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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Need help purchasing used lighting equipment.
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02/21/2005 12:09:04 PM · #1
Hey guys, I have the opportunity to buy:

2 - Medalight PG3001-ML 120W???
2 - Spiral light flash banks 110W???

They come with stands and umbrellas. They are asking $200

Any opinions are greatly appreciated. I have no lighting now and really don't know much about lighting equipment. I would like to have the ability to take better indoor shots and if this is a good deal I'll run over and get them today.

Thanks in advance,
02/21/2005 12:25:21 PM · #2
is the lighting fixed (i.e. you get 120 or 110 watts only) or is there a sliding scale here? My personal opinion is that that while the price they are asking may be fair (personally, I think it may be a bit high) this lighting sysytem limits rather then helps you. Youmight even be better buying clip lamps and white/grey/gold posterboard as reflectors for your first kit until you figure out exactly what you need.
02/21/2005 10:49:31 PM · #3
Thanks Mikasi,

I'll find out tomorrow if the lighting is adjustable. I appreciate the help.

03/02/2005 05:44:31 PM · #4
A little bit more information on the lights.

2 - Spiralite Flashbanks: Ac studio flash, Flash 135ws, Modeling Lamp 40/60w, sync cord connection, Light control at 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, and Full, With umbrella and tripod. Also can run off of battery.

2 - MediaLight , w/ model switch, power switch, test button, and sync cord.

I believe that I could get this equipment for as low as $150.

Please let me know your feelings on this.

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