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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> How often do you carry your camera?
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02/22/2005 07:18:59 PM · #1
I'm just wondering how often people carry their cameras with them. All the time? Every day? Only when you think you're going somewhere with an intention to shoot?

For those that carry them all the time, what kind of bag do you use? I'm finding my clunky bag full of accessories and lenses to be a bit of an encumbrance when I want to carry my camera with me all the time.. and then I end up kicking myself when I'm caught without a camera and I spy a good shot.

Just curious about what others do.
02/22/2005 07:30:36 PM · #2
I work around cameras all day so its kinda hard to avoid them but i try and keep mine close by
02/22/2005 07:31:18 PM · #3
It depends on how busy I am. If I don't have much work, I try to pick up the camera every weekend. Also, I have carried the camera to work when the weather is nice and I can afford to be really late.

But during the last 3 weeks or so I have been able to shoot about a total of 10 shots because I have been woking the weekends too. I would like to shoot more often, but I can't afford to - not right now.

I carry the camera in a small shoulder bag with 2 lenses (50mm 1.8 & 28-200mm f3.5-5.6 + things like the lens pen, blower, polorizer and CF cards). It's not heavy and easy access to everything.

Message edited by author 2005-02-22 19:34:41.
02/22/2005 07:32:18 PM · #4
Only when I'm specifically going on a shoot. However, I really want to get into the habit of carrying it more often. Ideally, I'd like to carry it everywhere I go. I just haven't made it a habit yet. I find that, on the few occasions that I have carried it with no specific shoot in mind, I unconsciously turn my "photographer eyes" off, and pretty much don't even look for photo ops. I need to change that. But it's hard...
02/22/2005 07:32:44 PM · #5
Whenever I go out.
02/22/2005 07:35:21 PM · #6
Kinda' hard to leave home without it after having it surgically attached to my right hand.
Showering has been kinda' tough since then too.
02/22/2005 07:35:56 PM · #7
Wherever I go--always less than 100 ft away.

Similar thread here: When do you carry your camera?
02/22/2005 07:37:16 PM · #8
I only carry my camera on days that start with T.

Tuesday, Thursday, Today, Tomorrow, Thanksgiving, Taturday, Tunday . . .

02/22/2005 07:38:42 PM · #9
All the time (except when the husband starts threatening divorce), but mine isn't so difficult to carry. I only take the whole large bag when I know I am going to be shooting (lenses, filters, adapters, spare cards, etc.).
02/22/2005 07:39:45 PM · #10
Originally posted by BradP:

Kinda' hard to leave home without it after having it surgically attached to my right hand.
Showering has been kinda' tough since then too.

I wasn't going to say anything, but I wondered what that large growth was on your hand . . . . . lol
02/22/2005 07:40:56 PM · #11
My camera stays in the truck with me.
02/22/2005 07:41:03 PM · #12
Originally posted by Kylie:

All the time (except when the husband starts threatening divorce) (except when I'm saving lives...)

02/22/2005 07:43:16 PM · #13
I bring a camera everywhere I go since I bought a Canon SD300. I can take 500 super fine large 4MP photos on a 1GB SD card. It even shoots 480x640 video at 30 frames per second.
It fits in the palm of my hand.

I only bring my 20D when I know I'll be shooting a lot.

02/22/2005 07:47:42 PM · #14
Every day since starting a PaD project at the start of the year.
02/22/2005 07:50:32 PM · #15
I haven't touched mine since Sunday. And before that, Saturday, but before that probably Wednesday. I don't carry it all that often -- I'm often in situations where it would get damaged or wet or whatever...so it sits safely stowed away at home.
02/22/2005 07:50:55 PM · #16
the printed ciphers and signs on my 1 year-old handy Fuji f700 hardly visible no more by now
02/22/2005 07:53:13 PM · #17
I like to always have one with me. The rebel was too much to carry though, so I bought the Canon S1, which isn't small but fits in my jacket pocket. Still smaller than my old (broken) G2 and I used to carry that everywhere.

To keep it portable, I didn't buy the filter adapter and so I can't have a UV or polarizer attached (that's what made my G2 pretty big). But it's a nice camera!

I have three lenses for my Rebel now in addition to the kit lens, which I don't use anymore. I have to say, even when I'm going to shoot pictures, it's too much damn stuff to carry around. There's no way I'm taking all that stuff on vacation (plus my laptop). I can't wait until someone makes a decent 10-300mm superzoom lens. :)

02/22/2005 07:58:50 PM · #18
Originally posted by BradP:

Originally posted by Kylie:

All the time (except when the husband starts threatening divorce) (except when I'm saving lives...)

Mmmm, maybe a documentary next time . . . .
02/22/2005 08:05:49 PM · #19
not nearly often enough. Missed heaps of opps. That will learn me
02/22/2005 08:10:02 PM · #20
I almost always have my whole rig either with me or nearby in the car. I carry it all along with my laptop in a tamrac 759 backpack, so may as well keep it all with me. So much to take pictures of in alaska tho, you never know when a moose will want to chat...
02/22/2005 08:10:23 PM · #21
I normally have 3 cameras on me at one time. 1 Sony for snapshots, 1 setup for wideangle, and the Panasonic ready for those tele shots.
02/22/2005 08:29:30 PM · #22
I carry mine all the time.... a factor which makes my family and friends a tad jittery... always fearing I might catch them in an unflattering pose (hehehhehe.... and I will in time)

02/22/2005 09:21:24 PM · #23
Always have everything with me in the Backpack...even carry camera on smoke breaks and lunch at work...
02/22/2005 09:25:16 PM · #24
It's virtually always in the car when the car leaves home...
02/22/2005 09:30:50 PM · #25
I've been trying to take it every time i leave the house
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