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DPChallenge Forums >> Tips, Tricks, and Q&A >> What Profession would you LIKE to have?
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 77, (reverse)
02/08/2005 11:14:58 PM · #1
Now we know what you do for a living But what would you do if you could? Besides Professional Photography that is!
I like what I do but if I had to choose something else I think that when I grow up I want to be a wildlife veterinarian.
02/08/2005 11:16:32 PM · #2
i would love to be an interior decorator. I am ALWAYS changing around rooms, painting furniture (my hubbie thinks i will paint anyone who stands still for too long), either that or i would love to be in an orchestra/brass band.
02/08/2005 11:17:01 PM · #3
Jazz Whistler
02/08/2005 11:18:08 PM · #4
Commercial helicopter pilot.
02/08/2005 11:19:21 PM · #5
I would love to be a photographer, or a web designer. At the moment i'm nothing since i didn't responde to the other thread here it is the truth hard and pure... :)
02/08/2005 11:19:51 PM · #6
Forensic Photographer
02/08/2005 11:20:59 PM · #7
Park Ranger in a state or national park

02/08/2005 11:21:32 PM · #8
I would like to be pamela anderson's pool boy.
02/08/2005 11:23:44 PM · #9
Professional student.
I would love to be incredibly rich so I can study whatever I feel like, just for the fun of it, without any serious pressure to pass or do well.
Hardest part would be where to start - photography, piano, italian, anthropology, spanish, ancient history, marine biology, veterinary science, etc etc etc
02/08/2005 11:29:37 PM · #10
escapism artist! Professionally!
02/08/2005 11:31:00 PM · #11
I am currently working toward my dream job; Chef

02/08/2005 11:37:15 PM · #12
I would like to be Bill Gates adopted son. Can I have my allowance dad? I need a new L lens.
02/08/2005 11:38:27 PM · #13
Mine would be to own a relatively large vineyard in Tuscany that produced some really incredible wines. Of course there would have to be a big, old stone house to go with it.
02/08/2005 11:39:23 PM · #14
Geologist, meteorologist, or Antonio Banderas' personal assistant. ;o)
02/08/2005 11:44:30 PM · #15
concert pianist
02/08/2005 11:45:53 PM · #16
Independantly wealthy eccentric.
02/08/2005 11:46:52 PM · #17
Bearing inmind that I'm deaf, consider what I always wanted to be: Pianist.
02/08/2005 11:46:58 PM · #18
Archaeologist, Geologist, Vulcanologist, Tornado Chaser

...professional World Travelling Hitchhiker!

anything that got me out and seeing new places and faces.
02/08/2005 11:48:04 PM · #19
A writer. I could write and write and write. I have been known to sit in front of a computer for 24 hours straight with small breaks to take care necessities. I have to set an alarm to make myself step away. I am an immedicable insomniac. I know I am in the zone when my characters are demanding attention, and when I think more about the book I am writing than the book I am reading. I know I am a writer, but I hate to query. I have sent seven queries to agents in my life and got answers back from four agents: two contracts, two maybes and three no answers. One agent had a word spelled incorrectly in her cover letter so I didn't sign and one agent wanted me to take the supernatural out of my story. Are you kidding me?
02/08/2005 11:48:54 PM · #20
Movie director, and it will happen! ;-)
02/08/2005 11:52:10 PM · #21
02/08/2005 11:55:16 PM · #22
I'm doing what I always wanted to do.

Professional photographer is the last job I'd want. I'd have to find a new hobby then...
02/09/2005 12:03:15 AM · #23
Touché, Gordon! I think that is why I am NOT that eager to sell my writing. People NEVER believe me when I say that, but something about selling and compromising takes the joy out of things. I used to do some crafting for the heck of it. I had some stuff in a show and put ridiculous prices on it because I wanted it for gifts. Wouldn't you know, every piece sold. I haven't picked up a paintbrush since.
02/09/2005 12:04:27 AM · #24
My dream job would involve being paid a huge amount of money for doing anything I want each day. It would be up to me as to what I do, as long as I make a report each day on what was done (or not done).

So I guess my dream job would be to create an ongoing, daily journal of my insane activities. :D
02/09/2005 12:05:37 AM · #25
Dog show judge or taste tester for Breyers
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