 of em.

For me to score something as 10 it has to demonstrate

1. Some link to the challenge
2. Technical ability with the camera
3. Good or appropriate composition and lighting
4. Good aestetics or keen insight

I don't do any calculation of these things. And honestly I rarely mark anything down for not adhering to the challenge - particularly on something old and something new.


08/14/2002 06:56:04 PM · #6
About scores and comments-
I was left a comment that said "7"
That does nothing for me. For people commenting - tell what you think about the photo - that's much more usefull then simply leaving a score.
08/14/2002 08:03:19 PM · #7
Sometimes it is hard to leave a comment. When the picture you see is good and above average then it is hard. I know that it is hard for me to think of something to say. You could receive a comment that boost your ego, but then that takes time, and some of us have very little time. If I was you, I would be happy with just a 7. Some people don't even get that.
08/14/2002 08:12:19 PM · #8
My scale for voting...

10 - Your going to win.... trust me... (havent seen a 10 yet)
9 - Technicly perfect , fits the theme perfectlly.
8 - Almost Technicly perfect , fits the theme perfectlly.
7 - I few things could have been improved, visually appealing.
Most people wouldn't mind this mounted and framed.
6 - Good photo on theme
5 - you took a photo on theme and it is ok
4 - ethier you missed the theme and have a 6 quality photo or your
photo is on theme and has some major technichal flaws
3 - Missed theme, poor execution. or very poor execution.
2 - Please try harder..
1 - I don't care if it was the perfect shot, you still left the lens
cap on.... :-)
08/14/2002 09:32:19 PM · #9
Pretty close to my voting jeremya.

I disagree sonifo - if you gave it a 7 you must have an opinion - I'm not looking for praise on a pict,but critiques. I believe thats what most are looking for. Do you think the composition should be diff. should it be brighter, darker, sharper, etc.
08/14/2002 09:37:01 PM · #10
Whatever happened to the traditional dart board method?
08/14/2002 09:50:08 PM · #11
Actually I agree with Sonifo for one reason... If the choice was between getting a comment that said "7" or not getting the comment at all, which would you prefer?

I'd take the "7" any ol' time...

No one has an obligation to leave comments... they do it out of the goodness of thier hearts... Please don't persuade the folks that comment that they are better off not saying anything at all...

Originally posted by TerryGee:
Pretty close to my voting jeremya.

I disagree sonifo - if you gave it a 7 you must have an opinion - I'm not looking for praise on a pict,but critiques. I believe thats what most are looking for. Do you think the composition should be diff. should it be brighter, darker, sharper, etc.

08/15/2002 12:37:40 PM · #12
One can have an opinion and not be able to express it it words.

I adore the colour yellow. I don't really know why I like it, though if pushed I could possibly come up with some psychobabble about the effects of yellow on the psyche and so on. But really I just like it, always have done and likely always will. Don't know why.

It just pleases me.

And likewise sometimes a photo just pleases (or displeases) me and I can't really elucidate any further.

As it happens, in the Something New challenge I have commented every photo that I gave a score of 5 or more to. But that's not to say I'll always be able to do that.

Anyway, when I posted my 1 to 10 for the New challenge, I certainly wasn't thinking that others should or would have votes using similar categorisation, I just thought that since I had posted scores in my comments to those >=5 some people might want to know what those scores meant for me.
08/15/2002 01:44:27 PM · #13
Originally posted by Kavey:
I adore the colour yellow.

Something tells me you're going to enjoy the pencil fest next week :)
08/15/2002 02:09:30 PM · #14
I am looking forward to it.

After multiple glances my way when I was voting and all the pics were on my screen my hub's been hooked in too and he's been looking at our digital camera (an incredibly cheapo one) to see whether it's even worth using it.

It's so basic that you can't set the date on it. That doesn't mean that the EXIF data doesn't the date at all, no that would be too clever, instead it shows what I think must be the date the camera was manufactured or something, sometime in June a year or two ago.
08/15/2002 02:40:59 PM · #15
Don't let the lack of EXIF data hold you back from submitting... That's only used for if there is a problem (rare)... Of course don't let your husband see this post if you think you can get a new camera out of it :)
08/15/2002 03:47:19 PM · #16
Oh lord, no, he's the desperate new toy buyer.

My PC is newer, I have a new, silver surround flat screen monitor and a super duper PC in a silver case. But that's because I took voluntary redundancy (lay off) early this year and needed a better PC at home than the old dog I had.

Once I finally found a short contract recently, we went out and got a negative scanner, which we'd like to get to grips with soon, now that I am not working two jobs at the same time. (Contracts seem to be like buses, nothing nothing nothing and then two or three come along at once).

We do have a digital camcorder thing...

And I have a newer SLR, Pete is JUST getting into this whole thing so he uses my older (heavier) model.

I have a crap back and find even the limited weight of the old one was affecting me so got a newer model. I do use it more because it's lighter but preferred features in the old one.

But usually I have to hold him back from buying every shiny thing in the magazines!

* This message has been edited by the author on 8/15/2002 3:48:30 PM.
08/15/2002 04:30:42 PM · #17
Originally posted by TerryGee:

I disagree sonifo - if you gave it a 7 you must have an opinion - I'm not looking for praise on a pict,but critiques. I believe thats what most are looking for. Do you think the composition should be diff. should it be brighter, darker, sharper, etc.

Ok...I am the one who left the "7" and I am terribly sorry that it somehow upset the person that I left it for. The reason why I only left the score that I gave is because I originally did leave a comment. It said "ewww..." (This was for the picture of the feet). I meant it in an etirely playful manner. Well, that night there was an entire forum on how upset someone was about a comment that was given to them that same night. Well, probably like most people, I thought "Oh my gosh..my comment is the one that must have upset her!" So I went back to delete my comment. It wouldn't let me so I replaced it with the score that I was giving. I couldn't think of anything constructive to say and I was in a hurry so it seemed that leaving "7" was better than keeping the "ewww.." that in my mind hurt someone terribly. So anyway, that is the entire story behind the "7." I do not make it a habit to leave vague comments (if you don't believe me you can check my profile) and I don't intend to in the future. It was just that one time. So I hope this clears things up and again I am sorry if it bothered anyone.

Also, after thinking about this a bit more, I would also like to add that if anyone ever has a question about a comment that I have given them, please feel free to PM me. I’m sure that many here would appreciate the consideration of being sent a private message asking for elaboration or clarification on a comment that they have left rather than be gossiped about in the site’s forum. That practice only discourages people (especially new comers) from leaving any comments at all for fear of being publicly ridiculedâ€Â¦

* This message has been edited by the author on 8/15/2002 5:44:34 PM.
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