I have a sandisk Imagemate CF card reader and use the ULTRA II 1gb cards, and I have had a similiar problem, I know if I access the card throught the reader often the next time I go to use the card, whatever files I left on the card will appear to not be there. However, an image recover system (software) such as Photorecovery gets them back no problems. The way I have found to solve this problem has to do with the way you access your cards, in my sony the files are stored in a subdirectory, if I dont close out all the subdirectories in reverse order of which they were opened I get the errors, if I am carefull on how I open/close them it works fine and I never have problems, sometimes I even double check by reopening the directories in the Windows File Manager and then reclosing them, minor step that only adds a few seconds to your task, and seems to solve the problem. Hope this helps.