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DPChallenge Forums >> Individual Photograph Discussion >> How does it look?
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02/18/2005 12:15:18 PM · #1
Wondering if I'm getting I can get people's thoughts on this shot.

Haven't had this Olympus C-740 very long and still learning the functions of the camera. Oh and this picture is completely unedited other than resized and a watermark added.

Edit: Ok I did a little PhotoShop work on it and came up with this.

Message edited by author 2005-02-18 20:38:54.
02/18/2005 12:28:31 PM · #2
The composition is decent, but is that a water bottle in the backgound (!)?

I think it would be greatly improved with a boost in contrast, a slight boost in saturation and some USM applied.
02/18/2005 12:41:05 PM · #3
Yeah that is a water bottle in the background, I didn't notice it in the shot until after and wasn't too concerned about it as this was just a experiment. Forgive my ignorance here but I'm a newbie what is USM?

Edit: Never mind I figured out what the meaning of USM is from another post, thanks for the tips, what I'm really trying to experiment with is taking the best quality shots I can without doing any PS work on them, I figure once I learn what the best settings are on the camera for the type of shot I'm trying to get then the PS editing will come later.

Message edited by author 2005-02-18 12:45:32.
02/18/2005 12:43:36 PM · #4
Originally posted by Islander:

Yeah that is a water bottle in the background, I didn't notice it in the shot until after and wasn't too concerned about it as this was just a experiment. Forgive my ignorance here but I'm a newbie what is USM?

Sorry, USM stands for UnSharp Mask...a darkroom process used to make images look sharper. Photoshop has a tool that mimics this process (much more quickly and effectively!) called USM.

Essentially, a little bit of sharpness and contrast would make this image look much better (and cropping out that bottle!)...

Do you have Photoshop or any other postprocessing software?
02/18/2005 05:29:52 PM · #5
I'm sorry but I am going to be blunt, not to break you down but to make you better. please don't stone me.

this picture needs to be thrown out, back to the "drawing board" of sorts. If you wanted to photograph that flower take a whole new approach. I am going to give you how I would do it, and I'm sure here everyone else and thier mother is going to also sorry if I'm opening a can of worms.

1. Think of the rule of thirds
-you know that tic tac toe board, it basicly says line points of intrest along the intersections of the board.
2. fill the frame
-if you are going to take the picture of the flower, take a picture of the flower, not the water bottle behind it.
3. Contrast betwen colors
-if you really want to make something stand out don't put it with things of the same or close to the same color. (I know with this shot that is hard, but just as a "in general" kind of rule"
4. Check your angle
-Different angles lend different ideas to the human mind. It's something we don't even really think about. If you are above the subject, it makes us feel like the subject is weak or fragil (especialy if the subject is human). If you are below the subject, it lends a strength of sorts to the subject. and so on and so forth, you get the idealism.

Now, this photo isn't all bad, it does have a wonderful concept. Now that you have if posable really study your one and make a second and then do the same with the second and make a third and keep doing that until you like what you see. I even like to print a copy out and use sharpie markers in different colors (because of my color blindness)and really go to town on it, rip it to shreds, then go with paper and hand and take a second shot at it.
I hope this has helped, want to reiterate this site is all about helping others and I'm just trying to make you better. Keep it up, and happy shooting :)
02/18/2005 06:01:43 PM · #6

Thanks for the advice, and I'll not throw any stones :) I do relise that everyone that is looking at this photo are saying "what the heck is that a water bottle in the background", this shot was a spear of the moment shot where I picked up the camera and took a shot of this flower in a vase that was on the dining room table and I didn't notice the bottle in the background. There was no special prep work or lighting done before taking this shot and like I said in my eairler post, it is also unedited so I think aside from the water bottle in the background I think the shot is quite good for a newbie.

02/18/2005 06:41:01 PM · #7
White balance looks off to me. It looks pinky. Of course it might just be a pink flower.

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